NBA commissioner lays down law, says players will stand


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It appears the NBA is smarter than the NFL. They can at least learn by watching the mistakes dumbasses make. Do you suppose the leftwing trolls will blubber about how the NBA is violating the First Amendment rights of the players?

“It’s been a rule as long as I’ve been involved with the league,” said Adam Silver, the NBA’s commissioner, about standing for the playing of the national anthem, The Associated Press reported. “And my expectation is that our players will continue to stand for the anthem.”
Yes, if you believe in the US Constitution, you're a douchebag.

The Constitution prevents an owner from telling his players how to behave on the court or on the field?

Leftwing loons don't understand that the Constitutional rights are limits on the federal government. No one is suggesting these anthem protesters be punished by the government. They are just upset that people are rejecting their protest. They don't have an issue with going after people for their political beliefs, unless they are progressives of course. Remember when the Confederate statue protest happened? The left found the identity of some of the protesters and got them fired from their jobs, and leftist A-holes here cheered. Now suddenly putting the financial squeeze on NFL millionaires is "unconstitutional".
Yes, if you believe in the US Constitution, you're a douchebag.

The Constitution prevents an owner from telling his players how to behave on the court or on the field?

Leftwing loons don't understand that the Constitutional rights are limits on the federal government. No one is suggesting these anthem protesters be punished by the government. They are just upset that people are rejecting their protest. They don't have an issue with going after people for their political beliefs, unless they are progressives of course. Remember when the Confederate statue protest happened? The left found the identity of some of the protesters and got them fired from their jobs, and leftist A-holes here cheered. Now suddenly putting the financial squeeze on NFL millionaires is "unconstitutional".

Actually those you're insulting, while you demand respect, probably do understand this.

However if you believe in Human Rights, you would probably believe that Human Rights are applicable to everyone. That everyone benefits from them and that everyone respects them.

To turn around and say you're patriotic and then turn against the principles of free speech would be rather bizarre. That's not to say that everyone has the right to say whatever they like, whenever they like, however it's about respecting people's right to say what they want to say.

I respect the NFL player's right to protest, and I respect the right of white Middle Class fans to throw their tickets away in disgust. What I would like to see is less of this trying to force everyone into some sort of patriotic nonsense so that we all do what the right wants.

The right would have seen the Civil Rights movement destroyed and claiming those protesting were "un-American", history repeats itself.

The Confederates were committing treason, and yet "patriots" go around flying the flag of TREASON and make justifications for why it's not treason. At the same time they demand respect for their views, while at no time giving respect back.
The NBA need to impose the new rule of not "stuffing" the ball. Just like goal tending is illegal. That will remove the thug element from the game.
It appears the NBA is smarter than the NFL. They can at least learn by watching the mistakes dumbasses make. Do you suppose the leftwing trolls will blubber about how the NBA is violating the First Amendment rights of the players?

“It’s been a rule as long as I’ve been involved with the league,” said Adam Silver, the NBA’s commissioner, about standing for the playing of the national anthem, The Associated Press reported. “And my expectation is that our players will continue to stand for the anthem.”

What I don't understand is why you have to play the national anthem at a match between 2 murican teams, shouldn't that be reserved for international matches?

Just abolish the patriotic nonsense and the problem will go away and murica can be great again

Yes, if you believe in the US Constitution, you're a douchebag.

The Constitution prevents an owner from telling his players how to behave on the court or on the field?

Leftwing loons don't understand that the Constitutional rights are limits on the federal government. No one is suggesting these anthem protesters be punished by the government. They are just upset that people are rejecting their protest. They don't have an issue with going after people for their political beliefs, unless they are progressives of course. Remember when the Confederate statue protest happened? The left found the identity of some of the protesters and got them fired from their jobs, and leftist A-holes here cheered. Now suddenly putting the financial squeeze on NFL millionaires is "unconstitutional".

Actually those you're insulting, while you demand respect, probably do understand this.

However if you believe in Human Rights, you would probably believe that Human Rights are applicable to everyone. That everyone benefits from them and that everyone respects them.

To turn around and say you're patriotic and then turn against the principles of free speech would be rather bizarre. That's not to say that everyone has the right to say whatever they like, whenever they like, however it's about respecting people's right to say what they want to say.

I respect the NFL player's right to protest, and I respect the right of white Middle Class fans to throw their tickets away in disgust. What I would like to see is less of this trying to force everyone into some sort of patriotic nonsense so that we all do what the right wants.

The right would have seen the Civil Rights movement destroyed and claiming those protesting were "un-American", history repeats itself.

The Confederates were committing treason, and yet "patriots" go around flying the flag of TREASON and make justifications for why it's not treason. At the same time they demand respect for their views, while at no time giving respect back.
Listen to the douche bag who insults anyone who doesn't want every statue of a Confederate general destroyed. Listen to the douche bag who thinks it's OK for the Berkely administration to prevent conservatives from speaking on campus. The hypocrisy of leftwingers is simply beyond comprehension.

Here's the bottom line: While they are on the clock, employees have no right to say or do anything their employers don't want them saying or doing. That doesn't violate any principle this country was founded on. It only violates the commie principles of snowflakes like you.

Furthermore, the Confederates did not commit treason. Look up how the Constitution defines it, and you'll see that your belief is incorrect.

Also, try not making up stuff that your critics supposedly believe. You always look like an ass whenever you do.
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It appears the NBA is smarter than the NFL. They can at least learn by watching the mistakes dumbasses make. Do you suppose the leftwing trolls will blubber about how the NBA is violating the First Amendment rights of the players?

“It’s been a rule as long as I’ve been involved with the league,” said Adam Silver, the NBA’s commissioner, about standing for the playing of the national anthem, The Associated Press reported. “And my expectation is that our players will continue to stand for the anthem.”

What I don't understand is why you have to play the national anthem at a match between 2 murican teams, shouldn't that be reserved for international matches?

Just abolish the patriotic nonsense and the problem will go away and murica can be great again

If they want to abolish it, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But so long as they are going to have the ceremony, I have no desire to watch America hating douche bags displaying their contempt for it.
Yes, if you believe in the US Constitution, you're a douchebag.

The Constitution prevents an owner from telling his players how to behave on the court or on the field?

Leftwing loons don't understand that the Constitutional rights are limits on the federal government. No one is suggesting these anthem protesters be punished by the government. They are just upset that people are rejecting their protest. They don't have an issue with going after people for their political beliefs, unless they are progressives of course. Remember when the Confederate statue protest happened? The left found the identity of some of the protesters and got them fired from their jobs, and leftist A-holes here cheered. Now suddenly putting the financial squeeze on NFL millionaires is "unconstitutional".

Actually those you're insulting, while you demand respect, probably do understand this.

However if you believe in Human Rights, you would probably believe that Human Rights are applicable to everyone. That everyone benefits from them and that everyone respects them.

To turn around and say you're patriotic and then turn against the principles of free speech would be rather bizarre. That's not to say that everyone has the right to say whatever they like, whenever they like, however it's about respecting people's right to say what they want to say.

I respect the NFL player's right to protest, and I respect the right of white Middle Class fans to throw their tickets away in disgust. What I would like to see is less of this trying to force everyone into some sort of patriotic nonsense so that we all do what the right wants.

The right would have seen the Civil Rights movement destroyed and claiming those protesting were "un-American", history repeats itself.

The Confederates were committing treason, and yet "patriots" go around flying the flag of TREASON and make justifications for why it's not treason. At the same time they demand respect for their views, while at no time giving respect back.

I have demanded nothing. I simply state the facts and my opinion.

Human rights? Are human rights applicable to the unborn? I have a feeling you will pull a 180 on that one.

Another bullshit argument. I am not "against free speech". You seem to think because I disrespect the statement, that makes me "against free speech". You're full of it.

No one is forcing everyone into "patriotic nonsense". If players want to disrespect the flag and be unpatriotic, then they can reap the consequences of that. Personally I'd like to see those people leave the country if they hate it here so much.

People identify and use the Confederate flag because that is their heritage. Funny you bring that up since the people disrespecting the US flag and anthem could be viewed as being "treasonous" just like Confederates are. Far left regressive want California to secede from the US. Looks like you are all in the same boat as the Confederates were.
It appears the NBA is smarter than the NFL. They can at least learn by watching the mistakes dumbasses make. Do you suppose the leftwing trolls will blubber about how the NBA is violating the First Amendment rights of the players?

“It’s been a rule as long as I’ve been involved with the league,” said Adam Silver, the NBA’s commissioner, about standing for the playing of the national anthem, The Associated Press reported. “And my expectation is that our players will continue to stand for the anthem.”

What I don't understand is why you have to play the national anthem at a match between 2 murican teams, shouldn't that be reserved for international matches?

Just abolish the patriotic nonsense and the problem will go away and murica can be great again


What makes America great is not allowing some small group of morons to ruin something for the rest of the people and honoring tradition.
The Confederates were committing treason, and yet "patriots" go around flying the flag of TREASON and make justifications for why it's not treason. At the same time they demand respect for their views, while at no time giving respect back.

That works both ways, doesn't it?

When the right objects to something the left does, it's a violation of freedom of speech. When the left objects to something the right supports, freedom of speech goes right out the window.

People who flew, bought or sold confederate flags were expressing their freedom of speech, and the left virtually removed those flags from society. People can respond to kneeling by not going to football games or even watching them on television. In other words, just ignore them. However the left could not just ignore confederate flags or statues. Those had to be removed because in spite of those figures being around for many decades, when liberals decide it's offensive, out they go.
Let's see what LeBron does, pretty sure he's a rabid douchebag liberal.

Anytime he opens is yap about politics, it makes him look more uneducated each and every time.

He said Trump is trying to use sports to divide us. What? Trump didn't draw first blood--the players did. They are trying to divide America--not Trump.

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