Newspaper didn't report on beating of own employees by black youths


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is gets filed under "FUBAR". For those that might not know, that means "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition".

What point have we come to when a newspaper won't report on its own white employees getting the shit kicked out of them by approximately 30 black youths and swarmed by approx. 100?

Two count em two freaking weeks later, the news is broken in an opinion piece. For crying out loud this is nuts.

ETA: Please note these people that got the crap kicked out of them are reporters for this paper.

A beating at Church and Brambleton
Posted to: Michelle Washington Opinion

Michelle Washington
Editorial writer for The Virginian-Pilot

By Michelle Washington
The Virginian-Pilot
© May 1, 2012

Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.

The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.

Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton. Church and Brambleton.

It happened four blocks from where they work, here at The Virginian-Pilot.

Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami - friends to me and many others at the newspaper - were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that's when the beating began.

A beating at Church and Brambleton | |

People are pissed clean off. Check the comment sections.

And from WND who alerted Drudge to this and I picked this up off of Drudge

The newspaper is coming under heavy criticism today from residents in the greater Norfolk area, known as Hampton Roads.

“It is unbelievable that the Virginian-Pilot would BURY this story for two weeks for politically correct reasons. That is sad and disgusting,” said David Englert of Norfolk. “Someone should be fired or resign over the decision not to report this attack. It is a sad enough commentary on our society and community to read about how the responding police viewed this crime, but for our only newspaper to decide that they will hide from the truth rather than report the truth is PATHETIC! Any attack by a mob of people on any innocent victim should be put under a bright spotlight for all involved to be judged and exposed as appropriate, and to make sure that the criminal justice system does its job to protect those who obey the law.”

William Tabor of Chesapeake, Va., complained: “Surely the Pilot knew about it. A racially motivated attack is certainly news. Was it not politically correct enough to be reported? Is civilization suspended in Norfolk after dark? If we can’t rely on the police for protection, and our [news] media fails to warn us of such hazards, we can only rely on ourselves.”

Charles Chandler of Norfolk indicated: “I am not sure what I am angrier about. This story, or the crowd of black teens who needlessly and thoughtlessly beat two white victims. Or am I just angry that this still occurs in the year 2012. Nearly fifty years after the marches and the speeches and the declaration of civil liberties for all people. Clearly we are nowhere near the dream Dr. King envisioned. I am angry. I am angry at the calloused cop who stated “this is what they do”. I am angry at the Pilot for hiding it under a bushel.”

100 blacks beat white couple, media bury attack
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Doesn't surprise me at all. The tentacles of PC grow ever longer day by day. Don't report anything negative that involves black people, even when they're a dangerous unruly mob in full assault mode.

A while ago here two black woman purse-snatched an elderly white woman in a parking lot, during which she fell to the pavement and struck her head, dying a few days later in the hospital.

Our newspaper ran a story about it and included an 800# people could call and anonymously report what they saw to the police. The story said the perps were "two women driving a white car." I thought, duh, two white women, two blacks, two Hispanics, two Asians, a black and a white woman, etc., etc. I couldn't believe someone didn't see something in that busy parking lot that could help narrow the investigation as to the race(s) of the two women.

So, I called the police lieutenant mentioned in the article who was quoted as asking the public to help by calling the 800#. He was very nice and very frustrated with our newspaper because the cops had specifically said witnesses told them it had been two black women. Learning that I dashed off a letter to the editor questioning why the omission? Apparently lots of others did too because the following Sunday the publisher wrote an op-ed about it. His lame excuse for excluding black from their description was he didn't think including it "would advance the story." Hmmm...cops looking for two women they know to be black wasting their time fielding phone calls from people reporting they saw two Asian women in a white car or two white or two something else. No, having the publics' eyes on the lookout for two black women in a white car won't help advance the with an arrest maybe?
That is ridiculous!

of course it is.

but it makes racists happy.

We've gone overboard with this sensitivity bs.

Call me crazy, I want equal treatment for all races in this country. Problem is the media has gone all-in in making every story with people of different races to be all about racism. So now they "can't" report this stuff because it'll look like they're claiming it's black on white racism. Which it isn't most likely, and most stories the media makes about race aren't, but since they've gone all in they can't report otherwise.
Not reporting race is only partly to avoid an accusation that they are claiming black on white racisim. It is mostly to hide the fact that these attacks are MOSTLY black on white attacks. To show this would reinforce stereotypes of black thugs.
Not reporting race is only partly to avoid an accusation that they are claiming black on white racisim. It is mostly to hide the fact that these attacks are MOSTLY black on white attacks. To show this would reinforce stereotypes of black thugs.

We need to stop the PC BS and call it what it is. If it's white on white,black on black,white on black or black on white etc., if it's the truth then it should be reported. How can we hold any community accountable of it's actions and fix it if we don't know where the majority of the problem is? If blacks are being attacked by whites I want to know but the same is true for the reverse. It might actually dispell myths and make race or ethnic groups take a hard look at themselves.
Black racism doesn't count because their lives are so bad compared to what they would have been if their ancestors wouldn't have sold their other ancestors to Europeans as slaves, though many african americans owned slaves, but big whoop.... and slavery also never existed in history before American's started it a measly 400 years ago. So it's cool that african americans have an excuse to continue to bitch and moan and not succeed in this country and be racist as a group. Individually there are many great African Americans. Why can't they all be? (Democrats?)

The racists are the idiots like the OP and those commenting about something of which they know nothing yet only assume to know:

Memo on coverage of assault on Pilot reporters | |

That's called Piilot covering their ass. Any response here I would think is only based on the situation alledged in the article and is only as serious as a hypothetical situation because we don't know all the facts just the side presented.

Yes your right! And of course we can not make the same determination about Zimmerman because we don't have all the facts,he could be completely innocent and only defended himself against Martin, right Ravi? You go girl!

The racists are the idiots like the OP and those commenting about something of which they know nothing yet only assume to know:

Memo on coverage of assault on Pilot reporters | |

Lol so you can't write stories without using specific names? It would've been impossible to say "2 people were attacked......yada yada yada"?

Ravi defending a media outlet who hides a story that goes against his/her white guilt, AND calling everyone who doesn't agree with him/her a racist, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like this is finally hitting the airwaves.

[ame=]100 Black Teens beat White Couple in Norfolk - Media Bury Attack - YouTube[/ame]

The racists are the idiots like the OP and those commenting about something of which they know nothing yet only assume to know:

Memo on coverage of assault on Pilot reporters | |

Lol so you can't write stories without using specific names? It would've been impossible to say "2 people were attacked......yada yada yada"?

Ravi defending a media outlet who hides a story that goes against his/her white guilt, AND calling everyone who doesn't agree with him/her a racist, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SHOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing don't you think? I bring up an issue, make a thread about it and I'm a racist idiot for reporting it.


I love how liberal brains work.

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