Neighbors from HELL !!! Give me a cig or I’ll shoot yer head off! OK here goes…


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Police say man fired shot at Marlborough neighbors

Friday, October 21, 2011

Marlborough, Massachusetts – In my opinion, Rhomal Yuvini Silva-Cartegena, 25 an illegal alien along with his illegal alien relative Jesus Silva, 21 were arrested for pulling a knife and then shooting at their unarmed neighbors for not giving them a cigarette.

Rhomal Yuvini Silva-Cartegena, 25, is being held without bail “he was charged with two counts of attempted murder, armed home invasion, possessing a firearm without a license, possessing a firearm without an FID card, carrying a loaded firearm without a license, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling, and three counts of assault with a dangerous weapon.”

Jesus Silva, 21, bail is set at $10,000. He is “charged with carrying a firearm without a license, possessing a firearm without an FID card and being an accessory to a crime before the fact.”

Both are being held by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, (ICE).


The two illegal aliens got into a confrontation with their neighbors in their apartment complex early Thursday morning. When they saw four neighbors smoking on their balcony and asked them for a smoke and the neighbors said “No.”

Sooo, rabid and outraged “Silva-Cartegena pulled out his trusty knife and started waving it around probably saying some choice words. The neighbors quickly went inside to get away from the crazy illegal aliens.

It was around 1:10 a.m. and you know what that means these hard working illegal aliens were probably hitting the sauce pretty heavy by then and they really needed a cigarette! I mean living in Marlborough it just sounds like everyone smokes and should smoke.

A while later two of the neighbors came back out onto their balcony to smoke and this outraged Silva-Cartegena even more. I guess he figured if he couldn’t smoke nobody was going to smoke. I wonder if it ever dawned on him to go to the store and buy his own pack of cigarettes.

Silva-Cartegena then ran upstairs and kicked a locked door down to get to the STINGY smoking neighbors. He fired off a round straight at them with his trusty black semiautomatic handgun. One neighbor jumped off the balcony inuring his back the other took off luckily they weren’t hit. Although the one who jumped off the balcony had to be taken to the local hospital.

Someone had called the Police and of course they showed up and arrested the illegal aliens.

Jesus Silva told the police he had illegally bought the gun and he fired the shot at the neighbors. “Witnesses, however, identified Silva-Cartegena as the person who had fired the gun.” (Was it Brotherly Love OR was he too drunk to remember?)

“The judge said both have connections outside the country and pose flight risks. A pre-trial hearing was set for Nov. 18.”
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That's bad, right? I can't tell anymore. Used to be I knew who the bad guys were, but that line is getting blurred. Is that what liberals want?
The black suit mafia called Obama and company have a mission to destroy us and kill Americans. The politicians have had this in the works for 30 years. It's the Ethnic Cleansing of America. Make way for “One World Order.” These guys were two of their failures. They have 20 million more to get the job done. Why do you think they want to give them all amnesty?
Granny says is so's dey can go back to dealin' driugs an' blastin' dem boom-boom boosted stereos all over the neighborhood...
Immigration Agency is Releasing Some Illegals Handed Over By Law Enforcement in Alabama, Lawmaker Says
November 17, 2011 - The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency is releasing some aliens after they are turned over by law enforcement officials in Alabama, despite the state’s new anti-illegal immigration law, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said Thursday.
Gutierrez said he does not know to what extent ICE is releasing aliens arrested in Alabama, but wants to ensure that the policy is applied more broadly. “We do know that there have been detainers issued, that is immigrants that have been brought to ICE, and that they’ve been released, subsequently released [by ICE],” he told in the Capitol hallways. “We know that that’s happening in Alabama, but we don’t know to what extent it’s happening and we want to make sure it is a broadly applicable policy that we can bring forward.”

According to the Department of Homeland Security, of which ICE is a component, a “detainer” is a document issued by ICE to a local prison or correctional facility when the agency is seeking custody of an arrested individual in order to begin removal proceedings. “A detainer is a request from ICE to the law enforcement agency to notify ICE before it releases an individual so that ICE has the opportunity to transfer the individual to federal custody,” DHS explains. “Federal law provides that an individual cannot be held on a detainer for longer than 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays,” adds the department. “At the end of the 48 hour period, the detainer expires.”

The Obama administration is opposed to Alabama’s new anti-illegal immigration law, arguing that it is “highly likely to expose persons lawfully in the United States, including school children, to new difficulties in routine dealings.” Signed by Republican Gov. Robert Bentley in June, the new law allows state law enforcement agencies to apprehend anyone suspected of being in the country illegally, once the person is detained for any other reason.

A week ago, I am walking my poor old dog. I walk by a neighbor's house with broken windows and trash strewn about, two black guys talking in front. A crash house for vagrants, one of the guys warns me NOT to let the dog shit in his yard...Meanwhile illegal aliens next door with three junk cars and a junk in their back yard ask me to rake up those leaves in my yard. Those same people that have no qualms parking under the shade of those same leaves for half the year even though they live across the street . What a fucking joke. The asshole Mexicans across the alley constantly fill up 4 dumpsters with crap that is either illegal or unsanitary or BOTH, I get cockroaches from these assholes. They pour ½ gallons of refried beans or god knows what waste foodstuffs along with concrete chunks, engine blocks or motor oil in the dumpsters. Yuck factor times ten! Well, then there is that pesky murder thing, murders in the area have increased…THAT is what neighbors from hell is all about.
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A week ago, I am walking my poor old dog. I walk by a neighbor's house with broken windows and trash strewn about, two black guys talking in front. One of them warns me NOT to let the dog shit in his yard...Meanwhile illegal aliens next door with three junk cars and a junk in their back yard ask me to rake up those leaves in my yard. Those same people that have no qualms parking under the shade of those same leaves for half the year even though they live across the street . What a fucking joke. The asshole Mexicans across the alley constantly fill up 4 dumpsters with crap that is either illegal or unsanitary or BOTH, I get cockroaches from these assholes. They pour ½ gallons of refried beans or god knows what waste foodstuffs along with concrete chunks, engine blocks or motor oil in the dumpsters. Yuck factor times ten! Well, then there is that pesky murder thing, murders in the area have increased…THAT is what neighbors from hell is all about. I ask Jake Starkey or Jose, IS this a GOOD thing? Do either of you geniuses have to deal with this shit? ? Is this acceptable?

I think I used to live next door to you! Maybe down the street.

I have lived in neighborhoods just like yours MANY times, I mean MANY times. When I moved in, they were always nice little neighborhoods, neat clean homes, roses growing in the garden. It doesn't take long when the undesirables start moving in to make it hell does it? Advice, get a "friend" and carry when you walk the dog. I always did.

Two neighbors talking.

"My cousin was shot last night"
"Really, whose birthday party did he go to?"

Now doesn't that sound familiar.
What else can I say? I am STILL living in this shithole whilst all you noble intellectuals ran away to greener pastures. You guys can't keep running, one day you will also have to face up to this multicultural nightmare.
What else can I say? I am STILL living in this shithole whilst all you noble intellectuals ran away to greener pastures. You guys can't keep running, one day you will also have to face up to this multicultural nightmare.

I ran lots of times. No matter where I went, in a relatively short while, it became just like the place I left.

My son made it out. He wanted to live in the same city he grew up in. He remembered the way it was. In six months, his dog was poisoned, his car vandalized TWICE, he and his wife were trapped in the grocery store while it was being robbed, his father in law home alone was terrorized by a home invasion. The last of it came when his wife was coming home from work one evening after dark and was beaten to a pulp in her own driveway.

He moved to a gated community with 12 ft high walls and advertises Blackwater trained private security patrols. No more problems. It is possible to get out.
A woman down the street from me where I used to live had cancer. She was very weak from chemo. Every morning the first thing she did when she woke up was strap on her holster with a .38 special. One morning, about 6am, a gardening truck pulled up. Nothing unusual about a gardening truck. No one would notice. Five mexicans got out, two through her front door, three kicked in the back door. Never expecting this sick old woman to be armed. She shot one dead, wounded two and two ran off.

Despite best efforts, she broke no laws by open carry in her own home.

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