New member, ready to take a stand

For someone "ready to take a stand," this guy sure is quiet.

Take a stand, someone can lend a hand and it'll be grand if he doesn't sit in the sand.


Français est la langue d'amour, oui?


What is the music of life?

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

Yup, among other things. Surely the rich (more so the unscrupulous rich; i.e., the plutocrats) play a role in the ongoing national destruction with their corruption of government, undermining the American working class with outsourcing and trying to cheat them for profit, etc. but I do not make making a target out of the upper class the entirety of my ideology. It is very easy to get so absorbed in what you hate and that which you want to destroy, and forget everything about what you love and that which you want to create.
Shush yourself.
This one looks interesting........ Uuummmm.........

Well, welcome to the nuthouse, grab your straightjacket and and join in the games.
Hi IchKampfe
I'm a Constitutionalist and I also cross over with members and ideas from both major parties. I adopted a lot of solutions from the Greens, and now the Libertarians.
I think it takes the best ideas from all people and all parties to compile solutions
and work collaboratively to fix problems with our country, govt, media, economy, etc.

So I work inclusively as possible with everyone I meet online and off.

If you are a fighter, you remind me of the four stages that I read about in a book:
the athlete, the warrior, the statesman, and the spiritual level.
I am guessing you are the warrior type of statesman.
I am the spiritual type of statesman, otherwise I would never get involved.
I mainly seek to resolve issues first, and then let people form their own solutions.
I don't try to dictate that, because everyone has their own good ideas!
I just try to network these good ideas together.

so that is where the spiritual unity is required to overcome past conflicts and barriers.
Most of the messes with the media and parties is over those conflicts politicized worse!

I think nationalism will help unite the people.
Especially with helping veterans which is a unifying approach to govt reforms.

but not too extreme, where nationalism is associated with racism, dominance, etc.
It should be the inclusive type of nationalism that doesn't make or take political sides.

I find as long as you are all inclusive and don't fight to cut out other people or groups,
then you can work with anyone and not lose time or resources "fighting for the sake of fighting" that is the mistake political parties make, and we've lost billions fighting that way
without any progress, where those billions could have been invested directly in solutions.

Welcome aboard and please post new threads to bring up new topics or ideas.
I'd like to see what your thoughts are on how to unify the nation on common goals!

Yours truly,

Hello fellow members, new and old,

I am IchKampfe. I found out about this board a few hours ago, and while waiting about five hours for the activation e-mail to arrive I was thinking about what to type for the intro. So here it is.

Ich Kampfe, translate to "I fight", and it means a lot to me for I see myself and many others in a world of political strife, engrossing internationalism, and in a state of decay; I see ourselves fighting an ideological war which will determine whether our nation survives and takes the path to glory, or our nation dies and takes the path to doom.

I believe that the best ideological label for my political beliefs would be nationalism. I have pride in this country and its people, and I hold my principles in high regard. I also believe nationalist is a better title for me since I hold no faith in the current large political machines that are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party; colloquially referred to as liberals and conservatives, and because I do not label my ideals as left or right wing. I stand for my nation above all.

Please note, when I say that I am a nationalist, it does not mean that I support the current system. In fact, the contrary is true: I loath its existence, this pathetic excuse for a national government sow the seeds of national decay willingly. In this system, our "representatives" talk, while they do not act at all. Today's politicians talk of helping the people, but in reality what they do is play the game of politics. Politics is just another word for thievery, gambling, and thuggery. As one can observe, I am highly anti-government. The government today does not serve the people, but themselves, and it is this realization that makes it necessary for a new leadership to rise to lead this nation to take back its pride, glory, and principles.

True American nationalism is not waving American flags and eating hot dogs at the baseball game, it is an attitude that one must find in their heart and spirit. There is no amount of materials that can compensate for the true spirit of nationalism that is national pride and the desire to struggle for a better nation. Some men and women bear this spirit naturally, others find it within themselves later in life, others never find it or never had it and decay into hedonism and their spiritual syphilis consumes them.

This is the essence of my ideology, an idealized nation-state in which its people can be proud of calling home and in which its government can be proud in calling its subjects citizens. A nation-state in which the true spirit of man can be expressed in an atmosphere that values and promotes hard work, discipline, allegiance, and servility.

I hope I did a good job introducing myself, I will discuss my ideas in the appropriate boards. You will see me around, I guarantee it. I wish you all have a nice day. God bless America.
Hi IchKampfe
I'm a Constitutionalist and I also cross over with members and ideas from both major parties. I adopted a lot of solutions from the Greens, and now the Libertarians.
I think it takes the best ideas from all people and all parties to compile solutions
and work collaboratively to fix problems with our country, govt, media, economy, etc.

So I work inclusively as possible with everyone I meet online and off.

If you are a fighter, you remind me of the four stages that I read about in a book:
the athlete, the warrior, the statesman, and the spiritual level.
I am guessing you are the warrior type of statesman.
I am the spiritual type of statesman, otherwise I would never get involved.
I mainly seek to resolve issues first, and then let people form their own solutions.
I don't try to dictate that, because everyone has their own good ideas!
I just try to network these good ideas together.

so that is where the spiritual unity is required to overcome past conflicts and barriers.
Most of the messes with the media and parties is over those conflicts politicized worse!

I think nationalism will help unite the people.
Especially with helping veterans which is a unifying approach to govt reforms.

but not too extreme, where nationalism is associated with racism, dominance, etc.
It should be the inclusive type of nationalism that doesn't make or take political sides.

I find as long as you are all inclusive and don't fight to cut out other people or groups,
then you can work with anyone and not lose time or resources "fighting for the sake of fighting" that is the mistake political parties make, and we've lost billions fighting that way
without any progress, where those billions could have been invested directly in solutions.

Welcome aboard and please post new threads to bring up new topics or ideas.
I'd like to see what your thoughts are on how to unify the nation on common goals!

Yours truly,

Interesting ideas. I do believe that nationalism that is too extreme can be very harmful, it poses a danger to the national union, especially if the national population is unwilling to accept and adopt it. However, I will have to disagree with you on being inclusive with nationalism as I believe that there are certain ideological groups that are not benevolent for the nation. Surely, they have a right to say what they want, but to be a nationalist is to stand for your country and there are some who do not do that or blatantly oppose it. I see a conflict in the "inclusive type" nationalism you promote. Everything else is agreeable however. Thank you for your contribution.

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