NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate heavily damages GOP/Tea Party

John McCain Blames Tea Party For Government Shutdown

Mccain blames the Tea Party for the shutdown

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blamed tea party Republicans for the government shutdown during a CNN interview on Wednesday, saying Congress never had a shot at defunding Obamacare.

“We started this on a fool’s errand, convincing so many millions of Americans and our supporters that we could defund Obamacare," McCain said.

While McCain didn't name names, he faulted members of Congress -- "tea partiers specifically" -- for wrongly telling "millions of Americans" that Obamacare can be defunded.

That "obviously wouldn’t happen until we had 67 Republican senators to override a presidential veto," McCain said.

And of course people are calling him a RINO - what people? Why, the TPM, of course.

The Republicans called. They still want their party back.

It's been hijacked. We need to send the SWAT team in to take out the terrorists.
really? you're the ones keeping the government SHUT.


KILLING cures for diseases and advances that keep this nation on top. Oh'yesss you cock suckers want us to go back to 1791!

Harry Reid when asked about saving one child with cancer equated that cancer stricken child with 1100 furloughed workers who "had problems of their own".

The House passed a bill that would have kept the funding for the research.

Harry and the Dems fucked the research bill over.

Hello? What part of the constitution says that the Congress has absolutely no right

The House does not get to throw a tantrum and shut down the government and then only fund the things that are popular. They wanted this shutdown, they have to deal with the upsetting reality that there are bad consequences to their strategy.

Hello? What part of the constitution says that the Congress has absolutely no right to choose what gets funded?

I can't wait to read your answer. :eusa_angel:
Of the total of 100 men and women interviewed their leanings broke down as this:

43 Pro Democrat or Democrat

32 Pro Republican or Republican


There's a pattern developing.....

THAT is a vital piece of information.

Yeah. I love going thru the "attached" PDF to the poll itself. Not what the sponsor of the poll cherry picks to run their headline on.

If you were really interested in presenting the board with this information in an effort to be more "fair" than the "cherry pickers" you might have been better served by posting the question asked and the actual breakdown from the PDF instead of your personal amalgamation of the data.

For example:

QF3 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.")

Strong Democrat ............................................... 17
Not very strong Democrat .................................. 11
Independent/lean Democrat .............................. 15
Strictly Independent ........................................... 19
Independent/lean Republican ............................ 13
Not very strong Republican ............................... 7
Strong Republican ............................................. 12
Other (VOL) ....................................................... 4
Not sure ........................................................... 2
John McCain Blames Tea Party For Government Shutdown

Mccain blames the Tea Party for the shutdown

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blamed tea party Republicans for the government shutdown during a CNN interview on Wednesday, saying Congress never had a shot at defunding Obamacare.

“We started this on a fool’s errand, convincing so many millions of Americans and our supporters that we could defund Obamacare," McCain said.

While McCain didn't name names, he faulted members of Congress -- "tea partiers specifically" -- for wrongly telling "millions of Americans" that Obamacare can be defunded.

That "obviously wouldn’t happen until we had 67 Republican senators to override a presidential veto," McCain said.

And of course people are calling him a RINO - what people? Why, the TPM, of course.

The Republicans called. They still want their party back.

It's been hijacked. We need to send the SWAT team in to take out the terrorists.

Sure, why not. They're taking out everything else these days.

I really do hope you all can get your party back. David Brooks is waiting to rejoin.
really? you're the ones keeping the government SHUT.


KILLING cures for diseases and advances that keep this nation on top. Oh'yesss you cock suckers want us to go back to 1791!

Harry Reid when asked about saving one child with cancer equated that cancer stricken child with 1100 furloughed workers who "had problems of their own".

The House passed a bill that would have kept the funding for the research.

Harry and the Dems fucked the research bill over.

The House does not get to throw a tantrum and shut down the government and then only fund the things that are popular. They wanted this shutdown, they have to deal with the upsetting reality that there are bad consequences to their strategy.

I won't wait. I'll give you the answer that you should know already.

The Congress have every right to fund programs and defund programs. Whether you like it or not. Whether that old prick in the Senate evil Harry Reid likes it or not.

It's in that little old thing called the Constitution

Article 1, Section 8
THAT is a vital piece of information.

Yeah. I love going thru the "attached" PDF to the poll itself. Not what the sponsor of the poll cherry picks to run their headline on.

If you were really interested in presenting the board with this information in an effort to be more "fair" than the "cherry pickers" you might have been better served by posting the question asked and the actual breakdown from the PDF instead of your personal amalgamation of the data.

For example:

QF3 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "NOT VERY STRONG DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICAN.") (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? (IF "NOT SURE," CODE AS "STRICTLY INDEPENDENT.")

Strong Democrat ............................................... 17
Not very strong Democrat .................................. 11
Independent/lean Democrat .............................. 15
Strictly Independent ........................................... 19
Independent/lean Republican ............................ 13
Not very strong Republican ............................... 7
Strong Republican ............................................. 12
Other (VOL) ....................................................... 4
Not sure ........................................................... 2

It's not my fucking thread. The PDF is out there. I'm under no obligation to present the board with anything.

It's not my OP.

I don't need to be better served. My point was strictly to show how media can cherry pick its headline and parts of a poll and omit other parts.

I proved my point. It's not my job to go thru the whole PDF and explain it.
Given that the Democrats received more than 50% of the popular vote in the 2012 elections, doesn't it make sense that 43% of any random group polled would be Democrats or those who lean towards the Democratic Party? Or do you think that you'd get a more accurate poll by only interviewing those who self-identify as Republicans.

Sometimes it seems to me that the conservatives on this board think that conservatives form the majority of voters in the US when in fact more people identify themselves as Democrats or independents than they do Republicans or conservatives. And those who admit to being Republicans tend to be older, white and married. That's the demographic which voted Republican in the last election.

It appears there are many here who think that only conservatives' opinions matter and that liberals should not be polled.
really? you're the ones keeping the government SHUT.


KILLING cures for diseases and advances that keep this nation on top. Oh'yesss you cock suckers want us to go back to 1791!

Harry Reid when asked about saving one child with cancer equated that cancer stricken child with 1100 furloughed workers who "had problems of their own".

The House passed a bill that would have kept the funding for the research.

Harry and the Dems fucked the research bill over.

The House does not get to throw a tantrum and shut down the government and then only fund the things that are popular. They wanted this shutdown, they have to deal with the upsetting reality that there are bad consequences to their strategy.

If finishing the Obama admin meltdown is a bad thing - then yes...

I would prefer to see Obama finally learn from his marred Presidency and listen to the American people tho.
nail /head


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You guys read much?
This is about a temporary debt ceiling increase initiative only.

We'll take it... I think. :confused:

We need to take what we can get from these idiots. Raising the debt ceiling shouldn't even be in question for so many reasons, and the fact that house Tea Party members (I call them that because us ACTUAL Republicans refuse to associate with them.) is more than asinine. Do these guys read the news? Do they understand that everyone thinks they are taking this country to hell? They don't care though and neither do the people on this site that agree with them.

All of these people that associate with the Tea Party annoy me to no end. I am done defending being a Republican because they give us such a bad reputation. From berating Governor Christie for his greetings of the President to the way they take Rush Limbaugh seriously, it all just drives me nuts. Now, they think that by shifting the discussion to other cuts and off of the ACA we wont be able to see through their facade. I would like anyone on this site who affiliates with the Tea Party to provide me a concise response to what they are doing to this nation.

Shocking - another liberal on USMB pretending to be a conservative because he thinks it will give him credibility with actual conservatives.

Trust me junior, you annoy us real conservatives a hell of a lot more than we will ever annoy you.
Given that the Democrats received more than 50% of the popular vote in the 2012 elections, doesn't it make sense that 43% of any random group polled would be Democrats or those who lean towards the Democratic Party? Or do you think that you'd get a more accurate poll by only interviewing those who self-identify as Republicans.

Sometimes it seems to me that the conservatives on this board think that conservatives form the majority of voters in the US when in fact more people identify themselves as Democrats or independents than they do Republicans or conservatives. And those who admit to being Republicans tend to be older, white and married. That's the demographic which voted Republican in the last election.

It appears there are many here who think that only conservatives' opinions matter and that liberals should not be polled.

It's remarkable how Dumbocrats on USMB contradict themselves in every breath. For instance, on one hand they all whine how they are "outnumbered" on USMB and how it such a conservative super-majority around here. Yet in the next breath they declare that America is overwhelmingly liberal... :cuckoo:

You want the actual truth? Well, of course not, liberals never do. However, as always, I'm going to give it to you anyway. When polled, 42% of America identified themselves as conservative, 37% identified themselves as independent (the most pathetic bunch if you ask me - how in the hell can you not know what you want and/or believe in?!?), and a laughable 21% identified themselves as liberals.

Dumbocrats have had their asss handed to them in every election since Obama took office. They even lost über liberal Massachusetts (the backyard of the Kennedy's) to Scott Brown and über liberal Wisconsin to Scott Walker. In fact, after losing 100% of the special elections that Obama campaigned for the candidate, it got so bad that the candidates stopped asking him to come around :lol:. That can't be overstated - the presidency used to yield enormous influence in special elections - until a Kenyan marxist took it over.

So why did Obama win the White House twice? Well, the first time was punishment for the GOP by the American people. After 8 years of George W. Bush, the party gave us the exponentially worse John McCain. The second time was simply voter fraud

But here's the thing - White House aside - if America is soooo "liberal" DL, how do you explain the fact that the overwhelming majority of political offices in this country (from the House, to governors, to local mayors, etc.) are held by conservatives?
tinyd is on the warpath w/ this. Truth is, Cruz never had an end game plan tinyd :(

And therein is the sad truth about your side. Everything with the Dumbocrats is a deviant, nefarious "end game".

You're right DC - Ted Cruz never did have an "end game". He simply does what is right. Noting less, nothing more. He simply does the job the American people sent him to Washington to do.

Gee...imagine that :eek:

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