New Asian carp czar ready to do battle

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The nation's new Asian carp czar said Wednesday that, as a fisherman, he understands personally the threat of Asian carp to the Great Lakes and will do everything he can to halt the fish's steady march past barriers intended to hold it back.

However, John Goss, former director of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and current director of the Indiana Wildlife Federation, said he had no opinion yet on separating the Mississippi River and Great Lakes by walling off the canal that links the two.
The White House chose Goss as director of the year-old Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee, a group of state and federal agencies working to stop bighead and silver carp from entering the lakes. His appointment was announced Wednesday.
No other invasive species has its own White House-level director, the Obama administration said. There hasn't been such a concentrated effort to attack a species since 1955, when the binational Great Lakes Fishery Commission was set up to control sea lamprey.

New Asian carp czar ready to do battle | | Detroit Free Press

Maybe that is because no one else has ever been stupid enough to declare war on a species before.

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