NBA/Basketball Dunks


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Every highlight film of every NBA and Div I basketball game features one or more "fabulous" dunks.

While a dunk can be pretty or impressive, it is seldom required, garners no extra points on the scoreboard, requires no skill whatsoever (versus athleticism), and is a manifestation of nothing other than childish, self-centered showboating on the part of a single player. (Exception: when a player makes an exceptional pass to a player under the hoop for a dunk).

In the earlier years of the NBA (say, prior to 1965) dunks were relatively rare because they were deemed unsportsmanlike. They were only used when there was some tactical reason to dunk the ball (in a crowd of people, where a light touch might result in a blocked shot). Wilt Chamberlain, for example, scored most of his points on either hook shots or "finger-rolls," although he could have dunked every single time he got close to the basket. Again, it was considered unsportsmanlike.

Today's players exhibit a level of skill that may be unprecedented in human history. Stef Curry makes more than half of his shots from beyond the Arc, and has done so consistently since he came into the league. There are several players with comparable levels of skill. And yet the coverage of the games focuses on these selfish exhibitions (dunks), which are the antithesis of teamwork and sportsmanship.

One of many reasons I have little time for watching BB on the tele.

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