Nicki Haley Pinata at AFL-CIO meeting

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=]SC AFL-CIO President Donna Dewitt Whacks Nikki Haley Pinata - YouTube[/ame]
Liesmatters will love this, her people an all ya know. ! I am sure she will have one on her birthday.... damn violent dem that she is.
If a Republican did this to a pinata of Pelosi, the Dems would call it a death threat. I expect overreation from the left, but doubt the right will feign shock over this. It's childish and they are dumb asses for taping it.
If a Republican did this to a pinata of Pelosi, the Dems would call it a death threat. I expect overreation from the left, but doubt the right will feign shock over this. It's childish and they are dumb asses for taping it.

Rather my point about liesmatters. She would be frothing at the mouth.
Golly...Where's all this talk from the leftards about civility now?

But it's funny when the left does it.

Some liberals applauded the movie where Bush gets assassinated, but that's okay. People disagree with Obama and they are accused of racism.

Tea party members held signs against Obama's policies and were accused of violence. OWS raped, assaulted, robbed and even murdered, but the media called them a righteous protest group.

The liberal anchors made comments about hoping Cheney's body would reject his heart transplant and they laughed. Palin used target symbols on a map and was accused of instigating the shooting in Arizona.

Limbaugh got bashed for calling Fluke a slut for claiming she went through $3,000 of contraceptive during her time at college. Maher called Palin a horrible name and even insulted her baby, but that's okay.

Different standards. I don't get shook up by most of it, but have to call the liberals out on their hypocrisy.
I'm trying to image the wailing if at some Tea Party get together folks were smacking around a pinata with some well know lefty's puss on it, preferably a black person so Al and Jesse could endanger each other in yet another elbow fight for position in front of the nearest TV camera.
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Unions are run by thuggish assholes. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Democrats are all class huh?
Great video... Whacko's whacking!!!!! Really scary how intellectually immature these people really are, and it's unnerving that they actually do obtain positions of power, and authority. God help us.
Great video... Whacko's whacking!!!!! Really scary how intellectually immature these people really are, and it's unnerving that they actually do obtain positions of power, and authority. God help us.

What's really unnerving to me is these clowns vote and procreate.

Exactly!!! Who needs Terrorists to fear when we have these nutjobs actually holding positions of authority in some cases.
Next thing you know these pussified democrats will be getting all hysterical over "targeting" their opponents.......................Imbeciles
If it had been Obama's face on that pinata, Democrats would be having epileptic fits on every 24-hour news station we've got.

And hey...Haley is Indian-American, that makes this racist. No? That applies to just Obama too?

She's also a woman, which means....wait....what? That doesn't matter either?
If it had been Obama's face on that pinata, Democrats would be having epileptic fits on every 24-hour news station we've got.

And hey...Haley is Indian-American, that makes this racist. No? That applies to just Obama too?

She's also a woman, which means....wait....what? That doesn't matter either?

All it means is that is the calibur of Union folks unfortunately. Don't like something? Beat them down until they capitulate. (Yeah I understand this was in effigy)...

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