New migratory routes


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
I want to see what he would do this fucking Europe centric germane, if migrants Saharasiani decide to take these routes, inveche than the usual, passing from the Mediterranean (which still remains the desired destination).


And if their final destination is northern Europe, what the fuck you want from us?
Yours is an attempt to ethnically orientalise Italy, making still remain pure the people of the north (which in terms of genetic purity, end up being also sons of Mesopotamian and Indian populations).
things would be very different from the current ones, especially for the Dublin Treaty, which provides for the transfer of asylum seekers in the nation in which migrants have made their EU accession.
If the Mediterranean for migrants appears to be the gateway to Europe, their final goal is certainly not the place where they land, but rather the nations of northern Europe. This they know it very well, and, in spite of this mysterious "European Union", only to protect their own personal interests, with servility complacent. of many influential figures of the Italian political scene. I think that these treaties only encourage the peoples of northern Europe: the fact that Germany has many more migrants of us, not only depends on their economy, or their country of reception, you need to not pass them off as a people uncivilized ( given their historical past), but mostly because the final destination of these waves of migration is directed much more to Europe than the north and south.
Precisely for that reason raise barriers, because I want to avoid orientalization, ethnically, of certain nations, and then try to move it and direct it to the Mediterranean (always better to have a Mediterranean ethnically Orientalized that having a orientalization of the peoples of the peoples north).

All this is thanks to the system of Europe "Unity", tend germane centric.
I think the German European centrism (Europe germane centric - Central European) is started with the Roman Empire, the barbarian invasions, and the construction of the Holy Empire
Roman Empire of the German nation, Europe pre Germanic avava a Latin / mediterranean tow, which dominated in all its provinces, was not just a socio-political domain, but also ethnic - cultural and language.
The Italian Renaissance is of Teutonic origin, Paul Gauna wrote:

""From a part -certamente- scholar (not ours) we learn how to work Die Germanen und der Renaissance in Italien (The Germans and the Renaissance in Italy, the second of three volumes
preceded by "Politische anthropology", and -they "Die Germanen Renaissance in Frankreich und die") 1905 "The external criteria of Nordic beauty had a leading part, and the book was accompanied
for over a hundred reproductions of portraits. central theme: the exponents of the Italian Renaissance were descendants, not the Romans, but the Goths and Lombards. For example, making use of portraits of Dante and
Michelangelo, W. founded this observation on physiognomic characteristics, physical proportions, color or texture of the skin. "Here already there would be notes for a" counter-search ", but
in support of intellectual honesty of Wolmann go even his little tense digestible and symptomatic.

And is also Essai Gobineau that hints at our Earth so little "Italian" as Castadori sums up: "The North of Italy, however, has benefited from the invasion of Lombards and Franks, so much so that in the Middle Ages reached a leading position with France and the Rhineland. This Aryan character lasts until the fifteenth century when, with the Renaissance, powerfully emerges the bottom Roman. Really it has something paradoxical this movement that draws its vitality from residual barbaric energy, but the perverts, using it to destroy every aspect of German civilization." In fact this is the largest discriminant: think what it would be for all Germans a Renaissance, also culturally, "Germanic." The classical myth and its reprocessing allowed, however, to demonstrate once and for all the value of our civilization. Sure it would be great to rework the effigies of Godan and Frea, to explore the Germanic iconography."

The German nobility was abolished by a law of 11 August 1919, proclaimed by the Weimar Constitution, according to which all Germans were recognized equal before the law and were revoked all the rights and privileges of the nobility. However, Germany continued to play a fundamental role in relations between the various European nations, since many of the current monarchs of Europe are descended from German nobility, including those of the Kingdom of Italy.

With the great French Revolution of the European monarchies (of German origin) were abolished, and the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire met his end after Napoleon's intervention, August 6, 1806.
In World War II there was another revival of Germanism (seen as a model to be emulated throughout Europe), through Nazism and Fascism, which took unjustly in prestico, Symbols used in the ancient Roman Empire (see the fascist and Nazi salute, the pomp and military parades, mixing them with the cult of youth and masculine virility).
The truth is that these regimes totalistaristi facsimile (poorly managed) badly what was once the Roman Empire (in the greek-Roman Mediterranean panorama). "Civilization" of ancient Rome was not made only Roman salutes and military parades, but it was far more complex than depicted the Fascists and the Nazis, the differences between the regimes of the last century with the ancient Roman Empire (Greek and Roman civilization in general), are many, both on the ideological level - social and cultural - religious - political and sexual (because sexuality of the ancient Romans was quite different from what
They touted the Nazi regimes).

Even if they are still seen as patriarchal societies (those greek-Roman), it must be said that were devoid of any type of barriers, especially regarding their sexuality, just look at the slew of erotic art that produced, which are full of sexual images not only straight, but also homosexual. There were emperors homosexual and / or had a lover, very often a teenager, there was also a transsexual emperor, even if he cut off his head to himself or to his mother.
There were some pederastiche gods (who worshiped not only the Greeks but also the Romans).
Some time ago I read of a god (I do not remember the name), where the faithful were used to gather in a certain place (outdoors) where they carried out the orgiastic rites (hallucinating in my opinion).

If the first Reich coincides with the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the second Reich with the First World War, the Third Reich and the Second World War, the Fourth Reich certainly coincides with this "" Union "" European Germanic domain, which relates principally to the appearance economic-monetary and banking partner.



The European totalitarian regimes (mainly the right), touted an ethnic / racial origin Nordic (europoidal), for several hanni, which, nowadays, these pseudo-scientific theories They have been largely disproved, thanks to new genetic studies.
It is clear that the haplogroup I, typical of the northern population (not only today, but also medieval), is directed haplogroup J brother, typical of the Semitic peoples, since who have an ancestral progenitor that unites (certainly not europoidal).


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Then we have to add that democracy in ancient rome there has never been, at most there was a republic, but it was just a figure of speech, as the meetings were dominated by the patricians who, thanks to their
wealth could make the vote huge clienteles. While the Greek was divided in different city states, supported by government systems aristocrats, type oligarchic (both Dynastic not).
For this reason, when I speak of the ancient "civilization" of the Mediterranean, always put the quotes.
The Mafia in the Republican era was very much present, Luciano Perelli wrote in this regard:

"The pre-eminence of personal potentates on alleged state authority was justified by the fact that the Roman republic lacked the structures that form the basis of the modern state, and that there were also in most of the ancient kingdoms and empires of Eastern and Hellenistic world: the bureaucracy was almost non-existent, the few officials were at the noble magistrate personal service, which is often availed itself of the work of his freedmen and slaves; there was no state police, nor the judiciary as a separate judicial organ of the state.
The public order was entrusted to the initiative of the nobles and their action teams; ordinary justice was in the hands of prominent private citizens. There anyway he explains how in the Republican era the Roman social and political life was controlled by a personal powers paramafiosi system, in which even the laws and their application was conditioned by the interests and pressures from individual powerful men and paramafious clan."

By Corruption Policy In Ancient Rome
Suetonius wrote about the depravity of Tiberius: "Capri favored the kids just pubescent collected among the children of the local community and called them" little fish ", spying while swimming naked in the pool or entertained sexual relations between them - the old emperor had trained of children at a very young age to go later to live with him in the residence of the Villa Jovis, then invited them to joke between her legs while swimming and awaken your senses with kisses and bites. in Capri villas finally, the orgies were on the agenda and they would be held in front of a collection of erotic paintings of Greek art to be taken to models ", and again:
"After long and exquisite tortures, did fall into the sea convicts, before his eyes; a group of sailors waiting for them at the bottom with oars and with harpoon, and they tore their bodies, so that he could no longer remain the minimum residual life ".

I remember I also read that Tiberius drowning directly in his pool the kids who refused to do those things, a monstrosity after another!

Some personal criticism about what Luciano Perelli wrote about the Mafia in ancient Rome:

"The pre-eminence of personal potentates on alleged state authority was justified by the fact that the Roman republic lacked the structures that form the basis of the modern state (AS IF THE MAFIA NOT EXIST NOWADAYS IN THE ITALIAN STATE), and also existed in most of the ancient kingdoms and empires of Eastern and Hellenistic world: the bureaucracy was almost nonexistent (Now it is all too much, and in any case does not justify the presence of the Mafia in ancient Rome, since the mafia families thrive even widow bureaucracy is too much), the few officials were at the noble magistrate personal service, which is often availed itself of the work of his freedmen and slaves did not exist the state police (Now there is, but I do not think things have changed) will judicial judiciary as a separate organ of the state. (IDEM WITH POTATOES).
The public order was entrusted to the initiative of the nobles and their action teams; ordinary justice was in the hands of prominent private citizens. There anyway he explains how in the Republican era the Roman social and political life was controlled by a personal powers paramafiosi system, in which even the laws and their application was conditioned by the interests and pressures from individual powerful men and paramafious clan. "
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