Net Neutrality, Government rate setting & Lawsuits


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Look who now says government has been handed authority to set internet rates - just as though your computer were their telephone:

FCC Confirms Net Neutrality Rules Give Control Over Rates The Daily Caller

Excerpts from articles are in BLUE below:

Federal Communications Commissioners testifying before Congress Wednesday admitted that the agency’s new net neutrality rules give the FCC the authority to influence rates charged by Internet service providers.

All five commissioners appeared before a Senate panel Wednesday afternoon to testify on a number of issues currently before the FCC, including its newly adopted Internet authority. It was FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s second appearance before Congress this week over the agency’s new authority. (RELATED: Congress Questions FCC Chief About ‘Secret Meetings’ With White House Over Net Neutrality)

That authority, included in the strongest rules ever placed over ISPs in a partisan FCC vote last month, includes a provision downplayed by the agency’s three Democratic commissioners, all of whom continue to combat criticism from the right that the rules give the government a regulatory heavy hand over the Internet industry.

Let the lawsuits begin!

Net Neutrality Telecom Groups Will Sue the FCC First DC Inno

Telecom industry groups will be first in line to sue the FCC over its new net neutrality rules, not individual companies like Verizon and Comcast according to a report from Reuters. That's a change from previous years, when it was in fact a ruling in favor of Verizon that led to the FCC needing to recraft net neutrality rules into their new form.

CTIA-The Wireless Association, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and USTelecom are all planning to file petitions asking the courts to overturn the new net neutrality rules, which make the Internet a public utility. The idea is to avoid complicating the legal process for the telecom companies hoping for a swift resolution in their favor. The companies making up the trade groups are also likely hoping to avoid bringing down an angry response from the public, millions of whom commented in favor of net neutrality (urged on by the like of John Oliver).

There's still a lot of uncertainty about what impacts "Net Neutrality" will have - except for ONE thing. The certainty that, before too long, you're going to pay more.
You're actually asking us to believe that Big Telecom is going to put up a fight about NN because it might make them more money.

Orwell lives.
You're actually asking us to believe that Big Telecom is going to put up a fight about NN because it might make them more money.

Actually, no.

I'm simply posting the links and enough of each article to allow an intelligent reader to decide whether read more.

I'm like to say that I'm sorry you were not up to that challenge.

But that would be lying and I'm not a Democrat.
You're actually asking us to believe that Big Telecom is going to put up a fight about NN because it might make them more money.

Actually, no.

I'm simply posting the links and enough of each article to allow an intelligent reader to decide whether read more.

I'm like to say that I'm sorry you were not up to that challenge.

But that would be lying and I'm not a Democrat.

Neither am I, but I'm like to say I already did decide. Didn't take but a moment.
A post net neutrality world:


With higher prices of course I don't know what they were thinking with those.
So basically it's a partisan fight in the FCC with the top three commissioners making changes without first presenting the changes to the public for review as is customary......... Ummmmmm.........

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