New Neg Rep Rule Extreme and Unfair...

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Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place, and a reduction in a user's rep allowance, be it positive or negative, could potentially drive people away from USMB... a forum that is truly unique to the internet.

However much some of us may deny it, we're all creatures of vanity, and welcome praise, in whatever form. A pat on the back for a post that all concerned know a lot of effort and/or insight went into crafting is an good way of acknowledging the author's hard work or committment. Reducing the number of pats on the back you can award will have a detrimental impact on USMB, and the amount of traffic that makes the place worth visiting and commenting on.

True, some will abuse the system. But until such a time passes that a build-up of neg rep handicaps or hinders your account, it's meaningless apart from the displeasure it conveys. Some will also remind us that less frequent pos reps will be of more value, but in the overall scheme of things I think that'll soon wear off.

I appreciate that it isn't my board, and have no sway in the final decision. But I know that the majority of users on here like receiving pos rep more than once a week, and I think in the long run it'll result in less traffic, depending on your committment, of course.
Mods/Admin, I think you've made a grave mistake in curtailing the number of "pos/neg reps" users can issue on a daily basis.

Although I've been known to be rather scornful of the whole concept in the past, I also realise that it's part of the life blood of this place, and a reduction in a user's rep allowance, be it positive or negative, could potentially drive people away from USMB... a forum that is truly unique to the internet.

However much some of us may deny it, we're all creatures of vanity, and welcome praise, in whatever form. A pat on the back for a post that all concerned know a lot of effort and/or insight went into crafting is an good way of acknowledging the author's hard work or committment. Reducing the number of pats on the back you can award will have a detrimental impact on USMB, and the amount of traffic that makes the place worth visiting and commenting on.

True, some will abuse the system. But until such a time passes that a build-up of neg rep handicaps or hinders your account, it's meaningless apart from the displeasure it conveys. Some will also remind us that less frequent pos reps will be of more value, but in the overall scheme of things I think that'll soon wear off.

I appreciate that it isn't my board, and have no sway in the final decision. But I know that the majority of users on here like receiving pos rep more than once a week, and I think in the long run it'll result in less traffic, depending on your committment, of course.

Thank you, Bones. My estimation is that the majority of USMB's regulars will sympathise with what I've written, however hard it may be for some of them to admit to it.
Thank you, Bones. My estimation is that the majority of USMB's regulars will sympathise with what I've written, however hard it may be for some of them to admit to it.

I definitely sympathize, much like I do for a helpless bird getting it's throat ripped out by a cat. :lol:
I totally disagree with the new rep decision as well. I find more than five posts a day that I would like to rep and can't do to this new rule. Those posters who don't have a huge bank of reps will certainly not see their account growing. I can see that many members may opt for another board who rewards it's posters easier than this board does.

Swagger, I'm sorry, but I'm out of reps but I would have repped you for the courage to say something that many might have found difficult to do.
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Honestly, I think reducing rep to 5 per day was a bad call and I say that as a new poster here who came from another board that screwed up the rep system. That board allowed 50 reps per day.

USMB's rep system did not allow for any repwarring or those kind of games. Rep does give some positive or negative feedback and also allows for sort of "bookmarking" certain posts.

I think you've "fixed" something that wasn't broken in the first place.
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I don't think it's anywhere near disastrous - hyperbole.

But, IMO, it's beyond stupid. Not because of rep, but because it sends a clear message to the current whiners and would be whiners that whines work.

So, everyone should whine to staff - and whine a lot.
I don't think it's anywhere near disastrous - hyperbole.

But, IMO, it's beyond stupid. Not because of rep, but because it sends a clear message to the current whiners and would be whiners that whines work.

So, everyone should whine to staff - and whine a lot.

I agree. That's exactly what happened at the previous board I posted on.

We had a handful of posters who weren't there to post real content and debate, and were there more to whine, snipe, and act like asshats than to debate and discuss. The board tended to police itself through rep. These asshats started whining because they were getting negged until the board's owner eventually gave in instead of leaving well enough alone and pretty much cut the balls off of the rep system against the wishes of the majority of the posters.

A lot of us left over that. I've lurked occasionally over there since my departure and that board is now deader than 4 o'clock. Now the same whiners are falling all over themselves suggesting changes to their forum layout, emailing old posters who left, and all sorts of stupid shit to try to draw posters in and revive the board, and they still haven't gotten it through their thick skulls that they killed it. One Mod understands what happened, but the board's owner and the rest of the staff aren't listening to him.

Don't do that to USMB. The rep system here was just fine the way it was.
I totally disagree with the new rep decision as well. I find more than five posts a day that I would like to rep and can't do to this new rule. Those posters who don't have a huge bank of reps will certainly not see their account growing. I can see that many members may opt for another board who rewards it's posters easier than this board does.

Swagger, I'm sorry, but I'm out of reps but I would have repped you for the courage to say something that many might have found difficult to do.

Not to worry, Jackson. I've already benefited from uscitizen's meagre ration.
I don't think it's anywhere near disastrous - hyperbole.

But, IMO, it's beyond stupid. Not because of rep, but because it sends a clear message to the current whiners and would be whiners that whines work.

So, everyone should whine to staff - and whine a lot.

I agree. That's exactly what happened at the previous board I posted on.

We had a handful of posters who weren't there to post real content and debate, and were there more to whine, snipe, and act like asshats than to debate and discuss. The board tended to police itself through rep. These asshats started whining because they were getting negged until the board's owner eventually gave in instead of leaving well enough alone and pretty much cut the balls off of the rep system against the wishes of the majority of the posters.

A lot of us left over that. I've lurked occasionally over there since my departure and that board is now deader than 4 o'clock. Now the same whiners are falling all over themselves suggesting changes to their forum layout, emailing old posters who left, and all sorts of stupid shit to try to draw posters in and revive the board, and they still haven't gotten it through their thick skulls that they killed it. One Mod understands what happened, but the board's owner and the rest of the staff aren't listening to him.

Don't do that to USMB. The rep system here was just fine the way it was.
IMO, it seems silly to leave a board because of rep. But, leaving a board because of staff mentality of appeasing whiners - yeah, that works.

Cuz appeasement has such an awesome historical track record.
I totally disagree with the new rep decision as well. I find more than five posts a day that I would like to rep and can't do to this new rule. Those posters who don't have a huge bank of reps will certainly not see their account growing. I can see that many members may opt for another board who rewards it's posters easier than this board does.

Swagger, I'm sorry, but I'm out of reps but I would have repped you for the courage to say something that many might have found difficult to do.

Not to worry, Jackson. I've already benefited from uscitizen's meagre ration.

Good for you! Cherish it! Getting a chance to reps is almost as good as getting rep! I just checked again! And some are coming your way!
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I don't think it's anywhere near disastrous - hyperbole.

But, IMO, it's beyond stupid. Not because of rep, but because it sends a clear message to the current whiners and would be whiners that whines work.

So, everyone should whine to staff - and whine a lot.

Who whined? :dunno:

names damn it, I want names!
I don't think it's anywhere near disastrous - hyperbole.

But, IMO, it's beyond stupid. Not because of rep, but because it sends a clear message to the current whiners and would be whiners that whines work.

So, everyone should whine to staff - and whine a lot.

Who whined? :dunno:

names damn it, I want names!
One told me they did - so that's straight from the horse's mouth. That was a good laugh.
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