New poll shows Scott Brown in lead (49% to 45%...LV)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
There have been several polls released recently, showing everything from a virtual dead heat to Elizabeth Warren ahead by low single digits.

This was a contrast to pre-DNC polls, which showed Brown ahead by low single digits. Clearly Warren received a convention bounce, almost entirely from increased support from Democrats.

Warren supporters in the left-blogosphere have all but declared victory. The question, however, was whether Warren’s convention bounce would last.

A U.Mass-Lowell/Boston Herald poll released tonight indicates that perhaps Warren’s lead is not so clear, or that her bounce has faded. Brown is up 50-44 among registered voters and 49-45 among likely voters:

» New poll shows Scott Brown in lead - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Hey, dumbass, his lead/loss flips daily.

Yeah, it flips to a lead every time Elizabeth Warren flaps her gums. Then it takes a couple of weeks of media propaganda to get her back in the plus column again.
Lizzy needs to do a rain dance to get things going her way.

Ted Kennedy's old seat.

I hope he's choking in hell over this.
Lizzy needs to do a rain dance to get things going her way.

Ted Kennedy's old seat.

I hope he's choking in hell over this.

ted kennedy is one of the most loathsome politicians that ever walked upright.

acts like he cares about people, drowns his secretary and doesn't try to help her because saving his political career was more important than saving her life.

yet the dumbasscrats celebrate him as compassionate.

kinda leaves you speechless when you think about it...
The debate comes just a day after the latest poll results show a race very much in flux. Momentum had been behind Warren in recent days, but the latest UMass Lowell poll, released late Wednesday night, shows Brown back in the lead. Among registered voters, Brown leads 50% to 44%. When likely voters respond, Brown’s lead shrinks to 49% to Warren’s 45%. The poll has a 5% margin of error and was conducted by telephone from September 13th – 17th.

Poll Shows Brown Ahead Of Warren Before WBZ Debate « CBS Boston

The Globe reported (admitted) this morning that in the latest polls, Brown is ahead of Warren. If I can find that link, I'll post it.
This is a very tight race and will probably decide who holds the Senate

It does not get the nationwide attention that it deserves
Lizzy needs to do a rain dance to get things going her way.

Ted Kennedy's old seat.

I hope he's choking in hell over this.

ted kennedy is one of the most loathsome politicians that ever walked upright.

acts like he cares about people, drowns his secretary and doesn't try to help her because saving his political career was more important than saving her life.

yet the dumbasscrats celebrate him as compassionate.

kinda leaves you speechless when you think about it...

Romney was in an accident..too. His passenger died.

You mad about that?
Lizzy needs to do a rain dance to get things going her way.

Ted Kennedy's old seat.

I hope he's choking in hell over this.

ted kennedy is one of the most loathsome politicians that ever walked upright.

acts like he cares about people, drowns his secretary and doesn't try to help her because saving his political career was more important than saving her life.

yet the dumbasscrats celebrate him as compassionate.

kinda leaves you speechless when you think about it...

Romney was in an accident..too. His passenger died.

You mad about that?


I never heard that. I heard Laura Bush killed a boy but never Romney
Brown should win in a Landslide. Warren is a dishonest disgrace. But this is Assachusetts, so who knows?
So called "conservatives" cheering for moderate Scott Brown? Where are your Principles?
Lizzy needs to do a rain dance to get things going her way.

Ted Kennedy's old seat.

I hope he's choking in hell over this.

ted kennedy is one of the most loathsome politicians that ever walked upright.

acts like he cares about people, drowns his secretary and doesn't try to help her because saving his political career was more important than saving her life.

yet the dumbasscrats celebrate him as compassionate.

kinda leaves you speechless when you think about it...

Romney was in an accident..too. His passenger died.

You mad about that?

Never even heard about it. Assuming it's true... it begs the question. Did he swim his ass out of there, knowing she was still alive (after all HE was still alive) leaving her to die a slow death of co2 asphyxiation, so his political career could be saved?


Then, did he get a hotel room, and sleep it off, without bothering to call the authorities until almost 9am the next morning... more than 8 hours later?


Inquiring minds wanna know....

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