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Aug 27, 2010
It is kind of nice to see what Americans are thinking on the issues. Obama is stuck at 45 for job approval. Nah, he is stuck at 45. America is getting so large that is hard to know what the people think anymore, and it is not good enough to know what you as an individual think, because maybe you missed some details others didn't. Maybe a poll will raise a question in your mind to question your values. Many people don't even have time to read polls, yet are still expected to carry on their duties as civil servents and vote. What seems questionable, considering each polling corporation finds different values to the same questions, is who can the individual trust more than himeself. Is there corruption in the polls? You bet, butter some wallets and they will give you anything you want, is what I hear said. I have no proof that is true.

Parties Tied at 46% in Generic Ballot for Congress

Republicans and Democrats are tied at 46% among registered voters in Gallup's Aug. 30-Sept. 5 weekly tracking of congressional voting preferences, marking a shift after five consecutive weeks in which the Republicans held the advantage.

Americans Most Likely to Favor GOP Newcomers for Congress

Given a choice among four hypothetical congressional candidates, Americans are most likely to say they would vote for "a Republican who has not served in Congress." Americans who would prefer a Democratic candidate are more likely to prefer one who has served in Congress over one who has not.

Americans OK Allowing Tax Cuts for Wealthy to Expire

While 37% support keeping the tax cuts for all Americans, 44% want them extended only for those making less than $250,000 and 15% think they should expire for all taxpayers.

Iraqis More Approving of Own Leadership Than of U.S.

As the U.S. military presence in Iraq diminishes, Gallup surveys show Iraqis in early 2010 approved more of their own country's leadership than U.S. leadership -- a reversal of their sentiment since 2008.

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Im all for jokes, but I don't see how you can possibly joke about that when tomorrow is what it is.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. If I'm not a politician, why should I care whether 10% or 90% favor this policy or that candidate? It's not going to change my opinion or who I vote for.

Polls are usefully to someone selling something, a person, an idea, a product, or service. Other than that they really don't have much purpose.
Im all for jokes, but I don't see how you can possibly joke about that when tomorrow is what it is.

Most likely because my belief system is not like yours. Sorry if you are offended. I do not see the dead in black void, and denied life on earth as you might. As long as they are in the energy of thought of the mind, they still live, and live better than you do. I don't grieve death, I celebrate it. But for your sensibilities, I will remove the statement.
While 37% support keeping the tax cuts for all Americans, 44% want them extended only for those making less than $250,000 and 15% think they should expire for all taxpayers.

This is one of the problems with many polls. Ask them how they feel about all the Small Businesses who file as S class that will be effected and I bet they would not want their Taxes raised. The Dems like to refer to them as wealthy individuals when in fact it will effect Several Hundred thousand Small Businesses which we all know provide Most of the jobs in this country.
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