Navy's Newest Ship To Be Named The USS Cesar Chavez?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Navy's Newest Ship To Be Named The USS Cesar Chavez?

Not too long after naming a naval vessal after the Marine veteran and congressman, Jack Murtha, who slandered innocent Marines for the advancement of a political agenda, (See here > Michelle Malkin » JOHN MURTHA HANGS THE MARINES and here > Defend Our Marines ) the Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, gave the OK for the Navy's newist supply ship to be named after hispanic labor activist and founder of the United farm Workers Union Cesar Chavez. As Black Five shows, this is certainly a change from honoring military hero's to making a political statement. Ray Mabus, who is in charge of naming these ships is a democratic politition who served two years in the navy from 1970-1972 and aside from that has never held a job in reguards to national defence. A picture of him "going hippie" and seriously taking advantage of the navys relaxed beard standards is below. Or you can see it here > ( The Scoop Deck ).

From Black Five BLACKFIVE: USS Cesar Chavez? The times they are a-changing

The Cesar Chavez will join the Lewis and Clark class of supply ships. Ships of this class are named after American explorers and pioneers:

•Lewis and Clark, famous explorers
•Sacagawea, interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark
•Richard E. Byrd, naval officer and polar explorer
•Alan Shepard, naval aviator and first American in space
•Robert E. Peary, naval officer and first person to reach the North Pole
•Amelia Earhart, aviation pioneer
•Carl Brashear, the Navy's first black master diver (portrayed by Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the film Men of Honor)
•Wally Shirra, naval aviator and one of the Mercury astronauts
•Matthew Perry, naval commodore that achieved the opening of Japan
•Charles Drew, developed large-scale blood banks during World War II
•Washington Chambers, pioneer of naval aviation
•William McLean, developed the Sidewinder air-to-air missile
•Medgar Evers, World War II veteran and assassinated civil rights activist
The namesakes of both Lewis and Clark-class ships named during the Obama administration (Medgar Evers and Cesar Chavez) may meet the dictionary definition of "pioneer," but their pioneering field was civil and labor rights - a departure from those of military-related fields. Naming ships after activists seems about as odd as naming a civil rights department after Chesty Puller.

Perhaps Barack Obama had a hand in the naming of this ship? After all, every year on the nonexistant national holiday of "Cesar Chavez Day" all the Obama supporting union goons come out with their red commie flags, SEIU t-shirts, Che Guvera shirts, socialist propaganda, and posters with fists on the that mimick the propaganda present during the times of Soveit Russia. And they come out for a whole host of issues from socialized medicine to welfare, to supporting illegal immmigration, and all the other issues favored by those who are upset that our Constitution is a document of negative liberties. You dont need to look far until you find out that Chavez is worsiped among the left as he is with the Democratic Socialists of America here > DSA Anti-Racism Editorial: Csar Chvez: Presente and here DSA 2001 Convention Keynote Address: Eliseo Medina
Or the Communist Party USA as shown here > What does Cesar Chavez mean to you? » cpusa and here > Report on Cesar Chavez Holiday » cpusa
Or Obama's SEIU buddies as shown here > SEIU UHW - Celebrating César Chavez Day

For more information on the naming of the ship check here >>>
Navy's Plan to Name Ship for Cesar Chavez Sparks Another Ship-Naming Tempest - Battleland -
Navy names ship for Cesar Chavez, but controversy hasn’t died down yet | Multi-American
Barbara Boxer | USNS Cesar Chavez | Ship Naming | The Daily Caller
BLACKFIVE: USS Cesar Chavez? The times they are a-changing
USS Cesar E. Chavez? | NBC San Diego

Your Current Secretary of the Navy ........................................... Cesar Chavez
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That's okay. one day after Obama is out of office the Navy wil name an aircraft carrier after him. I hear they are going to construct it in Kenya but title it in Hawaii.
That's okay. one day after Obama is out of office the Navy wil name an aircraft carrier after him. I hear they are going to construct it in Kenya but title it in Hawaii.

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Cesar Chavez did many great things, but I'm sorry, I do not see how that lends itself to naming a naval ship with his name. That should be reserved for military heroes.
Navy's Newest Ship To Be Named The USS Cesar Chavez?

Not too long after naming a naval vessal after the Marine veteran and congressman, Jack Murtha, who slandered innocent Marines for the advancement of a political agenda, (See here > Michelle Malkin » JOHN MURTHA HANGS THE MARINES and here > Defend Our Marines ) the Secretary of the Navy, Ray Mabus, gave the OK for the Navy's newist supply ship to be named after hispanic labor activist and founder of the United farm Workers Union Cesar Chavez. As Black Five shows, this is certainly a change from honoring military hero's to making a political statement. Ray Mabus, who is in charge of naming these ships is a democratic politition who served two years in the navy from 1970-1972 and aside from that has never held a job in reguards to national defence. A picture of him "going hippie" and seriously taking advantage of the navys relaxed beard standards is below. Or you can see it here > ( The Scoop Deck ).

From Black Five BLACKFIVE: USS Cesar Chavez? The times they are a-changing

The Cesar Chavez will join the Lewis and Clark class of supply ships. Ships of this class are named after American explorers and pioneers:

•Lewis and Clark, famous explorers
•Sacagawea, interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark
•Richard E. Byrd, naval officer and polar explorer
•Alan Shepard, naval aviator and first American in space
•Robert E. Peary, naval officer and first person to reach the North Pole
•Amelia Earhart, aviation pioneer
•Carl Brashear, the Navy's first black master diver (portrayed by Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the film Men of Honor)
•Wally Shirra, naval aviator and one of the Mercury astronauts
•Matthew Perry, naval commodore that achieved the opening of Japan
•Charles Drew, developed large-scale blood banks during World War II
•Washington Chambers, pioneer of naval aviation
•William McLean, developed the Sidewinder air-to-air missile
•Medgar Evers, World War II veteran and assassinated civil rights activist
The namesakes of both Lewis and Clark-class ships named during the Obama administration (Medgar Evers and Cesar Chavez) may meet the dictionary definition of "pioneer," but their pioneering field was civil and labor rights - a departure from those of military-related fields. Naming ships after activists seems about as odd as naming a civil rights department after Chesty Puller.

Perhaps Barack Obama had a hand in the naming of this ship? After all, every year on the nonexistant national holiday of "Cesar Chavez Day" all the Obama supporting union goons come out with their red commie flags, SEIU t-shirts, Che Guvera shirts, socialist propaganda, and posters with fists on the that mimick the propaganda present during the times of Soveit Russia. And they come out for a whole host of issues from socialized medicine to welfare, to supporting illegal immmigration, and all the other issues favored by those who are upset that our Constitution is a document of negative liberties. You dont need to look far until you find out that Chavez is worsiped among the left as he is with the Democratic Socialists of America here > DSA Anti-Racism Editorial: Csar Chvez: Presente and here DSA 2001 Convention Keynote Address: Eliseo Medina
Or the Communist Party USA as shown here > What does Cesar Chavez mean to you? » cpusa and here > Report on Cesar Chavez Holiday » cpusa
Or Obama's SEIU buddies as shown here > SEIU UHW - Celebrating César Chavez Day

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Unions Unite on Cesar Chavez Day‬‏[/ame]

For more information on the naming of the ship check here >>>
Navy's Plan to Name Ship for Cesar Chavez Sparks Another Ship-Naming Tempest - Battleland -
Navy names ship for Cesar Chavez, but controversy hasn’t died down yet | Multi-American
Barbara Boxer | USNS Cesar Chavez | Ship Naming | The Daily Caller
BLACKFIVE: USS Cesar Chavez? The times they are a-changing
USS Cesar E. Chavez? | NBC San Diego

Your Current Secretary of the Navy ........................................... Cesar Chavez

Yet it is OK to name an aircraft carrier after Reagan???
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You guys DID read the posts above, right? If so, you would have found out that the Lewis and Clark class ships are named after.

And if you don't think he's a pioneer, you may wish to re-think your assessment of MLK as well. He was a civil rights activist who helped to gain equality for minorities.

I say (as a retired U.S. Navy sailor who served 20 years), let them name it what they want.
Like Ronald Reagan?


Actually, it's quite traditional to name naval ships after Presidents. You may have heard of the USS Abraham Lincoln for instance even though the man never served in the Navy.

PS - Reagan served in the military , different branch, but the tradition remains the same .
I see it more as a recognition to the increasing number of Hispanics that are willing to serve in our military.

Other than that, who gives a fuck?

No shit. We have like a thousand naval ships and only so many states, Presidents, and military hero's names.

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