NEWT poll out. NEWT "on top"


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
I am not a major fan of Newt, but I readily confess he has done a very good job at the debates from what I have witnessed.

The breaking news headline at Drudge links to a poll showing Newt is now on top of the GOP contenders in the polling. Gingrich takes the lead - Public Policy Polling

Mr. Cain has dropped to a close second place, but still dropped and still second.

The amazingly irresponsible and still totally unsubstantiated orchestrated smear campaign against Mr. Cain has, evidently, had some real impact.

Still, if this moment were frozen in place, and the outcome of the GOP race were to be a Cain/Newt or a Newt/Cain tandem, I would be very satisfied.

President Obama's first and ONLY term will come to a very definitive end if the GOP can get its collective shit together.

Forget Ron Paul. FORGET Romney. Forget Perry of course. Forget Bachmann. There's nothing to remember about Huntsman.

CAIN and Newt or Newt and Cain. I can live with that.

But I guaran-fucking-tee you that the lame stream media (official propagandists of the liberal Democrat Parody and Obama Administration) are not done yet.

They are actively trying to pick the GOP candidate. They will now open fire on Newt.

They would prefer Huntsman. But they will "settle" for Romney.

Wait and see. It's a lock. The propagandist media WILL engage in more gutter-sniping. No doubt about it.
Dread the Fred. :lol:

I don't see the connection. That sounds like the sophistry I get a lot here from dimwit libs.

Each of THEM considers himself (or herself) original, too.

But my support of that frustratingly inept Fred Thompson campaign of 3 to four years ago has nothing to do with the new(t) poll that just came out.
I am not a major fan of Newt, but I readily confess he has done a very good job at the debates from what I have witnessed.

The breaking news headline at Drudge links to a poll showing Newt is now on top of the GOP contenders in the polling. Gingrich takes the lead - Public Policy Polling

Mr. Cain has dropped to a close second place, but still dropped and still second.

The amazingly irresponsible and still totally unsubstantiated orchestrated smear campaign against Mr. Cain has, evidently, had some real impact.

Still, if this moment were frozen in place, and the outcome of the GOP race were to be a Cain/Newt or a Newt/Cain tandem, I would be very satisfied.

President Obama's first and ONLY term will come to a very definitive end if the GOP can get its collective shit together.

Forget Ron Paul. FORGET Romney. Forget Perry of course. Forget Bachmann. There's nothing to remember about Huntsman.

CAIN and Newt or Newt and Cain. I can live with that.

But I guaran-fucking-tee you that the lame stream media (official propagandists of the liberal Democrat Parody and Obama Administration) are not done yet.

They are actively trying to pick the GOP candidate. They will now open fire on Newt.

They would prefer Huntsman. But they will "settle" for Romney.

Wait and see. It's a lock. The propagandist media WILL engage in more gutter-sniping. No doubt about it.
One thing to remember of Huntsman was his attempt to be Reaganesque in the place he chose to make his announcement...that's about it.

His rhetoric during that 'speech' had ZERO marks of Reagan whom went for the throat of the problem...Huntsman was talking milquetoast.

That's how *I* will remember Huntsman's entry into the fray.
So newty is the new flavor of the week in this gop/tea party dog and pony show.

Wooooo Hoooooo!
Newt has displayed an incredible grasp of the issues during the debates and throughout his career. He has depth and experience- two things Obama lacks.

I'd love to see him debate Obama, he'd tear him up!
I am not a major fan of Newt, but I readily confess he has done a very good job at the debates from what I have witnessed.

The breaking news headline at Drudge links to a poll showing Newt is now on top of the GOP contenders in the polling. Gingrich takes the lead - Public Policy Polling

Mr. Cain has dropped to a close second place, but still dropped and still second.

The amazingly irresponsible and still totally unsubstantiated orchestrated smear campaign against Mr. Cain has, evidently, had some real impact.

Still, if this moment were frozen in place, and the outcome of the GOP race were to be a Cain/Newt or a Newt/Cain tandem, I would be very satisfied.

President Obama's first and ONLY term will come to a very definitive end if the GOP can get its collective shit together.

Forget Ron Paul. FORGET Romney. Forget Perry of course. Forget Bachmann. There's nothing to remember about Huntsman.

CAIN and Newt or Newt and Cain. I can live with that.

But I guaran-fucking-tee you that the lame stream media (official propagandists of the liberal Democrat Parody and Obama Administration) are not done yet.

They are actively trying to pick the GOP candidate. They will now open fire on Newt.

They would prefer Huntsman. But they will "settle" for Romney.

Wait and see. It's a lock. The propagandist media WILL engage in more gutter-sniping. No doubt about it.
The media will take Newt...Not only is he a nice wormy little establishment insider, he also showed back in '95-'96 that he's no match for them...Problem being that as prez he can't just resign and leave town with his tail between his legs.
I am skeptical that today's Newt is the same as the Newt from 15 years ago.

People change over time.
Since Newt is now identified as the "flavor of the week" (a new canned and re-hashed phrase of the liberal elitists), it is indeed his turn to come under fire.

They will attack -- WILL attack -- him for some of his sordid personal choices. Not at all unexpected.

Then they will go after him for flipping and flopping -- which actually does have a little merit.

Then they will return to the personal attacks.

Let's remember, the POINT of the exercise (the politicis of personal destruction) is that the liberal Democratics believe THEY should be deciding not just who runs on THEIR side but also who runs on their opposition side. They would undoubtedly prefer Huntsman. Their calculations probably advise them that they lack the ability to pull that off. So they will happily support Romney by targeting everyone who poses any kind of GOP threat to his nomination.

It is not even a question. It is inevitable.

The ONLY question is to what extent the GOP will tolerate that obvious interloping behavior and "let" those ass-munches determine WHO the GOP will nominate.
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Since Newt is now identified as the "flavor of the week" (a new canned and re-hashed phrase of the liberal elitists), it is indeed his turn to come under fire.

They will attack -- WILL attack -- him for some of his sordid personal choices. Not at all unexpected.

Then they will go after him for flipping and flopping -- which actually does have a little merit.

Then they will return to the personal attacks.

Let's remember, the POINT of the exercise (the politicis of personal destruction) is thst the liberal Democratics believe THEY should be deciding not just who runs on THEIR side but also who runs on their opposition side. They would undoubtedly prefer Huntsman. Their calculations probably adivse them that they lack the ability to pull that off. So they will happily support Romney by targeting everyone who poses any kind of GOP threat to his nomination.

It is not even a question. It is inevitable.

The ONLY question is to what extent the GOP will tolerate that obvious interloping behavior and "let" those ass-munches determine WHO the GOP will nominate.
The Media will join in to steer the unwashed toward Romney...the choice of the Left, and the GOP elite...because it's HIS TURN like McCain before him:eusa_shhh:
Newt has displayed an incredible grasp of the issues during the debates and throughout his career. He has depth and experience- two things Obama lacks.

I'd love to see him debate Obama, he'd tear him up!

Man I'd pay to see that. Newt would make Obama look like a little boy. the drubbing Obama would get would be plenty enough for Newt to overcome any democrat smear campaign

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