NFL ratings down 10% YOY...why?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Kneeling for the National Anthem?
make no mistake, CTE is going to be the end of the NFL....I'm just not sure how long it will take.
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The NFL glorifies violence, we need to do away with tackle football in exchange to flag football -- oh and more Asian players. Where's the diversity?
There's lots of reasons . The never ending replays drive me insane .

Don't forget , there's also a pro Kap boycott going on.
Kneeling for the National Anthem?
make no mistake, CTE is going to be the end of the NFL....I'm just no sure how long it will take.

Why? Good question. Why are ratings down for football... baseball....... basketball.... hockey.... even NASCAR? They're all down together. You can figure that out if you're into sociocultural studies and let us know what you come up with.

What you can't do is cherrypick one out of the bunch and plug in your own cherrypicked causation while ignoring how those other sports don't apply.

And by the way, already pointed out I think to you directly ---- this is SEPTEMBER. That means it's still baseball season, and it also means NFL games don't get meaningful for another two months at least.

That said --- no clue what "YOY" or "CTE" mean.
Watching thugs bang each other is a stupid thing to pay for since you can go watch it for free in your local inner city, although it's a lot safer in the stands I guess.
Here is a list of former players with CTE:

Khalid Abdullah[68]
Robert Abraham[69]
Sid Abramowitz[70]
Ronald Acks[71]
George Adams[72]
Henry Adams[73]
Keith Adams[74]
Robert Adams[75]
Vashone Adams[71]
Margene Adkins[69]
Scott Admas[74]
Luis Aguiar[75]
Chidi Ahanatu[76]
Chidi Ahanatu[77]
David Ahrens[69]
Samaji Akili[69]
Arnold Ale[78]
David Alexander[79]
Vernest Alexander[70]
Roc Alexander[78]
Charles Alexander, Jr.[80]
Eric Allen[81]
Dalva Allen[82]
James Althoff[73]
Martin Amsler[83]
Michael Andersen[74]
Alfred Anderson[79]
Alfred Anderson[71]
Fred Anderson[69]
Fred Anderson[77]
Kim Anderson[84]
Richard Anderson[69]
Erick Anderson[81]
Jamal Anderson[85]
Donny Anderson[73]
Ottis Anderson[86]
Charles Anthony[69]
Charles Anthony[87]
Reidel Anthony[69]
Cornelius Anthony[73]
Lionel Antoine[69]
Shellye Archambeau[75]
Jojuan Armour[88]
Harvey Armstrong[69]
Richard Arndt[71]
Mark Arneson[69]
Mark Arneson[71]
Jon Arnett[89]
James Arnold[90]
James Arnold[71]
Peter Athas[69]
Mike Augustyniak[69]
William Austin[83]
Reginald Austin[91]
Robert Avellini[75]
John Avery[92]
Steve Baack[76]
Steve Baack[77]
Charlie Babb[70]
Robert Babich[71]
Curtis Baham[93]
Robert Bailey[91]
Karsten Bailey[85]
Mario Bailey[87]
Elmer Bailey[76]
Elmer Bailey[77]
William Bain[82]
Ralph Baker[78]
Brian Baldinger[92]
Gary Baldinger[74]
Richard Baldinger[78]
Sam Ball[82]
John Banaszak[69]
Mike Banks[94]
Fred Banks[85]
Warren Bankston[92]
Michael Bankston[87]
Gary Barbbaro[95]
Christopher Barber[79]
Roy Barker[96]
Jerome Barkum[97]
Reggie Barlow[96]
Kevan Barlow[96]
Larry Barnes[98]
Jeff Barnes[69]
Allen Barnes[69]
Lew Barnes[74]
Fred Barnett[88]
Timothy Barnett[99]
Fred Barnett[99]
Lemuel Barney[69]
Steve Bartkowski[69]
James Barton[70]
Brian Baschnagel[75]
Idress Bashir[76]
Mike Bass[69]
Eric Bassey[100]
Patrick Bates[94]
Larry Bates[71]
Michael Batiste[78]
Marco Battaglia[94]
James Battle[71]
Steve Baumgartner[71]
Terry Beasley[85]
Aaron Beasley[96]
Derrick Beasley[73]
Doug Beaudoin[69]
Jeff Beaver[74]
Aubrey Beavers[87]
Brett Bech[95]
Kurt Becker[89]
Rogers Beckett[87]
Don Beebe[89]
Thomas Beer[69]
Monty Beisel[74]
Billy Bell[69]
Bruce Bell[75]
Ken Bell[79]
Robert Bell[69]
Nickolas Bell[69]
Grantis Bell[79]
Anthony Bell[82]
Edward Bell[82]
Rodney Bellinger[92]
Woodrow Bennett[98]
Donnell Bennett[96]
Charles Benson[78]
Troy Benson[79]
Mitchell Benson[87]
Peter Bercich[94]
Bob Berry[69]
Joseph "Berry" Brown[98]
Gary Berry[70]
Sean Berton[101]
Donald Bessillieu[86]
Eric Beverly[96]
Richard Bielski[79]
Keith Biggers[78]
William "Bill" Cody[69]
William (Bill) Laskey[69]
William "Billy" Shields[69]
Ryon Bingham[94]
Guy Bingham[85]
Joseph Biscaha[78]
Bill Bishop[69]
Harold Bishop[75]
Ken Blackman[74]
Lyle Blackwood[71]
Lyle Blackwood[77]
Willie Blade[96]
Horatio Blades[76]
Brian Blades[76]
Brian Blades[77]
Horatio Blades[77]
Robert Blanchard[83]
Anthony Blaylock[85]
Michael Blazitz[87]
Phillip Bobo[76]
Joseph Bock[82]
Dominec Boddie[71]
Nicholas Bolkovac[69]
Andrew Bolton[78]
Ronald Bolton[83]
Scott Bolzan[71]
Vaughn Booker[91]
Ryan Boschetti[94]
Keith Bostic[87]
Michael Boulware[94]
Emil Boures[78]
Sam Bowers[78]
Charles Bowser[87]
Gregory Boyd[69]
Brent Boyd[69]
Bobby Boyd[71]
Greg Bracelin[83]
Henry Bradley[71]
Henry Bradley[69]
Otha Bradley[71]
Kyle Brady[87]
Stephen Braggs[74]
Dennis Bragonier[73]
Daniel Brandenburg[90]
David Brandon[85]
Scot Brantley[98]
Melvin Bratton[91]
Robert Brazile[68]
Jeffrey Bregel[83]
Jeffrey Bregel[96]
John Brewer[69]
Greg Brewton[74]
James Brian Duncan[69]
Lamont Brightful[96]
Vincent Brisby[96]
Jerry Broadnax[73]
Vaughn Broadnax[89]
Timothy Broady[85]
John Brodie[75]
Kevin Brooks[87]
Michael Brooks[75]
Michael Brooks[70]
James Brophy[78]
Luther Broughton[89]
Steven Broussard[85]
Robert L. Brown[76]
Ronald Brown[73]
Terry Brown[87]
Gregory Brown[102]
Aaron Brown[78]
Raymond Brown[69]
Edward Brown[89]
Reggie Brown[91]
Cedric Brown[98]
Cedric Brown[75]
Fakhir Brown[100]
Lomas Brown[103]
Chad Brown[96]
Deauntae Brown[96]
Regilyn Brown[96]
Reginald Brown[87]
Charles Brown[71]
Lance Brown[71]
Roger Brown[89]
Curtis Brown[85]
Ross Browner[85]
Keith Browner[85]
J. Bruce Jarvis[69]
Robert Brunet[76]
Lydia Brunet[77]
Jeffrey Bryant[85]
Warren Bryant[85]
Maurice Bryant[87]
Leonard "Bubba" Jr. McDowell[69]
Vince Buck[93]
Robert Buczkowski[94]
Edward Budde[100]
Dan Buenning[104]
Daniel Buggs[85]
Rudolph Bukich[98]
Norman Bulaich[78]
Courtland Bullard[92]
Jarrod Bunch[83]
Jim Bundren[105]
James Burgess[92]
Bobby Burnett[82]
Joe Burns[85]
Jeff Burris[86]
Noah Burroughs[69]
Derrick Burroughs[79]
Kenneth Burrow[69]
Blair Bush[70]
Andy Bushak[73]
Dexter Bussey[78]
Michael Butler[71]
Raymond Butler[85]
Robert Butler[76]
Robert Butler[77]
Leroy Butler[92]
Duane Butler[96]
Keith Byars[92]
Carl Byrum[83]
William C. Bradley[86]
Thomas C., II Randolph[86]
R.C. Owens[69]
Mike C. Richardson[86]
Michael C. Williams[100]
James Cadile[78]
William Cahill[69]
Kenneth Callicut[106]
Kenneth Callicutt[83]
Christopher Calloway[86]
Richard Camarillo[71]
Kirk Cameron Jones[86]
Lamar Campbell[91]
Woodrow Campbell[83]
James Cannida[70]
John Cappelletti[69]
Joe Carmen[107]
Albert Carmichael[100]
Brett Carolan[73]
Joseph Carollo[82]
William Carr[85]
Roger Carr[69]
Alphonso Carreker[85]
Paul Carrington[90]
Travis Carroll[85]
Jonathan Carter[87]
Michael Carter[70]
Rubin Carter[71]
Dale Carter[81]
Lavonya Carter[85]
Allen Carter[69]
Virgil Carter[90]
Lavonya Carter[78]
Johndale Carty[85]
Melvin Carver[69]
Shante Carver[86]
Scott Case[78]
Richard Cash[71]
Tom Cassese[92]
Mark Catano[78]
Carmen Cavalli[70]
Mario Celotto[69]
Eugene Ceppetelli[100]
Gordon Ceresino[78]
Byron Chamberlain[96]
Dionna Chambers[96]
Chris Chambers[96]
Robert Chancey[85]
Lindsey Chapman[76]
John Charles[79]
Michael Cheever[75]
Darrin Chiaverini[81]
Mark Chmura[100]
Jason Chorak[74]
Herbert Christopher[85]
Earl Christy[69]
Jeffrey Christy[100]
Greg Christy[74]
Charles (Chuck) Mercein[69]
Eugene Chung[74]
Vinny Ciurciu[94]
Darryl Clack[87]
Kenneth Clark[94]
Randy Clark[70]
Stephen Clark[85]
Wayne Clark[82]
Reginald Clark[69]
Mario Clark[82]
Gail Clark[73]
Jamal Clark[87]
Vincent Clark[81]
Kenneth Clarke[91]
Raymond Clayborn[86]
Felipe Claybrooks[85]
Harvey Clayton[76]
Harvey Clayton[77]
Cam Cleeland[96]
Cleophus "Cleo" Miller[69]
Jonathan Clinkscale[87]
Michael Cloud[94]
Michael Cloud[98]
Ben Coates[96]
Tony Coats[78]
Garry Cobb[73]
Marvin Cobb[89]
Joe Cocozzo[92]
Sherman Cocroft[74]
Ron Coder[69]
Gail Cogdill[71]
Daniel Colchico[69]
Larry Cole[73]
Roderick Coleman[85]
Cosey Coleman[85]
Anthony Collins[86]
Frank Collins[82]
Glen Collins[100]
Glen Collins[71]
Mark Collins[75]
Mo Collins[73]
Calvin Collins[85]
Shawn Collins[73]
Ben Colman[96]
James Colvin[73]
Charles Commiskey[93]
Glen Condren[73]
Mike Connelly[73]
John Connon[78]
Scott Conover[78]
John Contoulis[78]
Edward Cooke[70]
William Cooke[69]
Robert Cooksey[85]
Robert Coons[71]
Chris Cooper[96]
Mark Cooper[69]
Deke Cooper[85]
Jarrod Cooper[96]
Obadiah Cooper[87]
Danny Copeland[85]
Horace Copeland[99]
Gowdy Cornell[76]
Quentin Coryatt[94]
Quentin Coryatt[70]
Douglas Cosbie[69]
Marcia Cosma[76]
David Costa[69]
Paul Costa[70]
Mark Cotney[69]
James Cotton[96]
Marcus Cotton[89]
Terry Cousin[75]
James Covert[69]
Anthony Covington[86]
Arthur Cox[91]
Tom Cox[81]
Eric Crabtree[87]
Neal Craig[69]
Francisco Craig[99]
Vernon Crawford[96]
Joe Cribbs[69]
Henri Crockett[96]
Keaton Cromartie[93]
Peter Cronan[69]
Cleveland Crosby[87]
Ronald Crosby[78]
David Crossan[74]
Charles Crow[73]
Lindon Crow[83]
Harry Crump[99]
Robert Cryder[73]
James Culbreath[75]
Curley Culp[71]
Brad Culpepper[90]
Carl Cunningham[70]
Michael Curcio[85]
James Curis White[78]
William Curran[69]
Craig Curry[69]
Eric Curry[76]
George Curry[76]
Eric Curry[77]
George Curry[77]
Tom Curtis[69]
Randy Cuthbert[75]
J. D. Hill[87]
A.D. Lester[70]
D.D. Lewis[89]
Carl D. Smith[70]
Lewis D. Tilman[86]
Dave D'Addio[100]
Michael D'Amato[75]
Lional Dalton[96]
Antico Dalton[87]
William Daniel[69]
Matthew Darby[87]
Chatric Darby[96]
Trey Darilek[107]
Don Davey[75]
Richard David Preston[79]
Kenneth Davidson[87]
Johnny Davis[71]
Kenneth Davis[79]
Oliver Davis[87]
Ronald Davis[75]
Mitchell Davis[85]
Wallace Davis[85]
Elgin Davis[75]
Al Davis[90]
Dexter Davis[82]
Tyrone Davis[73]
Thabiti Davis[87]
Russell Davis[89]
Wendell Davis[78]
Troy Davis[79]
Frederick Dean[71]
Joe Delamielleure[69]
Joe DeLamielleure[77]
Greg DeLong[96]
Robert Delpino[81]
Bob Demarco[79]
John Demarie[70]
Glenn Derby[83]
Brian Deroo[73]
Chuck Detwiler[78]
Alex Dexter Johnson[75]
Richard (Dick) Schafrath[84]
Anthony Dickerson[89]
Curtis Dickey[85]
Scott Dierking[92]
Christian Dieterich[71]
Stacey Dillard[87]
Douglas Dilts[71]
Gennaro DiNapoli[104]
Adrain Dingle[87]
Robert Dirico[70]
Ernest Dixon[91]
Floyd Dixon[85]
Corey Dixon[95]
Hanford Dixon[87]
Herbert Dobbins[69]
Conrad Dobler[69]
Kirk Dodge[89]
Jason Doering[78]
Stephen Doig[76]
Stephen Doig[77]
Christopher Doleman[85]
Jeff Donaldson[81]
Doug Donley[78]
Garry (Donny) Anderson[69]
Michael Donohoe[90]
Coy Donohue[73]
Thomas Donquail[85]
Matthew Dorsett[87]
Tony Dorsett[99]
Eric Dorsey[85]
Reginald Doss[73]
A Doug Easlick[107]
Rome Douglas[87]
Maurice Douglas[78]
David Douglas[73]
Scott Dragos[101]
Troy Drayton[96]
Douglas Dressler[78]
L. Drew Buie[71]
Shane Dronett[108]
James Druckenmiller[107]
Mark Duda[75]
Adam Duhe[70]
Chris Duliban[78]
Jonathan Dumbauld[78]
Jamie Duncan[85]
Kenneth Dunek[75]
London Dunlap[87]
Leonard Dunlap[70]
Marcus Dupree[68]
Pete Duranko[109]
Sandy Durko[71]
Dusty Dvoracek[96]
Bobby E., Jr. Abrams[99]
Charles E. Miller[86]
James E. Robbins[86]
John E. Rogers[92]
Joseph E. Thomas[110]
James E. Willis[86]
Marion Earl Cooper[83]
Darrel Earl Jones[92]
Robin Earl[83]
Kenneth Easley[69]
Irvin Eatman[89]
Scott Eaton[69]
Chad Eaton[100]
Tracey Eaton[70]
John Ebersole[76]
John Ebersole[77]
Brad Edelman[69]
Kalimba Edewards[96]
Chris Edmonds[90]
Marc Edwards[85]
Robert Edwards[106]
Mario Edwards[96]
Tyrone Edwards[87]
Ronald Egloff[71]
Charles Ehin[74]
Gary Ellerson[79]
Ray Ellis[75]
Richard Ellis[83]
Edward Ellis[96]
Craig Ellis[69]
Kenneth Ellis[89]
Dave Elmendorf[73]
James Elrod[99]
Bert Emanuel[78]
Derek Engler[92]
Phillip Epps[74]
Paul Ernster[90]
Michael Esposito[75]
Lawrence Estes[100]
L. Ethan Albright[107]
Gregory Evans[76]
Larry Evans[74]
Michael Evans[111]
Major Everett[91]
Kevin Everett[73]
Steve Everitt[79]
Tony F., Jr. Cline[69]
Nuu Faaola[92]
James Fahnhorst[75]
Terry Fair[91]
This CTE shit is NOT going away:

In 2017, post-football, Doctors have told Garner they believe he has Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, which in recent years has become a plague for former NFL players. It can only be diagnosed post-mortem.

"I don't have all my faculties anymore," Garner said. "I can't remember things. When I go to the mall or grocery store, I have to take one of my kids with me to remember where the car is parked. I have trouble remembering conversations I had five minutes ago. Bright lights bother me. I just don't feel right all the time."

^ New and improved NFL
Watching thugs bang each other is a stupid thing to pay for since you can go watch it for free in your local inner city, although it's a lot safer in the stands I guess.

You must have never attended an Eagles game. lol
It's racist for White billionaires to get tax subsidies and make billions of dollars off of brain damaged minority gladiators.

How is it not?
Kneeling for the National Anthem?.
make no mistake, CTE is going to be the end of the NFL....I'm just no sure how long it will take.
NFL ratings are down because their product sucks ass.

That's one factor. But these 'ratings' are down across the board for all sports. And NASCAR too, even though that's not a 'sport'.
NBA ratings are not down. I think Jim is right that the NFL sucks, but there is a new group of qbs coming out of college. I mean it's getting old watching Brady, and PFM was clogging it up too.

The "protests" probably don't help with "live" attendance. But there you really do have not just sucky teams in a lot of smaller market areas but also the cost of live attendance. Television viewership is a harder issue to get a handle on. Cord cutting is a factor. And we can get "illegal" feeds pretty easily, thereby avoiding paying for costly satellite and cable league passes.
There are numerous reasons the product they are putting on the field is getting worse more people are cutting the cord and streaming the games and yes the politics. Sports, movies, TV, music used to be people's escape or diversion from politics and stress of daily life now you get it with there as well I think people are tuning out in part because it's the only way to get a break from this shit. I didn't watch the Emmys because I knew how political that was going to be I didn't watch a single football game yesterday for the same reason.
There are numerous reasons the product they are putting on the field is getting worse more people are cutting the cord and streaming the games and yes the politics. Sports, movies, TV, music used to be people's escape or diversion from politics and stress of daily life now you get it with there as well I think people are tuning out in part because it's the only way to get a break from this shit. I didn't watch the Emmys because I knew how political that was going to be I didn't watch a single football game yesterday for the same reason.
And more and more people are having that same epiphany.

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