New species of ants found...yet scientist can predict the weather 100 years from now..

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
And men with boobs are women..It is natural for men to put their penis in another mans ass. Science is settled... Bwaaaahhhhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa..

Caitlyn Jenner at Women of the Year Awards: Never Thought I'd Be Here
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

Amusing it took allllll the waaaay to 1902 to discover the mountain gorilla

The mountain gorilla was first discovered by a German officer, named Captain Robert von Beringe in 1902. Prior to this time, only lowland gorillas were known to exist. The mountain gorilla subspecies name is derived from Captain Robert von Beringe's last name (Gorilla beringei beringei).Aug 14, 2006
Cryptomundo » Gorilla Discovery Timeline › bigfoot-report › gor...
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
Finding new species has nothing to do with AGW theory. Nice try at throwing a "red herring" into the discussion.
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
Finding new species has nothing to do with AGW theory. Nice try at throwing a "red herring" into the discussion.

The obvious point eludes you.

A new Ant species ACTUALLY exist with physical evidence and photos of the little critters. WE KNOW they exist since their existence is verifiable.

But numerous climate models to year 2100 is NOT verifiable since it can't be tested.
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State.

Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?

How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
Finding new species has nothing to do with AGW theory. Nice try at throwing a "red herring" into the discussion.
The obvious point eludes you. A new Ant species ACTUALLY exist with physical evidence and photos of the little critters. WE KNOW they exist since their existence is verifiable. But numerous climate models to year 2100 is NOT verifiable since it can't be tested.
A newly identified ant species and AGW theory have nothing in common. One fact has no bearing on the other. THAT'S the point. The fact that you consider the theory to be unverifiable is neither here nor there. Most people who do know the theory agree with it.
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
Finding new species has nothing to do with AGW theory. Nice try at throwing a "red herring" into the discussion.
The obvious point eludes you. A new Ant species ACTUALLY exist with physical evidence and photos of the little critters. WE KNOW they exist since their existence is verifiable. But numerous climate models to year 2100 is NOT verifiable since it can't be tested.
A newly identified ant species and AGW theory have nothing in common. One fact has no bearing on the other. THAT'S the point. The fact that you consider the theory to be unverifiable is neither here nor there. Most people who do know the theory agree with it.

It is clear that you have no concept of verifiable science research.
My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State. Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?
LOL!!! Who declared the coelacanth extinct 30 million years ago? Have you been conversing with space aliens again?!?! :rolleyes:
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State.

Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?


The problem is that "Big Foot" would be an apex carnivore due to size and strength. Yet we have ZERO skeletal and DNA evidence of their existence.

I have read many reports over the years, which amounts to nearly zero substance since the alleged creature always so hard to see despite that it has no reason to be that way.

The very difficulty of seeing any makes one wonder how they could still reproduce given their rarity.
It is clear that you have no concept of verifiable science research.
I do; that's how I know you don't.

No YOU don't since the AGW conjecture are based on MODELS, most that runs to year 2100, which makes them untestable, they lack existing data.

The existence of the Ants are real and visible using real data and photos.

One is real and verified, the other are guesses that have NO real data in it.

Did you forget the headline of this post?

"New species of ants found...yet scientist can predict the weather 100 years from now.. "
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My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State. Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?
LOL!!! Who declared the coelacanth extinct 30 million years ago? Have you been conversing with space aliens again?!?! :rolleyes:

You have poor reading skills.

" Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" ..."

Surely this is easy to understand?
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

Amusing it took allllll the waaaay to 1902 to discover the mountain gorilla

The mountain gorilla was first discovered by a German officer, named Captain Robert von Beringe in 1902. Prior to this time, only lowland gorillas were known to exist. The mountain gorilla subspecies name is derived from Captain Robert von Beringe's last name (Gorilla beringei beringei).Aug 14, 2006
Cryptomundo » Gorilla Discovery Timeline › bigfoot-report › gor...

True, and he wasn’t looking for it, nor did he have anywhere close to the technology that exist today. He went to where it lives and saw it. On the other hand, thousands of people spend thousands of hours placing cameras, using drones, infrared imaging, etc to find a giant mammal in areas much more populated and less remote than the area where those gorillas live and find NOTHING.

Science professor explains why Bigfoot's likely not real

Mark Wilson, a geology and natural sciences professor at the College of Wooster, led the presentation, titled "A Scientific Perspective on Bigfoot," to explain scientists do not believe it's likely the creature truly exists.

"I've long been interested in the Bigfoot legend and other strange and unusual things," Wilson said.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch or Grassman in Ohio, is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal, ape-like creature that lives in the woods of North America.

Wilson used the scientific method, starting with a hypothesis: "Bigfoot is real."

He then listed several examples of reported proof, like footprints, remains, DNA, photographs, videos and eyewitness reports.

But with each category of evidence, Wilson disproved the hypothesis, explaining why each is not scientifically convincing.
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State.

Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?


Was your friend driving home from the bar after dropping acid while sucking on a doobie?

coelacanth Live in the ocean, and we’re discovered in 1938. That’s a lot different than finding a huge mammal living near highways, wouldn’t you agree?
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State.

Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?


The problem is that "Big Foot" would be an apex carnivore due to size and strength. Yet we have ZERO skeletal and DNA evidence of their existence.

I have read many reports over the years, which amounts to nearly zero substance since the alleged creature always so hard to see despite that it has no reason to be that way.

The very difficulty of seeing any makes one wonder how they could still reproduce given their rarity.

Exactly! Where are the carcasses of it’s prey, where is the feces it defecates, where are the signs of it bedding down to sleep? Go into my forest and you will find evidence of all the mammals that live there......except Bigfoot.
How is the science is settled on man made climate change yet in the year 2018 we continue to find new things ???

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia
By Bradford Betz | Fox News

An ant from a new species group called "Colobopsis explodens" capable of "exploding themselves" when under attack. (Zookeys/ Alexey Kopchinskiy)

Fifteen new species of “exploding ants” – including one entirely new to science – have been discovered in Southeast Asia, Gizmodo reported, citing the results of a survey published Thursday in the science journal ZooKeys.

New species of 'exploding ants' discovered in Southeast Asia

And for any of you tardos who believe in big foot, ask yourself- how can we discover a new species the size of an ant, but can’t find ANY evidence that a mammal bigger than a bear lives in the woods?

My friend saw Bigfoot crossing a 2 lane highway in rural Washington State.

Better question, why are coelacanth still alive 30 Million years after we declared them "extinct" but it's impossible that Gigantopithecus can't be alive only 100,000 years after being declared "Extinct"?


The alleged creature on the left lives in a forested area that have NO plants of the kind that the creature on the right ate.

From the Smithsonian,

Did Bigfoot Really Exist? How Gigantopithecus Became Extinct

By Erin Wayman
January 9, 2012


"Fortunately, fossil teeth do have a lot to say about an animal’s diet. And the teeth of Gigantopithecus also provide clues to why the ape disappeared.

The features of the dentition—large, flat molars, thick dental enamel, a deep, massive jaw—indicate Gigantopithecus probably ate tough, fibrous plants (similar to Paranthropus). More evidence came in 1990, when Russell Ciochon, a biological anthropologist at the University of Iowa, and colleagues (PDF) placed samples of the ape’s teeth under a scanning electron microscope to look for opal phytoliths, microscopic silica structures that form in plant cells. Based on the types of phyoliths the researchers found stuck to the teeth, they concluded Gigantopithecus had a mixed diet of fruits and seeds from the fig family Moraceae and some kind of grasses, probably bamboo. The combination of tough and sugary foods helps explain why so many of the giant ape’s teeth were riddled with cavities. And numerous pits on Gigantopithecus‘s teeth—a sign of incomplete dental development caused by malnuntrition or food shortages—corroborate the bamboo diet. Ciochon’s team noted bamboo species today periodically experience mass die-offs, which affect the health of pandas. The same thing could have happened to Gigantopithecus."

The first post contains HARD evidence that these exploding Ants are real with photos and bodies, along with observations of blowing themselves up in real time in front of researchers.

Here is the LINK to the paper

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