Need "Dear God" Submission Letters

Mar 26, 2012
United States
I am in the process of writing a book and am looking for "Dear God" letters-essentially, letters or e-mails addressed to God (or Buddha, Mary, Jehovah, Allah, etc.) that address a particular aspect of your life or life in general. They can be signed off by you, a pseudonym (as long as you're not using someone else's name), or they can be anonymous. The letters can be long or short, funny, insightful, or heartbreaking, about life, death or anything in between-all I ask is that they're honest. They can be from the devout and faithful, those questioning or atheists. I will be pitching this to literary agents, so there isn't a guarantee it will get published, but that's obviously the end goal. If interested, please only submit your own original material that you own the rights to, and nothing that's been published, uploaded anywhere or submitted to anything else. I hope to hear from some of you in letter form. Thanks to anyone who submits.

Now for the legal stuff: By submitting a letter to me, the author, you, the submitter, are granting me and/or my future publisher the right, but not the obligation, to use the submitter's name and relevant personal information if submitter requests that he or she be identified. The submitter agrees that all submission are original, have not been posted, uploaded or otherwise expressed elsewhere online or in any type of print or digital posting or publication. Submitter agrees that their submission does not defame any person or infringe on any copyright, right of privacy or other right. It is understood that by submitting a letter to author that a grant of rights to use the material in a book, e-book or other publication or digital publication is granted, as well as an assignment of the copyright of the letter. This includes but is not limited to foreign translations, electronic publishing, and film and other dramatic uses.
I only work face to face.


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Dear Gawd,

This is a letter from James, but you already knew that. I know I am being presumptuous but I wanted to share some thoughts.

What is it about all these people who fear gay people? Let them marry too. Jeez - oh sorry - that may be blasphemous, I'll stop using it. But heck, you've seen Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and Dr Phil, I mean I can't figure out why they even allow heterosexual marriage! Can you? Sure causes a lot more pain for people than gay people do. All those crazy people raising kids!

My brother is gay, I know you knew that, but you must also know he was always that way, you made him right? Anyway I knew it quite young, no one decides those things. I can't remember when girls, women, woke up that longing in me. I know that was no balancing act, no choice, they still drive me wild, just a bit less so as age unfolds. That Scarlett Johansson sure is something! Good job there. Given poverty, cancer, terrorism, hatred, and other bad stuff, seems people often worry about things that just are the way they are.

Enough thoughts for now, hope the weather is nice where you are.

Take care, you know who


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