Neo-Nazis Demonstrate Their Increase In Strength


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Waving black flags and carrying banners, thousands of neo-Nazis marched in Dresden on Sunday, marring the official 60th anniversary commemoration of one of the fiercest Allied bombing raids of World War II.

Police said around 5,000 people joined the march in the eastern German city, making it one of the biggest far-right demonstrations since the war. Around 70 people, including anti-fascist protesters, were arrested after minor clashes.

Once on the fringe, far-right parties have seized on Germany's recent public discussion of its own wartime suffering to grab headlines and forge political gains, especially in the east where unemployment remains high 15 years after unification.

The far right is hoping to repeat its electoral successes next week in the western state of Schleswig Holstein and in May in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous region.

An Infratest Dimap poll for WDR television on Sunday put support for far-right parties in North Rhine-Westphalia at three percent, up one percent from January, but still below the five percent threshold needed to enter parliament there.

Before the march, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder pledged to stop far-right groups exploiting the anniversary and portraying Germany as a war victim while ignoring Nazi atrocities.

Thousands of police, backed by water cannon, were drafted into Dresden to stop clashes.

Far-right supporters -- banned from wearing bomber jackets and boots -- marched to the music of Wagner, carrying balloons saying: "Allied bomb terror -- then as now. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and today Baghdad. No forgiveness, no forgetting."

Several hundred anti-fascist activists chanted "Nazis out" from neighboring streets and threw pink paper airplanes with the markings of Britain's Royal Air Force.
The attack on Dresden took place just twelve weeks before the end of the war, causing many to ask if the brutality and scale of the raid was justified.
But for those still fighting there was no real idea of how close the end was.
With the Allies yet to cross the Rhine and the Germans still bombing London with V2 rockets, the British thought the war was anything but over.
taff said:
The attack on Dresden took place just twelve weeks before the end of the war, causing many to ask if the brutality and scale of the raid was justified.
But for those still fighting there was no real idea of how close the end was.
With the Allies yet to cross the Rhine and the Germans still bombing London with V2 rockets, the British thought the war was anything but over.

Well people being people, I am used to hearing about the 'poor' people of Dresden, Hiroshima, etc. I just can't feel terribly sorry about it, when a country starts a war, it's always the people that pay the price. Ugly but true.
Kathianne said:
Well people being people, I am used to hearing about the 'poor' people of Dresden, Hiroshima, etc. I just can't feel terribly sorry about it, when a country starts a war, it's always the people that pay the price. Ugly but true.
well you cant have a war and not have people die. just dont happen.
Johnney said:
well you cant have a war and not have people die. just dont happen.

I guess I figure that the aggressor should get theirs. A bit hard-hearted, but ah well. Hitler thought it strategic to bomb London, so pay back came down the road.

My guess it was a good thing for Afghanistan that there weren't any tall buildings there.
Kathianne said:
I guess I figure that the aggressor should get theirs. A bit hard-hearted, but ah well. Hitler thought it strategic to bomb London, so pay back came down the road.

My guess it was a good thing for Afghanistan that there weren't any tall buildings there.
well yeah the aggressor should get theirs alot harder! escalate the force to above what they were using
Johnney said:
well yeah the aggressor should get theirs alot harder! escalate the force to above what they were using

Especially when they are seriously out gunned. :shocked:
taff said:
The attack on Dresden took place just twelve weeks before the end of the war, causing many to ask if the brutality and scale of the raid was justified.

That was back when we still knew how to fight a war. You go all-out till the other side is destroyed or surrenders. You don't worry about slowing down or working on an exit strategy. Exit strategies are for losers. You plan to win. You decide how you'll exit AFTER you win. You kill people and blow things up until it's over. But we don't have the stomach for that anymore. Witness the media and leftist whining over the "highway of death". At the end of GW I the Air Force caught the rapists, murderers and looters that comprised the Republican Guard out in the open. They were attempting to flee in their own military vehicles as well as stolen civilian cars and trucks. We should have exterminated them to the last man. But we were being "civilized" and called our guys off before the job was done.
Kathianne said:
Well people being people, I am used to hearing about the 'poor' people of Dresden, Hiroshima, etc. I just can't feel terribly sorry about it, when a country starts a war, it's always the people that pay the price. Ugly but true.

A fact which most people refuse to acknowledge - In a war where national survival is at stake, the civilian populace of the opposing country is a legitimate target. They support the military industrial complex. They work in the factories that produce everything from rations to gasoline, uniforms to tanks, desks to airplanes. If you deprive your enemy of the means to resupply his armies, you have won.

Not pretty, but it's true.
Merlin1047 said:
That was back when we still knew how to fight a war. You go all-out till the other side is destroyed or surrenders. You don't worry about slowing down or working on an exit strategy. Exit strategies are for losers. You plan to win. You decide how you'll exit AFTER you win. You kill people and blow things up until it's over. But we don't have the stomach for that anymore. Witness the media and leftist whining over the "highway of death". At the end of GW I the Air Force caught the rapists, murderers and looters that comprised the Republican Guard out in the open. They were attempting to flee in their own military vehicles as well as stolen civilian cars and trucks. We should have exterminated them to the last man. But we were being "civilized" and called our guys off before the job was done.

come on Merlin, you know thats not PC anymore. :rolleyes:
and we need as less of it as we can get. maybe we'd have less US deaths to worry about had we done the proper job the first time around.

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