Newt On Fire! Hammers ObamaCare and Media -video

I love Newt. I didn't think he was electable, but that might be changing.

He is without a doubt the smartest guy who's interested in being president. I would love to see him debate the Big 0. He could catalogue the disaster that has been the Obama Administration from the pervasive corruption in the various executive agencies to the crony capitalism to the the theft of tax dollars throughout the stimulus wastes and so on.

He refuses to play the game the media wants him to play and, like a chess master playing a chess novice is several moves ahead before the media drones can finish their half baked attack questions.

The media will try to assassinate him and the Republican elite will try to undermine him.

He is this generation's Teddy Roosevelt.

He is in support of a health care mandate. Romney had the courage to enforce a mandate yet you all critizise him for that position. It's okay if Newt suggests it, but hammer Romney because he did it. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree that the gravy train should be over for health care and that everyone, even the poor pay on a sliding scale according to their income, but to sit here and give Newt a high 5 and then trash Mitt for doing it, is quite hypocritical.

Here's a thought. How about we discuss his official, proposed plan for healthcare NOW, rather than a couple of misinterpreted soundbytes? Would that be okay? Because I don't know about anyone else, but I'm voting for Newt because I like his 2011 Contract with America. I'm not voting for Newt Gingrich 1990-whatever.

As I carry the banner in fighting for the repeal of Obamacare, I will advocate for specific replacement health policies that will create a free market framework for healthcare, provide affordable, portable, and reliable healthcare coverage, and establish a healthcare safety net focused on those in need. This system will assure healthcare for all with no individual mandate or employer mandate of any kind.

* * * * *

Instead of an individual mandate penalty for not buying government approved health insurance, the federal tax code should be reformed to provide every American the choice of a generous tax credit or the ability to deduct the value of their health insurance up to a certain amount. The federal tax code should provide the same tax relief for the individual buying his own insurance as the employer providing health insurance to its employees.

This will lower costs for individuals and families, and will make it easier for people to obtain portable insurance they can take with them from job to job. If you don’t like your employer’s insurance, you get the same tax relief if you buy the insurance of your choice. Employers should also be allowed to buy individually-owned insurance for their employees, instead of non-portable, group insurance.

This approach provides a foundation of equal fairness for all, rather than the favoritism and rank discrimination of the Obamacare bureaucracies and the current system.

We should extend Health Savings Accounts throughout the healthcare system. Everyone on Medicare should be free to choose an HSA as part of their coverage if they want it. Everyone on Medicaid should be free to choose an HSA for part of his or her coverage. All workers should be free to use their health insurance tax credit or deduction to choose an HSA in place of their employer-provided health insurance if they desire.

from 2011 Contract with America

THAT is what he proposes to do in place of Obamacare, and THAT is what you are voting for if you vote for Newt. Like it or don't like it, as you please, but let's have no more of this guesswork based on a smokescreen of soundbytes and misinterpretations by the media.

This is exactly part of the reason for Newt's growing appeal. What much of the lamestream media, pundits, etc. just don't get is how tired many of us are of them. And I doubt they'll ever figure it out. They're so smart, important and necessary in their own minds that it's simply not fathomable that many of us have the degree of contempt for them we do.

Like a lot of others the thought of Newt involved in debate with Barry is a delicious prospect for me, but no more so than the other opportunities it will afford him to skewer media pukes when they deserve it.

I love that he takes it to whoever's opposing him at the moment, be it the media or Obama. He may occasionally wax too bombastic in doing so and sound like he's put his foot in it, but I'm so sick and tired of Republicans who refuse to fight, mill around like a bunch of sheep baaahing about "how do we find a compromise so the people won't think we're mean?", and then pull the rug out from under their supporters. I mean, the GOP putting out a memo about "Don't attack Obama, don't say bad things about Obama"? Really? What the fuck is THAT?

I want a candidate who understands this is a fight and comes out swinging, and I think other people do, too. This is why Newt is so popular. He is not ashamed of himself or his positions, and isn't apologizing for daring to hold them. He aims to make the other side apologize for THEIRS.
It's bait and switch. Where is the tea party? You have been given two choices here, Both are establishment GOP. Where is the outrage at the Washington establishment for screwing the TP out of a serious runner in the primaries? Looks like 2010 was the high water mark. All that money, effort and campaigning for nothing. They have told the TP to shut-up and vote, whatcha gonna do about it?
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It's bait and switch. Where is the tea party? You have been given two choices here, Both are establishment GOP. Where is the outrage at the Washington establishment for screwing the TP out of a serious runner in the primaries? Looks like 2010 was the high water mark. All that money, effort and campaigning for nothing. They have told the TP to shut-up and vote, whatcha gonna do about it?

I seem to recall someone saying, repeatedly over the last four years, that this is exactly how it would go down.

Who was that? ....

oh yeah, me! :cool:
It's bait and switch. Where is the tea party? You have been given two choices here, Both are establishment GOP. Where is the outrage at the Washington establishment for screwing the TP out of a serious runner in the primaries? Looks like 2010 was the high water mark. All that money, effort and campaigning for nothing. They have told the TP to shut-up and vote, whatcha gonna do about it?

I seem to recall someone saying, repeatedly over the last four years, that this is exactly how it would go down.

Who was that? ....

oh yeah, me! :cool:

Me too, It should have been obvious to anyone who looked that the further up the TP ladder you looked, the more it looked like the same old GOP money machine.
I am now waiting to see how many pages it takes before someone actually talks about Newt's healthcare policy proposal, rather than "I know he's THIS sort of person", and "his marital history is THIS", and "I'm sure THIS is what he thinks about healthcare, because look at this soundbyte". I'm betting it's at least three pages, given how many of the people currently discussing on this thread seem to be allergic to real, substantive discussion of issues.
He's awesome! I love his fire and his passion.. He's the right man for the right time.

Go Newt Go!

You (quite) obviously never.....​

"Self-serving. Self-aggrandizing. Anti-conservative. Anti-principled. Hints of corruption, hypocrisy, and bizarre and destructive behavior. These were brutal descriptions, and yet there was something poetic about the belated Romney assault on Gingrich. The attacks used terms that were popularized by Gingrich himself in his rise to power."

Instead of an individual mandate penalty for not buying government approved health insurance, the federal tax code should be reformed to provide every American the choice of a generous tax credit or the ability to deduct the value of their health insurance up to a certain amount. The federal tax code should provide the same tax relief for the individual buying his own insurance as the employer providing health insurance to its employees.
Yeah.....there's a hu$tle, in there, somewhere.

Ol' "Frig" doesn't work (for Lobbyists), for free!!

He can't AFFORD to!!!!!

I am now waiting to see how many pages it takes before someone actually talks about Newt's healthcare policy proposal, rather than "I know he's THIS sort of person", and "his marital history is THIS", and "I'm sure THIS is what he thinks about healthcare, because look at this soundbyte". I'm betting it's at least three pages, given how many of the people currently discussing on this thread seem to be allergic to real, substantive discussion of issues.

I think you're missing the point Cecilie. The reason we're not talking about his proposals is that we have no idea if he'll have the same views a year from now when he (assuming his nominated and elected) takes office. Credibility and consistency have to be there before campaign promises and proposals can be taken seriously.

This is exactly part of the reason for Newt's growing appeal. What much of the lamestream media, pundits, etc. just don't get is how tired many of us are of them. And I doubt they'll ever figure it out. They're so smart, important and necessary in their own minds that it's simply not fathomable that many of us have the degree of contempt for them we do.

Like a lot of others the thought of Newt involved in debate with Barry is a delicious prospect for me, but no more so than the other opportunities it will afford him to skewer media pukes when they deserve it.

I love that he takes it to whoever's opposing him at the moment, be it the media or Obama. He may occasionally wax too bombastic in doing so and sound like he's put his foot in it, but I'm so sick and tired of Republicans who refuse to fight, mill around like a bunch of sheep baaahing about "how do we find a compromise so the people won't think we're mean?", and then pull the rug out from under their supporters. I mean, the GOP putting out a memo about "Don't attack Obama, don't say bad things about Obama"? Really? What the fuck is THAT?

I want a candidate who understands this is a fight and comes out swinging, and I think other people do, too. This is why Newt is so popular. He is not ashamed of himself or his positions, and isn't apologizing for daring to hold them. He aims to make the other side apologize for THEIRS.
That is fucking MessiahRushie thinking for YOU. The memo to the GOP surrogates actually said "don't attack Obama PERSONALLY" but your MessiahRushie left out the PERSONALLY and YOU swallowed it. PERSONALLY means don't call him a "squirrel/rat," "man-child," "boy king," etc., etc., etc. It didn't say not to attack his policies, but your MessiahRushie used the rationalization "Obama IS his policies" to continue his personal attacks on Obama and his family.
Get it?
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I love Newt. I didn't think he was electable, but that might be changing.

He is without a doubt the smartest guy who's interested in being president. I would love to see him debate the Big 0. He could catalogue the disaster that has been the Obama Administration from the pervasive corruption in the various executive agencies to the crony capitalism to the the theft of tax dollars throughout the stimulus wastes and so on.

He refuses to play the game the media wants him to play and, like a chess master playing a chess novice is several moves ahead before the media drones can finish their half baked attack questions.

The media will try to assassinate him and the Republican elite will try to undermine him.

He is this generation's Teddy Roosevelt.

He is in support of a health care mandate. Romney had the courage to enforce a mandate yet you all critizise him for that position. It's okay if Newt suggests it, but hammer Romney because he did it. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree that the gravy train should be over for health care and that everyone, even the poor pay on a sliding scale according to their income, but to sit here and give Newt a high 5 and then trash Mitt for doing it, is quite hypocritical.

Here's a thought. How about we discuss his official, proposed plan for healthcare NOW, rather than a couple of misinterpreted soundbytes? Would that be okay? Because I don't know about anyone else, but I'm voting for Newt because I like his 2011 Contract with America. I'm not voting for Newt Gingrich 1990-whatever.

As I carry the banner in fighting for the repeal of Obamacare, I will advocate for specific replacement health policies that will create a free market framework for healthcare, provide affordable, portable, and reliable healthcare coverage, and establish a healthcare safety net focused on those in need. This system will assure healthcare for all with no individual mandate or employer mandate of any kind.

* * * * *

Instead of an individual mandate penalty for not buying government approved health insurance, the federal tax code should be reformed to provide every American the choice of a generous tax credit or the ability to deduct the value of their health insurance up to a certain amount. The federal tax code should provide the same tax relief for the individual buying his own insurance as the employer providing health insurance to its employees.

This will lower costs for individuals and families, and will make it easier for people to obtain portable insurance they can take with them from job to job. If you don’t like your employer’s insurance, you get the same tax relief if you buy the insurance of your choice. Employers should also be allowed to buy individually-owned insurance for their employees, instead of non-portable, group insurance.

This approach provides a foundation of equal fairness for all, rather than the favoritism and rank discrimination of the Obamacare bureaucracies and the current system.

We should extend Health Savings Accounts throughout the healthcare system. Everyone on Medicare should be free to choose an HSA as part of their coverage if they want it. Everyone on Medicaid should be free to choose an HSA for part of his or her coverage. All workers should be free to use their health insurance tax credit or deduction to choose an HSA in place of their employer-provided health insurance if they desire.

from 2011 Contract with America

THAT is what he proposes to do in place of Obamacare, and THAT is what you are voting for if you vote for Newt. Like it or don't like it, as you please, but let's have no more of this guesswork based on a smokescreen of soundbytes and misinterpretations by the media.
Now if you are among the unemployed, the homeless, the disabled, a student in college, etc., Snooty Newtie says your on your own because a TAX CREDIT does you no good!
Newt's view on anything is not a sound bite.

He is always the smartest man in the room
As long as no one else is in the room! :badgrin:

I'm not exactly a fan of Krugman, but he nailed it with his characterization of Newt: "A stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like."

You're supporting a critique of Newt by Krugman? Krugman challenging Newt's intelligence is like a first year piano student criticizing Mozart.

Your blindly partisan support of this blindly this blindly partisan condemnation is like any other blindly partisan activity.

Do you prefer the unceasing Class Warfare and ad hominen attacks of our Fuhrer over the intellectualized review of the possibilities put forth by Newt.

If your answer is yes, so be it. Continue to recite by rote the lessons you have been assigned.
his knowledge of policy detail is remarkable, which is a big contrast to Romney and Obama who both love vapid, market researched campaign slogans

Newt's the only reason the debates are even worth watching

I 100% agree... It's as if Newt has at least 2 positions on every issue... Everyone should at least agree with Newt half the time. Super smart, lol.
It's bait and switch. Where is the tea party? You have been given two choices here, Both are establishment GOP. Where is the outrage at the Washington establishment for screwing the TP out of a serious runner in the primaries? Looks like 2010 was the high water mark. All that money, effort and campaigning for nothing. They have told the TP to shut-up and vote, whatcha gonna do about it?

The TEA Party is not a party registration. It all depends, as Eric Holder says, on your state of mind. My state of mind is that Holder is a lying jack ass, conniving party hack with no moral compass and a hatred for everything that I hold dear, but I digress.

Those of similar mind to me will be voting along the TEA party lines without ever having attended a TEA Party rally.

If you are a free spending a-hole who wants to rip me off as you have done in the past, you're gone. If your first impulse is to raise taxes instead of seeking efficiencies in government, you're gone. If you believe in your heart that the citizens are idiots and that only government can save them, you're gone.

If you believe that government has the answers to the economy and that business is getting in the way of creating jobs, you're gone.

It's time to put the Genie back in the bottle.

Power Back To The People!
If Newt gets the nomination I'm betting Reps lose and there is another collapse in the party. It's really sad to see some people want to beat Obama so bad that they are willing to put one of the biggest Progressive liberals on the Republican stage up against Obama.

If you guys really think Newt will destroy Obama you have to understand Obama will destroy Newt before they even get on a stage to debate and all Obama has to do is campaign all newts old positions for him and break his own support from Republicans.
It's bait and switch. Where is the tea party? You have been given two choices here, Both are establishment GOP. Where is the outrage at the Washington establishment for screwing the TP out of a serious runner in the primaries? Looks like 2010 was the high water mark. All that money, effort and campaigning for nothing. They have told the TP to shut-up and vote, whatcha gonna do about it?

The TEA Party is not a party registration. It all depends, as Eric Holder says, on your state of mind. My state of mind is that Holder is a lying jack ass, conniving party hack with no moral compass and a hatred for everything that I hold dear, but I digress.

Those of similar mind to me will be voting along the TEA party lines without ever having attended a TEA Party rally.

If you are a free spending a-hole who wants to rip me off as you have done in the past, you're gone. If your first impulse is to raise taxes instead of seeking efficiencies in government, you're gone. If you believe in your heart that the citizens are idiots and that only government can save them, you're gone.

If you believe that government has the answers to the economy and that business is getting in the way of creating jobs, you're gone.

It's time to put the Genie back in the bottle.

Power Back To The People!
So basically you are saying Holder is another Reagan, using Reagan's same rationalization!

REAGAN (11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.
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If Newt gets the nomination I'm betting Reps lose and there is another collapse in the party. It's really sad to see some people want to beat Obama so bad that they are willing to put one of the biggest Progressive liberals on the Republican stage up against Obama.

If you guys really think Newt will destroy Obama you have to understand Obama will destroy Newt before they even get on a stage to debate and all Obama has to do is campaign all newts old positions for him and break his own support from Republicans.

Newt has already said that if he gains the nomination, the White house will set his agenda.

Where ever the Big 0 appears, Newt will be there the following or same day deconstructing what the Big 0 just said.

The great thing about being a thinking person is that the nit wits who plan to outsmart you are lost before the game begins.

Newt does not fear a confrontation with the Failure in Chief. He looks forward to it.

The only talent that the Big 0 has is that he gives a very good speech. If a guy like Newt is following right behind him comparing his words to his actions, even that is done.

Either way, the Senate and the House both go Conservative and the Big 0 is either out of office or out of power. The bleeding stops one way or the other in 2012.

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