New Years Resolutions

Gonna start eating healthier and going to the gym more. I gained 65 pounds in 2008. Now I need to turn the fat into muscle.
I didn't gain 65 pounds in 2008 and I'm fairly fit for my height but I def plan on eating healthier and going to the gym more.

I also want to finally begin writing (and finishing) short stories and a novel that I've been putting off for a little while now. Although I did get a first draft of one story done in 08.

And of course, meet new people and try to get into a committed relationship at some point in 09. :lol:
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I don't do resolutions...too much pressure. But I would like to work on understanding that perfection is unachievable in all areas of life.
I've resolved to roll my own cigarettes.

It's far cheaper and I end up smoking less, too.
After Wednesday I vow to stop watching so much college football, and to start watching more college basketball.

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