New Obama Attack Ad


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.
Obama for America

that's pretty funny coming from a person who hates America and wants to Transform it
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

Even Obama took advantage of legal asking him to speak of Romney's character is kind of a stretch when he is sorely lacking himself.

How does a person become rich?

You sure as hell can't if you purposely set yourself up so that you have to pay higher taxes. That's why they pay CPAs good minimize their liabilities and to strengthen their portfolio.

This argument that everyone should look to pay more taxes is total crapola, because if you're not paying higher income taxes you usually end up paying more taxes elsewhere, ie. sales tax, property tax, etc.
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Obama could sell his base a shit sandwich and they would eat it up it seems
the ad is full of distortions, likes romneys ads against newt and rick.
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

Even Obama took advantage of legal asking him to speak of Romney's character is kind of a stretch when he is sorely lacking himself.

How does a person become rich?

You sure as hell can't if you purposely set yourself up so that you have to pay higher taxes. That's why they pay CPAs good minimize their liabilities and to strengthen their portfolio.

This argument that everyone should look to pay more taxes is total crapola, because if you're not paying higher income taxes you usually end up paying more taxes elsewhere, ie. sales tax, property tax, etc.

Hiding your money offshore while saying, "We're all in this together" isn't playing well which is why Obama is winning in the polls.
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

You know what I thought of when I saw it? I've never once heard obummer sing "America" Not once.
I was away most of the weekend at a class reunion (Go Team Go) but when I came home and began watching the National Cable Channels again, I saw the following ad from the Obama Campaign:

As many (if not most) of you know, I support his re-election. But I've got to tell you that this is an ad that didn't do much for me. I found the last 10 seconds where it speaks of the Governor's offshore holdings more effective than the first twenty seconds. As a CEO, sometimes, you must make hard choices that aren't appetizing. Making personal choices about where to stash your fortune to avoid paying taxes...that speaks to the character of the Governor.

It would be preferable, I think, for the President to speak to the Governor's character.

Even Obama took advantage of legal asking him to speak of Romney's character is kind of a stretch when he is sorely lacking himself.

How does a person become rich?

You sure as hell can't if you purposely set yourself up so that you have to pay higher taxes. That's why they pay CPAs good minimize their liabilities and to strengthen their portfolio.

This argument that everyone should look to pay more taxes is total crapola, because if you're not paying higher income taxes you usually end up paying more taxes elsewhere, ie. sales tax, property tax, etc.

Hiding your money offshore while saying, "We're all in this together" isn't playing well which is why Obama is winning in the polls.

I don't know how many times you people are going to force me to repeat myself, but...

If it was HIDDEN you wouldn't KNOW about it!!!
Even Obama took advantage of legal asking him to speak of Romney's character is kind of a stretch when he is sorely lacking himself.

How does a person become rich?

You sure as hell can't if you purposely set yourself up so that you have to pay higher taxes. That's why they pay CPAs good minimize their liabilities and to strengthen their portfolio.

This argument that everyone should look to pay more taxes is total crapola, because if you're not paying higher income taxes you usually end up paying more taxes elsewhere, ie. sales tax, property tax, etc.

Hiding your money offshore while saying, "We're all in this together" isn't playing well which is why Obama is winning in the polls.

I don't know how many times you people are going to force me to repeat myself, but...

If it was HIDDEN you wouldn't KNOW about it!!!

Yes, you're right of course. Who knows how many more millions he's hiding that we don't know about.
Mitt Romney is not the solution, He's the Problem

is the subliminal message of the add being set to memory that is reinforced by Romney's refusal to make public his Tax reports pertinent to the Bain "investigation" - that reinforces the subliminal message.

something the Republicans are experts at - [ame=]Swiftboat Veterans Ad on John Kerry - Sellout (2004) - YouTube[/ame] - Swiftboat Veterans Ad on John Kerry - Sellout (2004)
Anybody that has money does everything legal to protect it. Nothing new about this... If Obama had a record that was worth crowing about, he wouldn't be attacking Romney with all of the mud-slinging ads. He has nothing good to say about himself so he tries to keep the subject away from his sorry record.
Anybody that has money does everything legal to protect it. Nothing new about this... If Obama had a record that was worth crowing about, he wouldn't be attacking Romney with all of the mud-slinging ads. He has nothing good to say about himself so he tries to keep the subject away from his sorry record.

Thats true. But Governor Romney isn't just "anybody", he's running for the highest office in the land and asking for our votes. If the FDIC is good enough for us...
Anybody that has money does everything legal to protect it. Nothing new about this... If Obama had a record that was worth crowing about, he wouldn't be attacking Romney with all of the mud-slinging ads. He has nothing good to say about himself so he tries to keep the subject away from his sorry record.

Thats true. But Governor Romney isn't just "anybody", he's running for the highest office in the land and asking for our votes. If the FDIC is good enough for us...

I could give a shit less about how much money Romney has or what he does with it. Do you think he's the first President to run for office that was wealthy?
Anybody that has money does everything legal to protect it. Nothing new about this... If Obama had a record that was worth crowing about, he wouldn't be attacking Romney with all of the mud-slinging ads. He has nothing good to say about himself so he tries to keep the subject away from his sorry record.

Thats true. But Governor Romney isn't just "anybody", he's running for the highest office in the land and asking for our votes. If the FDIC is good enough for us...

I could give a shit less about how much money Romney has or what he does with it. Do you think he's the first President to run for office that was wealthy?

No. But when terms like "one percent" are now in our lexicon and when the disparity between CEO and line employee compensation is at an all time high, having your money stashed into off-shore tax havens doesn't play in Peoria very well.
Speaking of offshore say $20B sent to overseas companies in Mexico, Norway, etc as the "green energy scam."

Hmmmmm, that would be on Obamination's watch.

Also, the US space industry has been gutted by Obamination and now we rely on the Russians for our civilian space sector with NASA's manned space missions cut off by Obamination.

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