Nigel Farage: Tells it Like He's Got Cannonballs


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
You all should be fired!
[ame=]You Should ALL Be Held Accountable For What You've Done! - YouTube[/ame]

EUE Bribing Croatia to Join EU!
[ame=]Nigel Farage: EU bribing independent Croatia to rejoin a 'new Yugoslavia' - YouTube[/ame]

This is how Police States Begin
[ame=]How Dictatorships Begin - State of Emergency - Democracy Suspended - Unelected Rule [Nigel Farage] - YouTube[/ame]

EU Becoming an Orwellian Police State
Nigel Farage: Europe Is Becoming An Orwelian Police State, Ruled By Unelectable Madmen, Which May Soon Be Overrun With Violence | ZeroHedge

Today, Farage made a repeat appearance on King World News continuing with his warning that the one most likely outcome of Europe continuing on its autopilot course will be one the culminates with "violence and extremism." To wit: “Nobody dares to admit that they got this whole thing wrong...Once people realize that who they vote for in general elections has become no more than a charade, then if they want to change things, all they are left with is civil disobedience and violence, and we’re beginning to see this already. In Greece we are seeing small terrorist style attacks that are taking place on EU buildings that are taking place against EU officials...So what happens if you rob people of their rights is they will turn to violence and they will turn to extremism, and that is why I believe these people to be so dangerous."

And some other choice quotes:

"Increasingly people see the EU flag as a sign of imperialism. A modern form of imperialism."
"Europe may well surive this time around, but a man named Norman Lamont, said if they surive this crisis, they won't survive the next crisis, because they are being held in contempt by the public.
"This whole project, this whole dream, this whole modern marxism, has been imposed upon the people of Europe, without their view being sought, and in the case of France and the Netherlands, when they did give their opinion, they simply ignored them and continued"
"We are almost at that junction where unless we can persuade these politicians to give us free and fair referendums so that we can decide our future, then we are heading, I am afraid, for some very, very dark days in Europe."
The EU is the "abolition of democracy, and in my opinion it is turning our backs on what all those that went before us did in two devastating world wars, because they fought and died so that we the peoples of Europe could be free people, free from tyrrany, and living in democracy."
"Complete madness has overcome the European Union: on the broader point there are those here who do see the European project a staging post to one world government"

And to confirm his charges against the EU:
Eurozone To Avoid Any Popular Vote In Treaty Change | ZeroHedge

Why bother with the one true barbarous relic - democracy - when good ole' fascism will suffice. As The Telegraph's Bruno Waterfield reports, "EU to avoid any votes - parliamentary or popular on treaty change - via obscure Lisbon Treaty 'passerelle' clause, Art. 126 (14) via protocol 12. "This decision does not require ratification at national level. This procedure could therefore lead to rapid and significant changes," says confidential Van Rompuy text. Funnily enough, only Britain will have to have a parliamentary vote under the Tories recent Sovereignty Act even though it is eurozone only changes." And that is how a bunch of corrupt kleptocratic incompetent eurocrats usurp all power in a regime now entirely controlled by Goldman Sachs. Unless, of course, the UK once again stops the insurgent takeover of the insolvent continent by the squid.

Nigel catches an EU minister telling a lie (lol)

Nigels points out the failures of the EU

Nigel's called shots regarding EU policies

Highlight video of Nigels speeches
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