Newsweek, Bleeding Cash, Cancels Long Time Political Series


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Barry, their favorite, their amour, is already president, anyway, and the guys they'd be covering are, well, they're, ugghh! Republicans. You know, really, why even cover them, they're just so reprehensible, anyway. It'd be different, if it were Barry up against two or three attractive Democratic opponents, you know like a Hillary. And you know, if the guy isn't a member of a Chicago area gay men's club, they're just no fun.)

"It has been one of Newsweek’s signature ventures and a staple of American political journalism since 1984.

Every presidential election season, the magazine detached a small group of reporters from their daily jobs for a year to travel with the presidential candidates and document their every internal triumph and despair — all under the condition that none of it was to be printed until after the election.

Newsweek’s election issue in 2008, containing the yearlong story of the Obama campaign.

Then two days after Election Day, the sum of their reporters’ work would appear in the magazine. But the ambitious undertaking, known inside the magazine simply as “the project,” is no more. Newsweek, bleeding red ink and searching for a fresh identity under new ownership, has decided the project would not go forward this election season."

Newsweek, Mired in Red Ink, Cancels Longtime Political Series -
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Liberal bias? Here's all you need to know: Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff was the first to break the story about the relationship between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski but Newsweek refused to run it. The Drudge Report finally broke the story. Anybody doubt that Newsweek would have run the story if Clinton was a republican? People don't trust the liberal bias and fewer people buy weekly magazines anymore. Newsweek just merged with the blog site "Daily Beast" and the beast will end up eating newsweek.
Newsweek's become a journalistic joke since Tina Brown became editor, or whatever the hell her title is. It's just a trashy rag now more akin to People than Time or US News. I suspect the lights will be turned out in the not so distant future.

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