New CIS Report Confirms That “Every State Is a Border State”


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Californians for Population Stabilization has since its founding in 1986 advocated for reducing the nation’s population. If America didn’t have 312 million people, then most social problems like school and hospital overcrowding, urban sprawl, poverty could be contained or possibly even resolved.

Dr. Stephen Camarota’s new report from the Center for Immigration Studies titled A Record Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010 is a disturbing portrait of America today.

According to his research which he based on Census Bureau data, Dr. Camarota found that the nation’s immigrant population (legal and illegal), also referred to as foreign-born, reached 40 million in 2010, the highest number in American history. Nearly 14 million new legal and illegal immigrants settled in the United States (2.8 million in California) from 2000 to 2010. The immigration tidal wave continued even though there was a net decline of jobs during the last ten years, a factor that should slow migration. In contrast, from 1990 to 2000, job growth exceeded 20 million but slightly fewer immigrants arrived (13.2 million).

Since 1990, the nation’s immigrant population doubled; since 1980, tripled and since 1970, when the total was 9.7 million, quadrupled. Growth in the immigrant population has primarily been driven by excessively high levels of legal immigration. Roughly 75 percent of America’s immigrants are legal residents.

A developing trend is that new immigrants now move into states not traditionally associated with high immigration. The six states with the largest immigrant populations (California tops the list with 10.2 million immigrants) accounted for 65 percent of the total in 2010, 68 percent in 2000 and 73 percent in 1990. For the third consecutive decade, California has the highest percentage of foreign-born residents, 27.2, 26.2 and 21.7 percent.

Although the overall the immigrant population grew 28 percent between 2000 and 2010, it grew at more than twice the national rate in Alabama (92 percent), South Carolina (88 percent), Tennessee (82 percent), Arkansas (79 percent), Kentucky (75 percent), North Carolina (67 percent), South Dakota (65 percent), Georgia (63 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Nevada (61 percent), Delaware (60 percent), Virginia (60 percent), and Oklahoma (57 percent).

New CIS Report Confirms That “Every State Is a Border State” | population growth | Californians for Population Stabilization

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