NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“In democracies, we the people get the government we deserve. We also get the celebrities we deserve, the artists we deserve, and the athletes we deserve. Because ultimately, we the people get to decide who and what gets our attention, and who and what does not.”

“Right now the NFL, the players who choose to kneel, the networks who choose to broadcast their protest, the advertisers who sponsor the games, and the President of the United States, are all eager for our attention. And they are all using football to get it. That’s all well and good, right up to the point where it isn’t.

In my view, this controversy really isn’t about patriotism, social justice, racial inequality, or free speech. It’s not even about the flag or the national anthem. It’s really only about one thing – what we will tolerate, and what we won’t.”

“I was disappointed last night, to hear President Trump encourage owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the anthem. Not because I dispute the owners right to do so, and not because I would grieve the dismissal of anyone who chooses to disrespect our flag. I was disappointed because the President’s comments presuppose that the owners are in charge of the game.

They’re not. We are. We decide what to watch, and that decision – far more than any other consideration – will determine the what the owners choose to do. And that in turn will affect what the players choose to do.”

As the leader of the country, the President had an opportunity to remind us that The NFL, the networks who broadcast their games, and all of the players – standers and kneelers alike – work for us. He might have also used the occasion to remind us that he too, serves at our pleasure.”

“I felt a similar bemusement when the Commissioner issued his response, followed by the President of the Player’s Union. Their comments – along with the comments of many of the players themselves – were perfectly reasonable, perfectly understandable, and perfectly in keeping with their first amendment rights. But they were also perfectly arrogant. Because they too, presuppose that millions of fans will continue to watch them play a game – no matter what.”

As Mike Rowe stated earlier, it all comes down now to what the American people will tolerate and what they will not. I guess we will find out the answer to that in the weeks to months to come.

Mike Rowe Blasts Everyone Involved In The NFL-National Anthem Protests
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

Democrat Voters are always dumb racist bigots.
The Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as Black suspects and the Snowflakes have never protested for them.
It is very obvious that the NFL Kneelers are racist cretins.
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

Because in many ways they are two of a kind, but lack the introspection to see it.

It is not about freedom of speech it is about when to exercise your right to freedom of speech.

People pay good money to watch these guys play a game and aren't paying to watch protests.
The funniest thing to emerge from these protests is that the guy being hailed as a hero for coming out of the tunnel to stand with his hand over his heart is an anchor baby citizen.
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.
Not sure why the Right would want to be as intolerant to opposing views as the Regressive Left.

Because in many ways they are two of a kind, but lack the introspection to see it.

It is not about freedom of speech it is about when to exercise your right to freedom of speech.

People pay good money to watch these guys play a game and aren't paying to watch protests.

To me, it's really neither of those things. It's about keeping the populace outrage and distracted by the more serious issues facing our nation.
Yep. The real winners here are the division pimps on both ends. The last thing they want is for us to communicate with each other and solve problems together.

Kneeling football players, Confederate statues, trannies in bathrooms are emotional molehills to keep us squabbling while the debt continues to skyrocket, the middle class continues to shrink, and, wages continue to stagnant.
Yep. The real winners here are the division pimps on both ends. The last thing they want is for us to communicate with each other and solve problems together.
Kneeling football players, Confederate statues, trannies in bathrooms are emotional molehills to keep us squabbling while the debt continues to skyrocket, the middle class continues to shrink, and, wages continue to stagnant.
I do have to wonder, though, if it's more just intellectual laziness than misdirection.

You can't fit the solution to the problems you list on a bumper sticker or a protest sign. They require effort.

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