New dispute over boy abducted to Brazil


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
New Dispute Over Boy Brought to NJ From Brazil - ABC News

The grandmother of a boy brought from Brazil to his father's New Jersey home to resolve an international abduction case is complaining that she's not allowed to see the child.
Goldman, brought Sean home to New Jersey on Dec. 24 after a five-year international custody battle. Silvana Bianchi, Sean's maternal grandmother, has complained on Brazilian television that she?s not allowed to see him.

The Brazilian woman and her husband arrived in New Jersey last month with hopes of visiting 9-year-old Sean Goldman.

His father, David Goldman, brought him home on Dec. 24 after a five-year international custody battle. The U.S. Congress and Brazil's Supreme Court weighed in on the case, and the presidents of the two countries discussed it when they met last year.

The boy's mother, Bruna Bianchi, took the child to her native Brazil in 2004. There, she divorced Goldman and eventually married a Rio de Janeiro lawyer. After she died giving birth to a daughter in 2008, the abduction case started getting attention around the world.
I think she lost all sympathy and right ot see the kid when she purposely kept the kid from his father for as long as they did.

I'm assuming she was part of the people keeping the boy from his parent
Screw that grandmother. She thinks the world revolves around her. She put the boy's dad through hell for years.
I sure as hell would not let an unsupervised visit take place. I'm with you guys. screw that old lady.. you want fair then you need to play fair..
Goldman traveled repeatedly to Brazil to visit his son. But he did not get to see the boy until U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, a Republican from New Jersey, began accompanying him last year.

ya reaps what ya sow.
I don't feel bad for the grandmother, I feel bad for the boy. He is the one in the middle of this, and his father should have allowed a supervised visit if that is what his son wanted. If not, screw the grandmother.
Unbelievably petty.

I would not allow unsupervised visitation. but visitation at a neutral location, like would be in everyone's best interest.
I can't figure out what grandma is thinking. Her visitation is solely at the discretion of David Goldman. If she continues to interfere with his relationship with his son, the father will rightfully deny any visits. She needs to start acting like a real grandmother an work with the childs rightful parent
I can't figure out what grandma is thinking. Her visitation is solely at the discretion of David Goldman. If she continues to interfere with his relationship with his son, the father will rightfully deny any visits. She needs to start acting like a real grandmother an work with the childs rightful parent

if she cared about the kid she would, but what she cares about is vindictiveness toward her ex son-in-law.. same with the dead wife. she snuck child off to Brazil against American law. Vindictive,, payback is hell.
The entire fiasco is heartbreaking. The father finally has his son back. His rights are more important than the Grandparents. That being said, maybe their is a way that they can compromise? Supervised visitation would seem to be a good start. Worst case they can write letters, send E-mails, exchange Video's etc.... The Grandparents can stay in touch if they really want too....
The entire fiasco is heartbreaking. The father finally has his son back. His rights are more important than the Grandparents. That being said, maybe their is a way that they can compromise? Supervised visitation would seem to be a good start. Worst case they can write letters, send E-mails, exchange Video's etc.... The Grandparents can stay in touch if they really want too....

I think the Dad would eventually agree to that, right now he is dealing with 5 years of abuse at the hands of these people.. takes awhile to get over the emotional trauma of being victimized by your dead wife and her parents.
Unbelievably petty.

I would not allow unsupervised visitation. but visitation at a neutral location, like would be in everyone's best interest.

she spent years destroying the relationship between the boy and his father.

she made a scene when the father took the boy home, upsetting the child.

she has zero interest in the child's best interests.

heck with her. the kid has barely had the chance to get to know his father

she can see him in five years. :thup:
Unbelievably petty.

I would not allow unsupervised visitation. but visitation at a neutral location, like would be in everyone's best interest.

she spent years destroying the relationship between the boy and his father.

she made a scene when the father took the boy home, upsetting the child.

she has zero interest in the child's best interests.

heck with her. the kid has barely had the chance to get to know his father

she can see him in five years. :thup:

This really isn't about the grandma (A jerk by any definition) but the kid. This woman has been important to him for five years, so he has a connection. We don't want to hurt the kid when we deal with a really awful grandma.

Now if the kid has issues with her, she should only see him when it is healthy for the kid.
Unbelievably petty.

I would not allow unsupervised visitation. but visitation at a neutral location, like would be in everyone's best interest.

she spent years destroying the relationship between the boy and his father.

she made a scene when the father took the boy home, upsetting the child.

she has zero interest in the child's best interests.

heck with her. the kid has barely had the chance to get to know his father

she can see him in five years. :thup:

This really isn't about the grandma (A jerk by any definition) but the kid. This woman has been important to him for five years, so he has a connection. We don't want to hurt the kid when we deal with a really awful grandma.

Now if the kid has issues with her, she should only see him when it is healthy for the kid.

The kid is undoubtedly attached to his grandmother.
Unfortunately, she has proven herself to be poison to the boys relationship with his father. Most kids with grandparents in other countries only see them once a year anyway. If it were me, I would allow visitation sometime this summer under strict supervision.
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Unbelievably petty.

I would not allow unsupervised visitation. but visitation at a neutral location, like would be in everyone's best interest.

she spent years destroying the relationship between the boy and his father.

she made a scene when the father took the boy home, upsetting the child.

she has zero interest in the child's best interests.

heck with her. the kid has barely had the chance to get to know his father

she can see him in five years. :thup:

This really isn't about the grandma (A jerk by any definition) but the kid. This woman has been important to him for five years, so he has a connection. We don't want to hurt the kid when we deal with a really awful grandma.

Now if the kid has issues with her, she should only see him when it is healthy for the kid.

True, good point. If the kid wants to see his grandma (supervised visit since she did sort of kidnap him in the first place) the dad should make every effort for the kid.
To be honest, I fail to see how this is anyone's business but the family. The father, in my opinion, has shown his dedication and love for his son in his unfailing efforts to be reunited with the child. I figure he probably will act in his son's best interests.
she spent years destroying the relationship between the boy and his father.

she made a scene when the father took the boy home, upsetting the child.

she has zero interest in the child's best interests.

heck with her. the kid has barely had the chance to get to know his father

she can see him in five years. :thup:

This really isn't about the grandma (A jerk by any definition) but the kid. This woman has been important to him for five years, so he has a connection. We don't want to hurt the kid when we deal with a really awful grandma.

Now if the kid has issues with her, she should only see him when it is healthy for the kid.

The kid is undoubtedly attached to his grandmother.
Unfortunately, she has proven herself to be poison to the boys relationship with his father. Most kid with grandparents in other countries only see them once a year anyway. If it were me, I would allow visitation sometime this summer under strict supervision.

Actually, the usual standard in most of the world is 3 or four generations under one roof. In the orient, wife moves into the husband's parent's house.

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