New S S Screw Up Armed Man Shared Elevator With Obama


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Some heads have to roll at the Secret Service.

Armed man shared elevator with Obama

Secret Service director testimony omits elevator incident with Obama

Washington (CNN) -- Testimony given by the director of the embattled U.S. Secret Service on Tuesday appears to conflict with the news that broke hours after Julia Pierson's testimony -- that a private security contractor with a gun shared an elevator with President Obama, in violation of protocol, during his trip to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta two weeks ago.
In her testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Pierson said she is responsible for briefing the President whenever there is a serious breach of his or his family's security. When asked how many times she had to take such action in 2014, she said it was only after the September 19 incident in which a man armed with a knife jumped the White House fence and made it into the mansion's East Room.

MORE: Secret Service chief s testimony omits elevator breach -
This incident could be the final straw. I can see Obama excusing the fence jumper as an isolated lapse in security, but he's not going to take a man getting that close to him with a weapon lightly.
Yeah this one's pretty damning. Imagine a stranger in an elevator with the president of the United States, and the person has a gun and nobody knows about it.
Washington (CNN) -- Testimony given by the director of the embattled U.S. Secret Service on Tuesday appears to conflict with the news that broke hours after Julia Pierson

Fire Julia Pierson.

Hire a Conservative.
Better yet, appoint James 'Scapegoat' Clapper to head it as punishment for his intelligence failures. The possibilities for another incompetent replacement are freakin' endless.........
Yeah this one's pretty damning. Imagine a stranger in an elevator with the president of the United States, and the person has a gun and nobody knows about it.

"I believe the President's security was unnecessarily compromised," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told CNN. "A convict with a gun in an elevator with the President put his life in danger.

The Director should have informed the President, yet she testified she did not. Did she lie to Congress or fail to inform the President?"

Chaffetz at the hearing specifically asked Pierson "what percentage of the time do you inform the President that his personal security has in any way, shape or form been breached?"

"Percentage of the time?" Pierson responded. "A hundred percent of the time we would advise the President."

"You would advise the President," Chaffetz specified.
"Yes," she said.

"In calendar year 2014 how many times has that happened?" asked Chaffetz.
"I have not briefed him ... except for one occasion for the September 19 incident," she said, referring to the White House intruder who was able to breach White House security and get into the East Room of the White House.

Chaffetz clarified that the only time she had only briefed the President about his or his family's personal security in 2014 was the one time.

"That is correct," she said.

The elevator incident happened three days before the fence-jumping intrusion at the White House.

Secret Service chief s testimony omits elevator breach -
I'll tell you all what the real issue is.
BOBO and CO. washed up in the WH and brought along all their LIB BS with them.
The dumbest race on the planet put him there expecting lots of "free shit".
"Nobody is really ever to blame for anything". "Everyone is trying their best".
"There really isn't such a thing as 'evil' in the world. That's a GOP lie".
And on and fucking on and on and on.
The SS took their cue from BOBO. "What's the odd hooker and a bit of blow'?"
The president used to 'do-up' after all.
BOBO allowed the fucking lowest of the low in the SS.
"Everyone gets a trophy in BOBO-Land."
Close your eyes and picture a hard ass CC in VN. You fucking knew your buddy next to you was straight and could be counted on when things were fucked up. And the fatalities reflected it.
Picture a different CC who liked his 'lick' as much as anyone and the discipline was shit AND he allowed anyone to do anything to 'get-over'. OH YA and the fucking **** was ALWAYS A FUCKING LIB!!!!!!!!!! And the US fatalities reflected it. Do some research and find out how many LIB officers were fragged compared to REP officers.
Who wants to obey life or death orders from some LIB pussy who is 'loaded' all day b/c he isn't man enough to fulfill his sworn duties to America? Today that LIB pussy is the Commander-in-Chief. Not ONE of the joint chiefs would allow BOBO to clean their toilet in another time and place.
The best part is BOBO in his heart knows it AND the JCs know he knows it.
This my friends is the attitude BOBO brought with him from his sewer pit Chicagoland.
BOBO was raised to 'play' authority. In his bones he hates the military b/c it represents the ultimate authority. He 'gamed' his way into Harvard where the most used phrase was "the pigs". He fit right in.To BOB the right way to return a salute is to do it with a fucking coffee cup in his hand. Despicable.
Bottom line: BOBO is not man enough for the job. Two more years and BOBO moves into the apartment above 'Boystown' and MO moves herself and the girls to France.
Yeah this one's pretty damning. Imagine a stranger in an elevator with the president of the United States, and the person has a gun and nobody knows about it.

"I believe the President's security was unnecessarily compromised," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told CNN. "A convict with a gun in an elevator with the President put his life in danger.

The Director should have informed the President, yet she testified she did not. Did she lie to Congress or fail to inform the President?"

Chaffetz at the hearing specifically asked Pierson "what percentage of the time do you inform the President that his personal security has in any way, shape or form been breached?"

"Percentage of the time?" Pierson responded. "A hundred percent of the time we would advise the President."

"You would advise the President," Chaffetz specified.
"Yes," she said.

"In calendar year 2014 how many times has that happened?" asked Chaffetz.
"I have not briefed him ... except for one occasion for the September 19 incident," she said, referring to the White House intruder who was able to breach White House security and get into the East Room of the White House.

Chaffetz clarified that the only time she had only briefed the President about his or his family's personal security in 2014 was the one time.

"That is correct," she said.

The elevator incident happened three days before the fence-jumping intrusion at the White House.

Secret Service chief s testimony omits elevator breach -
If she's still in her office this Friday, I'll be shocked.
Some heads have to roll at the Secret Service.

Armed man shared elevator with Obama

Secret Service director testimony omits elevator incident with Obama

Washington (CNN) -- Testimony given by the director of the embattled U.S. Secret Service on Tuesday appears to conflict with the news that broke hours after Julia Pierson's testimony -- that a private security contractor with a gun shared an elevator with President Obama, in violation of protocol, during his trip to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta two weeks ago.
In her testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Pierson said she is responsible for briefing the President whenever there is a serious breach of his or his family's security. When asked how many times she had to take such action in 2014, she said it was only after the September 19 incident in which a man armed with a knife jumped the White House fence and made it into the mansion's East Room.

MORE: Secret Service chief s testimony omits elevator breach -

True story: In 1982 my spouse and I had friends coming into Houston for a visit. We decided to give them the royal treatment and rented a black Cadillac limousine. We picked them up at the airport and then headed for lunch at the downtown Hyatt Regency. We drove south on Louisiana Street and entered the parking garage along with two other black Cadillac limos approaching the garage from the south. Went right in and our driver pulled up to the curb. We popped out and right in front of us were several suits, dark glasses, walkie-talkies, the whole enchilada. They were SS and Ronald Reagan was in the car behind us. They didn't even APPROACH us. We figured out what was going on BEFORE they did and just hastily went inside the hotel and disappeared into the bar.

I have another SS story from 2004 but I don't expect anyone to believe that one, either.

The ineptitude of the SS is a long, miserable history. Someone, maybe Obama, has just gotten sick and tired of it.
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They've also mentioned today, that the guy with the gun also had an assault charge in his past. Wow, that's amazing, the president could literally been asassinated right then and there had this guy wanted to kill him.
The SS is only as good at protecting the President or anybody else as the persons they're guarding will allow them to be. As for the OP, obviously nothing happened, so no story, just pointless hysterical shrieking.

I also notice the President doesn't wear a helmet. Obviously the Secret Service is to blame if an asteroid crashes on top of his head and harms him. Where's the outrage over this glaring lack of security? ...

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