New Law Means EVERY Sex Offender Must Move Out Of County

Hobbit said:
I, personally, am appalled by this law. Right now, we have a failing prison system. The U.S. has several times more prisoners per capita than any other place in the world, and the criminals aren't the only ones who suffer from their incarceration. Families must make do without them, relatives walk around in shame, and friends must cope with the fact that one of them is behind bars.
What is this supposed to mean? We should release prisoners because of the shame it causes their families? Please, if criminals actually cared about bringing shame to their families, then all they have to do is not commit crimes.

Then, there's recidivism. Right now, prisons do absolutely nothing to prepare prisoners for the outside world. They simply lock them up and try to avoid lawsuits and escapes.
Thats the idea.

No effort is made to turn them into productive members of society, only to contain them until the sentence is up. It's not inability to rehabilitate that keeps recidivism high, it's the lack of an attempt to rehabilitate.
Sorry, but its not my job(my tax money) to train prisoners into "productive members of society". We have a free public school system all the way until high school. If someone can't make themselves a productive member of society by taking advange of that, then I have zero sympathy for them, and I as a taxpayer have zero responsibility to further try to educate/train them past what we already paid for (K-12).

Because of this, criminals who are released are ill equipped to handle the outside world and probably haven't made any progress towards resolving whatever made them commit the crime in the first place. As a result, they turn back to crime and wind up right back in jail.
If they are ill equiped, its largely because of their own doing. Guilt trip isn't going to work here, I as a citizen am not repsonsible in any way for what a criminal does. Criminals do what is EASY for them, crime is usually the easy way to get through life.

Now, the prisoner, of course, bears the responsibility of the choice and should be punished. However, the state has not made it any easier for them. In fact, a few church-run, volunteer only faith-based prison ministries have been the only ones successful in keeping recidivism rates in their sector below 50% with a rigorous, disciplinary routine that gives them the drive needed to suceed.

Now there's an idea! Church and God can and does make a difference for these people.

Now, they are being driven out of the prisons through lawsuits via Americans United for the Seperation of Church and State, leaving most prisoners nothing but a steep uphill battle to look forward to if they even think they may die outside of a prison.
Thank the liberals that do everything in their power to prevent the word of God from spreading

Now, given all of these failings, we do not try to reform prisons to reduce the recidivism rate. Instead, we pass on all of the failings of the prison system to those we have told have already paid their debt to society. Given the penchant of convicts to go back to jail, being an ex-con carries with it a horrible stigma that makes it hard to obtain a job or get any of the other things that make life worth living outside prison walls. Now, the state makes it even harder by placing strict restrictions on all prisoners after they are released, extending that stigma so deeply that life in prison is more favorable than life as an ex-con.
If criminals don't like the stigma of being an ex-con, then they should...hmm...maybe not commit crimes? There is a novel idea! I would certainly hope there is some sort of stigma for ex-cons, they did something terrible to get there!

And sex criminals get it the worst. Granted, their victims are the most sympathetic, as they're traumatized for life and are still alive to tell about it, but what about the sex offenders themselves. Some of them went through some horrible psychological mess, often starting with a pornography addiction that led to more extreme stuff until they began carrying out the fantasies they saw on their favorite hardcore sites. If anyone truly made a concerted effort to help these people, I bet you'd see the recidivism rate drop tremendously, but as it is, these people are screwed. Once they've fallen down the hole of pedophilia, there's nobody to turn to for help. Even most church-goers will turn them away in disgust, believing they are beyond the help of even God. This just drives them to hide their illness and dig deeper until they are caught. With no serious treatment available, most never overcome this sickness, but instead of attempting to treat the sickness, we simply are satisfied to quaranteen the sick, ruining their lives and the lives of everyone they know. Society turns its back on those that need our help the most and continue to crack down every day more and more, diving away every hope of a viable cure.
I have zero obligation as a citizen to pay for trying to "cure" pedophiles or other sex offenders. I'll pay to keep them locked up for life though, to keep myself and family safe. If you want to help them so much, start a charity organization to help them. Good luck.

Now, I'm all for cracking down on criminals, but we as a society will never reduce crime unless every crime carries a life sentence (prohibitively expensive for the taxpayers) or we make a concerted effort to help, not just punish, those that have hurt us. All of you are so quick to condemn, claiming they're uncurable, so we must simply do away with them for the good of society. Well, AIDS is currently the most baffling disease known to man, cancer kills millions, and ebola plagues Africa beyond what we can imagine, but we don't simply do away with those people because 'there is no cure.' Instead, we spend millions trying to find a cure. How can you know pedophilia and desire to rape are uncurable? We have yet to even try.
Sexual acts are not a disease, its an act, a crime. Like I said before, if you want to help them that bad, start a charity for them. Otherwise if you're not willing to put your money where your mouth is, do not come here and preach to me that I and every other taxpayer should have to pay for it.

As a conservative I believe the government's job first and foremost is to protect its citizens. That means a military that can protect us from outside threats, and a justice/prison system to protect us from the inside threats. I would rather see every single government agency outside the DoD/DoJ cut back and every welfare program axed before ever cutting back money for prisons that make us safe. What use is living the American dream if one night your child or other loved one is raped and or murdered?

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