New Polls Suggest Democratic Freakout May Be Premature


Jun 27, 2012
New Polls Suggest Democratic Freakout May Be Premature | TPM2012

While Mitt Romney clearly did some damage in the debate, a raft of swing state polls from major news outlets Thursday indicate President Obama may have put a floor on his drop.

Nervous Democrats told TPM earlier in the week that they were eagerly anticipating state results from the major national pollsters before deciding whether Romney had taken the lead in the race outright — suggesting a full-fledged freakout on the left could start as early as today.

While there’s been an array of state and national numbers over the last few days, two sets of polls from NBC/WSJ/Marist and CBS/NYT/Quinnipiac represent some of the first results from top outlets that polling analysts tend to lend the most credibility. And the numbers, while improved for Romney, still show Obama with an advantage in key states.

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No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public, but at least people are tuning into what Romney says instead of just being bombarded by negative political ads.

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