new chinese missle


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way

What about a couple of guys in a boat with a bomb? a la USS Cole.
You people live in a fantasy world. Granted, it's unlikely that a solitary missile could take down a carrier, but the russians, even Iran have hypersonic ship missiles capable of inflicting mortal wounds to carriers. This isn't new news.
The OP's ignorance on this subject is staggering and is a good example of why people who know nothing about the subject should refrain from comment. This particular tech is an anti-access tech which means the U.S. primary method of projecting force unfettered, something they've enjoyed since WWII is seriously endangered. This has been a primary worry of the pentagram for years. Even the extradorinarily capable russian anti-ship missliles which Iran has aplenty can't compete with the filthy commies new defensive toy.
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way

They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist…
John B. Sedgwick, General , Last words, 1864


The DongFeng 21 (DF-21, NATO code name: CSS-5) is a two-stage, solid-propellant, single-warhead medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) system developed by China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy (also known as 2nd Space Academy). Developed from the JuLang 1 (JL-1) submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), the DF-21 was originally intended for strategic missions but its later variants were designed for both nuclear and conventional missions. The latest DF-21D was said to be the world’s first and only anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system. The DF-21 has also been developed into space launcher and anti-satellite/anti-missile weapon carrier.
DongFeng 21 (CSS-5) Medium-Range Ballistic Missile -
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Ballistic Missile Defense
Standard Missile-3 is being
developed for Aegis Ballistic
Missile Defense (BMD) as part
of the Missile Defense Agency’s
Ballistic Missile Defense System
(BMDS). The Aegis BMD
system integrates SM-3 with the
Aegis Weapon System (AWS)
aboard U.S. Navy cruisers
to provide an umbrella of
protection against short to
intermediate-range ballistic
missile threats. SM-3 is
compatible with the MK 41
Vertical Launching System
(VLS) deployed on many U.S.
Navy and international surface

A Raytheon-produced Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) successfully engaged a ballistic missile target outside the earth's atmosphere during a flight test over the Pacific Ocean. Launched from the USS DECATUR (DDG 73), the SM-3 Block IA destroyed a medium-range ballistic missile target that had been launched from the U.S. Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii.
This flight test marked the first time that a SM-3 was fired from an Aegis destroyer. In previous tests, the missile was launched from Aegis cruisers. It was the third intercept of a medium-range target with a separating re-entry warhead and the ninth successful intercept for the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense program.

Raytheon Standard Missile-3 Achieves Ninth Hit-to-Kill Intercept In Space

One thing to keep in mind, while these Surface to Surface Missles have been been around for years dating back to the Soviet Navy, often times when you see a Missle like the one China has developed there is a reason the DoD has let that be known. Of course any surface ship can be sunk given the right set of circumstances and the right number of weapons, that has been true since man has been sailing the sea's. I would also point out that China is also developing their own Carrier ..

Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guanglie was quoted in state media in March 2009 saying China no longer wanted to be the only major global power without an aircraft carrier. China will not remain the world's only major nation without an aircraft carrier indefinitely, state press 23 March 2009 cited the nation's defense minister as telling his Japanese counterpart. Liang Guanglie made the remarks to visiting Japanese Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada on Friday, the Oriental Morning Post said, in discussions that took place after a recent spike in tension in the South China Sea. "Among the big nations only China does not have an aircraft carrier. China cannot be without an aircraft carrier forever," the paper quoted Liang as saying, citing Japanese official sources. "China's navy is currently rather weak, we need to develop an aircraft carrier." Liang's comment is the highest-level recent confirmation that China aims to acquire an aircraft carrier, a sophisticated piece of military hardware that can be used to project power far beyond a nation's shores...

Aircraft Carrier Project - People's Liberation Army Navy

So I would not look for this Missile to render the Nimitz class or the new Ford Class carriers obsolete anytime soon.
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way

There's always a way. The 9/11 hijackers did massive damage to the US with nothing more than box cutters, our own commercial aircraft, and the willingness to die for their cause.

So stop dealing in absolutes.
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way

There's always a way. The 9/11 hijackers did massive damage to the US with nothing more than box cutters, our own commercial aircraft, and the willingness to die for their cause.

So stop dealing in absolutes.

19 terrorist did an estimated 2 trillion dollars in damage. But that is just an estimate.
Yeah I read some article on the USA Today about this. Vietnam and several other countries are stepping up to back the US on this cause they were saying..Almost no neighboring asian countries are allies with China..except for maybe North Korea :lol:
Oddly, the U.S. is attempting to make Vietnam it's next China proxy. Goes to show you that even when you kill millions of people you can still eventually be friends.
Oddly, the U.S. is attempting to make Vietnam it's next China proxy. Goes to show you that even when you kill millions of people you can still eventually be friends.

I know Japan and South Korea are both willing to assist also..China won't do a damn thing if they know what's good for 'em...I wouldnt be surprised if they turn to Russia and ask for help. Russia won't act upon the US either. They need to buy wheat amongst other things from the US and also need aid for the fires that are going out of control there and the drought too I forgot to mention.
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No defense is perfect. Something inevitably gets through. In the case of a stike by a major power like China an attack would come from Subs, surface missiles, air launched missles and possibly ballistic missles, all at the same time.

We tend to put down other countries militaries when compared to ours, with good reason, but to underestimate an possible foe is to invite disaster. The Chinese are certainly able to conduct was and their philosophy has changed since the human wave attacks of Korea and the inept border war with Vietnam. In a possible war over Taiwan (which I think we would not go to war over) the Chinese would gives up a heck of a fight and we could possibly lose that war.

Check this link out to a RAND study on the air war in a possible Chinese/US war.
there is no way on god's green and blue earth that a chinese missle could sink one of our aircraft carriers. even a nuclear bomb couldn't get even close to "sink the boat"
ask anyone who has served on a u.s carrier, there's just no way
What ? Ask some glassy eyed, brainwashed, dolt.
You'll get the usual answer.
" The greatest military in the history of mankind, Gawd Blass murka"/ speech.

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