Nest Of Traitors Win Again


Sep 23, 2010
The NY Yankees used to be so good cries in the land were heard “Break up the Yankees.” The U.S. Senate is so good at treason let’s “Break up the Senate.”:

Obama secures Iran nuclear deal with Barbara Mikulski vote
By Ted Barrett, Jeremy Diamond, Elise Labott and Laura Koran
Updated 12:54 PM ET, Wed September 2, 2015 |

Obama secures Iran nuclear deal with Barbara Mikulski vote -

Notice how the New World Order crowd always have the votes needed to protect the traitors when it harms the American people. Democrats are doing it with the Iran Deal, while Republicans are doing it with the TPP. The same method —— you take the blows on this one and we’ll take them the next time —— is used whenever it enriches Wall Street.

Democrats took the heat for the ACA, but you can always find one or two Republicans needed to advance whatever it is they want to shove down the public’s throat. REPUBLICAN Senator Corker made it easy for the Iran Deal, then-Senator Olympia Snowe provided the necessary vote to move the ACA forward:

In October 2009, Snowe was the sole Republican in the Senate to vote for the Finance Committee’s health care reform bill. “When history calls, history calls,” she said at the time. Snowe said she wanted the bill sent to the full Senate, but noted she might not support the final version — and she didn’t. Still, many Republicans didn’t forget voted to bring health care reform up for a vote.

9 Snowe votes that angered the GOP
By Mackenzie Weinger
02/29/12, 03:38 PM EST
Updated 03/01/12, 02:49 PM EST

9 Snowe votes that angered the GOP

And how in hell did Snowe anger the GOP when they do everything possible to avoid repealing the ACA?

NOTE: Eight Republicans stabbed the country in the back with New START. So the GOP can hardly wrap themselves in the flag over the Iran Deal.

Finally, forget all of the slimy legislation and treaty betrayals and judge the U.S. Senate on this one thing: John Kerry was unanimously confirmed when every senator knew what is (97 to O —— three senators did not vote). If Kerry was up for confirmation after the Iran Nuclear Treaty is ratified as legislation every Republican senator would vote for him again.
The NY Yankees used to be so good cries in the land were heard “Break up the Yankees.” The U.S. Senate is so good at treason let’s “Break up the Senate.”:
Mitch McConnell is such a gutless wonder the Iran Nuclear TREATY is going to be legislated come hell or high water. Not even the worst president in America’s history would try to legislate a treaty:

President Wilson had to deal with the Senate’s rejection of the League of Nations treaty. Wilson didn’t pretend that a multilateral treaty negotiated to preserve world peace after a world war was an executive agreement in an end-run around the Constitution he was worn to preserve, protect and defend. He submitted as a treaty to the Senate. He took his loss. He failed to save face with the European powers. President Obama can learn from him.

Iran Deal: Not Too Late for the U.S. Senate
It should assert its duty under the U.S. Constitution to review all treaties.
By James M. Thunder – 9.21.15

Iran Deal: Not Too Late for the U.S. Senate

Today’s senators are not made of the same stuff that refused to ratify the League of Nations treaty. There is no better reason to repeal the XVII Amendment than is the Iran Nuclear TREATY.

For all of the pissing and moaning about imperial presidents, long-serving senators —— more loyal to their reelection than to the country —— made imperial garbage like the Chicago sewer rat and Bill Clinton possible. SIXTEEN YEARS BETWEEN THEM.

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