Nielsen ratings: 42.5 million tune in to hear Joe Biden at DNC - trumps all

doubtful he's a funny senile old turd.

Name one incidence from the speech where he stuck his foot in his mouth.

Bidenisms - Joe Biden Gaffes and Biden Quotes - Updated Frequently

Got a couple of hardy hars off that.. Not as many as Palinisms though. The phrase Romneyism is picking up steam and he might have enough for his own website soon.

Anyway those are pretty good Nielsens considering the poor planning. They still knocked it out of the park ratings-wise with football and the VMAs. I think ESPN said the season opener had close to 25 million viewers so for them to cream that is pretty commendable. Honey Boo Boo getting more ratings than the RNC is hilarious, but it's also bad news in terms of where we want to be as a country. 14% tuning in? Yikes.
Yup, you watch to see how many idiotic mistakes and stupid shit he says. Been going on for quite sometime.

Yep. Folks just tuned to see him insert foot in mouth one more time.

I'm sure Romney is glad Joe ain't his running mate. Jeeze.
Can't wait for the Biden/Ryan debate, that's if Ryan has the guts to show up!


Biden handed Ryan all the weapons he needs

'"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." Biden April 2010

"The unemployed are really in trouble. My grandpop used to say — from Scranton — he said, Joey, the guy in Dunmore, the next town over, when the guy in Dunmore is out of work it's an economic slowdown. When your brother in law is out of work it's a recession. When you're out of work it's a depression. It's a depression for millions and millions of Americans." -- Joe Biden July 2012
<snip>Yes people enjoy a good laugh so they watched Biden to see how far he would stick his foot in his mouth.

Guess he disappointed a lot of people huh?

With Joe it's just a question of time, Meson. I hate to break this to you but Joe Biden is dumb as a box of rocks. He's spent his entire career in politics because he couldn't survive out in the private sector. The reason you have to plagiarize the work of someone else is that you're too stupid to come up with something yourself. Joe Biden is a serial plagiarizer which means he is WAY stupid.

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