Never forget that sex is about reproduction

Sex is about

getting young men and women of similar race together and producing the next generation.

On the grand biological scheme of things, not limited to humans,not limited to higher animals, sex is not necessarily about reproduction.

Many lower forms of life, and even many higher forms of plant life, reproduce asexually.

When paramecia mate, the process starts with two paramecia, and ends with two paramecia. Essentially, the parents turn into their children, with no net increase in the number of actual paramecia.

What sex is really about is creating genetic diversity. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are exact genetic clones of their parents. Sex produces offspring that combine the genetic material from both parents, in random ways. In this way, in combination with natural selection, positive traits are brought out, and amplified, while adverse traits tend to be weeded out.

Genetic diversity is good for all species, including humans.

Old ideas about “racial purity” were false. The result is basically like inbreeding, though not as pronounced. It is actually better for humanity if the races mix, each adding its own genetic strengths to the others.
Sex is about getting young men and women of similar race together and producing the next generation. Never forget that! That is how you yourself, and all the billions of people around the world came into existence.

Masturbation, pornography, etc. - all of that is sterile and degenerate.

So, you don't want to become a mother or father? Fine, but you aren't going to live forever. You are going to grow old and die. You have a window of time to contribute to the next generation, and that's it.

Good god Sir, this is so full or inaccurate, fearful, uneducated, thoughts.
Who hurt you?

You are correct that sex can result in children, but many people find there to be other benefits.
Some of those benefits can be achieved thru masturbation. In fact I'd been willing to bet if you tried it just once your personality would improve at least 30%.
Secondly, Why do the man and woman have to be young? I mean, I know why chose that, but statistically when people wait to have children unlike after they've put time into education and career they're about to provide more stable and comfortable lives.
You're so concerned that our next generation won't be chock full of bright white children I guess you can't have them be happy too.
I'm just gonna skip over the whole similar race bit bc I just don't have the strength to walk through that one with you today.
Finally you mention this very limited window to have kids before you get old and die alone. It's not really that small, a woman has mid forties at least, and lucky for you men can make babies right up until there lady day on earth.
But there is actually a door number 3 if you will and it's actually a win win situation.
Adoption is a wonderful and beautiful thing, to you have any idea how many orphans there are world wide, or right here in the US how many kids grows up being tossed around the foster care system. Don't you think those kids deserve a Dad as psyched to be a Dad as you are?
This world is so over populated we cannot provide even basic resources like water to them and you are worrying over making more people?????
So if you achieve your goal of nagging young white people into unprotected sex, and the population explained further what happens to the kids I spoke about earlier: the brown ones?

Actually don't answer that question. I wouldn't be surprised if you had an answer.

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Sex is about getting young men and women of similar race together and producing the next generation. Never forget that! That is how you yourself, and all the billions of people around the world came into existence.

Masturbation, pornography, etc. - all of that is sterile and degenerate.

So, you don't want to become a mother or father? Fine, but you aren't going to live forever. You are going to grow old and die. You have a window of time to contribute to the next generation, and that's it.

The sex act can unite sperm and egg to produce a child. That is one aspect of sex. But there are many other aspects. To try and boil it down to just reproduction is insanity.

Sterile? No, rarely sterile. Degenerate? Only if you do it right and with gusto!!

The only people who claim sex is strictly for reproduction are the people who want to control you.
Per my urologist, older men should have a lot of sex, the more they have ejaculations seems the less that have prostate cancer.
Sex is about getting young men and women of similar race together and producing the next generation. Never forget that! That is how you yourself, and all the billions of people around the world came into existence.

Masturbation, pornography, etc. - all of that is sterile and degenerate.

So, you don't want to become a mother or father? Fine, but you aren't going to live forever. You are going to grow old and die. You have a window of time to contribute to the next generation, and that's it.
Since I had a vasectomy sex is NOT about reproduction and all about hedonism

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