New Grill


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2018
My Wife And I Were Sitting On The Deck
I Pointed To This Little Toy Grill We've Had
It's Just A Flat Green Pan, Has Three Tall Aluminum Legs
And A Flimsy Wire Grate
You Can Adjust Up & Down The Top Half Of The Legs
It's Starting To Get Some Holes In The Bottom
I Told Her 'This Is It's 30th Anniversary'

We Bought It For Our First Memorial Day Trip To Colorado Springs
So I Got Out Some Burgers And Sausages
Gave It It's Anniversary Cook
We Reminisced About Our Trips
And Where That Grill Had Taken Us
And How Handy It Had Been On The Patio
Then It's Time To Take It Apart And Let It Go

So She Went To The Store
(I Haven't Seen The Same Grill For A Couple Of Years Now)
And Brought Home What Looks Like A Micro-Weber
Dial Vent On The Lid, Two Sliding Vents In The Sides
Has A Raised Grate For Charcoal Ventilation
Looks Fairly Good For $15 Bucks

I Want To See If I Can Get A Low & Slow Smoke Out Of It
So I Arranged My Briquettes Around The Bottom In A Ring
You Light One End, And It Burns Like A Fuse All Day
I Got Two Cornish Hens
Anything Bigger, Couldn't Be In-Direct Heat
I Got My Thermometer, My Birds, I'm Ready To Go
I'll Start Them Around 9 Tomorrow Morning
Maybe They'll Be Done For Lunch


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