New Republican Gov not fond of non-Christians


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

I think you're selling him short

Like most xtians, he probably hates xtians who belong to a different xtian cult
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

I think you're selling him short

Like most xtians, he probably hates xtians who belong to a different xtian cult
Good point...apparently you have to be "saved" and not just an average Christian.
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

This guy is a retards and the problem thats so prevalent amongst Republitards and GOPers, they can't focus strictly on politics and instead bring their religion into the fray, something that will alienate people. I'm a Christian myself and would like nothing more than to see everyone get saved, which is why I could never be a politician because they don't save souls they sell souls.
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

I'm positive if asked, Mr. Bentley would agree that even though he believes this, we are still to love one another and bless our enemies. Bless, not curse.

Do we all fail at it? Of course. We have the "fleshly" human nature.

I believe what Bently is referring to is pretty much from the Bible...

"Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit."
1 Corinthians 12:3

Meaning that if we know that Jesus is Lord, that is revealed to us from the Holy Spirit - this is what it means to be born again (of His Spirit). We are brothers and sisters in Christ our Lord.

The bible also talks about those in Christ, and those who are not - they have the spirit of the Anti-Christ...

"This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world." - 1 John 4:2-3

I beleive Bently was talking of His faith in Jesus Christ and who are his brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ - according to the Word of God.
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Funny. After reading that it's clear that there is no evidence that he isn't fond of non-Christians. Quite the opposite. He is actively reaching out to them.

Not very surprised that people are lying about them. I mean how dare he invite others to be Christian. The audacity of actually practicing what he preaches.
Funny. After reading that it's clear that there is no evidence that he isn't fond of non-Christians. Quite the opposite. He is actively reaching out to them.

Not very surprised that people are lying about them. I mean how dare he invite others to be Christian. The audacity of actually practicing what he preaches.

Agree :)
The enemies of the Republican Party are always the same...working people(unions), scientists(global warming), gay people, poor immigrants, people with brown skin, and anyone who is different than they are..

The friends of the Republican Party...the oil companies, the insurance companies, the wealthy, the big banks, always stay the same as well.
The enemies of the Republican Party are always the same...working people(unions), scientists(global warming), gay people, poor immigrants, people with brown skin, and anyone who is different than they are..

The friends of the Republican Party...the oil companies, the insurance companies, the wealthy, the big banks, always stay the same as well.

Not at all true, though the Liberal media and lobbyists would "sheeple" others into believing that.

Out of all the Christians I know, most are conservative. Out of those, the three most conservative men I know have nothing to do with oil companies, insurance companies, nor wealthy, etc.

One of them is a janitor and gets by. One of them is disabled and does not even have insurance and does NOT want the Obama plan to go through. One of them didn't even have an oven for a year.

These men are wise, they care about our country, they vote, they do what they can. But they are far from "rich" the "world" views them.

I am wondering if there is a full transcript of the sermon (it was in a church, so it was a sermon.) Were the statements made right next to each other, or was there something else left out that would add to the context of what he is saying?

Being elected to office isnt like going into the millitary, you do not lose any of your previous rights by becoming a governor.
I am wondering if there is a full transcript of the sermon (it was in a church, so it was a sermon.) Were the statements made right next to each other, or was there something else left out that would add to the context of what he is saying?

Being elected to office isnt like going into the millitary, you do not lose any of your previous rights by becoming a governor.

no. but you shouldn't be proselytizing. i think you DO lose your right to that when you're getting a public paycheck.
As long as he keep his religion out of his operations as governor.

He does have the freedom of speech.

As I recall Jesus preached to keep religion and govermnemt seperate.
So the question remains is he a true Christian or not?
Time will tell.
''I was elected as a Republican candidate. But once I became governor ... I became the governor of all the people. I intend to live up to that. I am color blind," Bentley said in a short speech given about an hour after he took the oath of office as governor.

Then Bentley, who for years has been a deacon at First Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, gave what sounded like an altar call.

"There may be some people here today who do not have living within them the Holy Spirit," Bentley said. ''But if you have been adopted in God's family like I have, and like you have if you're a Christian and if you're saved, and the Holy Spirit lives within you just like the Holy Spirit lives within me, then you know what that makes? It makes you and me brothers. And it makes you and me brother and sister."

Bentley added, ''Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters. So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I'm telling you, you're not my brother and you're not my sister, and I want to be your brother."


Gov.-elect Robert Bentley intends to be governor over all, but says only Christians are his 'brothers and sisters' |

This guy is a retards and the problem thats so prevalent amongst Republitards and GOPers, they can't focus strictly on politics and instead bring their religion into the fray, something that will alienate people. I'm a Christian myself and would like nothing more than to see everyone get saved, which is why I could never be a politician because they don't save souls they sell souls.

I presume this is more of your conservative rhetoric?
I am wondering if there is a full transcript of the sermon (it was in a church, so it was a sermon.) Were the statements made right next to each other, or was there something else left out that would add to the context of what he is saying?

Being elected to office isnt like going into the millitary, you do not lose any of your previous rights by becoming a governor.

no. but you shouldn't be proselytizing. i think you DO lose your right to that when you're getting a public paycheck.

If it was in a church I have no problem with him preaching. If he does it from the governors office though that is a different matter.

He Can be a christian and governor and not let his religion interfere with his job to ALL the people, the question is will he?
The enemies of the Republican Party are always the same...working people(unions), scientists(global warming), gay people, poor immigrants, people with brown skin, and anyone who is different than they are..

The friends of the Republican Party...the oil companies, the insurance companies, the wealthy, the big banks, always stay the same as well.

Funny. Even making things up you can't address the actual discussion of this thread.
I am wondering if there is a full transcript of the sermon (it was in a church, so it was a sermon.) Were the statements made right next to each other, or was there something else left out that would add to the context of what he is saying?

Being elected to office isnt like going into the millitary, you do not lose any of your previous rights by becoming a governor.

no. but you shouldn't be proselytizing. i think you DO lose your right to that when you're getting a public paycheck.

He was doing it inside a church. Maybe if he was doing it at a governor's meeting it would be something to get concerned about.

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