Newsmax Rents Out Its Subscriber Lists For Fundraising - Which Means They're Not In T


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Newsmax Rents Out Its Subscriber Lists For Fundraising - Which Means They're Not In The News Business

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Without the soupy South Florida humidity and the fastidiously clipped lawn, the Newsmax headquarters here would be a lot like one of those diners in New Hampshire and Iowa where autographed pictures of politicians cover the walls.

But in those pictures, instead of a short-order cook, the smiling proprietor standing next to Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and Haley Barbour is Christopher Ruddy, chief executive of the small but influential media company that has established itself as a potent force in conservative politics.

Newsmax, the magazine and Web site that Mr. Ruddy founded more than a decade ago, is the right-wing populist’s Time or Newsweek. With a paid circulation of 230,000, the magazine reaches more homes than The Weekly Standard or National Review, two of the higher brow pillars of American conservatism, by offering what Mr. Ruddy says is “news that Americans in the heartland would like to see.”

He and his editors mix cover pieces with articles like “The Jesus Question: Will He Ever Return” and “Heartland Warrior: Michele Bachmann’s Passionate Stand for American Values” alongside items about Ann Coulter’s decision to turn down “Dancing With the Stars.”

Among news sites that draw large conservative audiences, only has more visitors, according to Nielsen, and Newsmax’s e-mail alerts go out daily to 3.2 million people.

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