Navy SEAL accused of killing teen ISIS fighter, using severed head during ceremony


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

That evidence is considered privileged and was not shown in court because it could be used as propaganda by enemies of US troops.

The government also said it had a video of the Iraqi fighter before he was killed.

Prosecutors also presented evidence that they say shows that Chief Gallagher tried to bribe fellow SEALs not to talk about the incident to NCIS investigators.

Gallagher's private defense attorney, Phil Stackhouse, questioned conflicts in dates and testimony in court and asked if investigators were able to determine if the ISIS fighter could have died from injuries suffered in an airstrike.

Stackhouse told NBC 7 in an exclusive interview that he's confident his client will be acquitted.

Navy SEAL accused of killing teen ISIS fighter, using severed head during ceremony

That's horrific all the way around.
The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?

No i do not Biker, so you'll please excuse my exuberance

What i do know is he is fighting fire w/fire

I like the fact that what he did put the 'fear of allah' (per se') into ISIS , where all our standing armies do not

I'm also all for the dollar solution in all these sh*tholistans ,cost effective, makes our point perfectly clear,and we've the 'supermen' willing to do it

If it makes me a bad man cheerleading our guys fighting bad asses w/their own tactics ,so be it

The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?

No i do not Biker, so you'll please excuse my exuberance

What i do know is he is fighting fire w/fire

I like the fact that what he did put the 'fear of allah' (per se') into ISIS , where all our standing armies do not

I'm also all for the dollar solution in all these sh*tholistans ,cost effective, makes our point perfectly clear,and we've the 'supermen' willing to do it

If it makes me a bad man cheerleading our guys fighting bad asses w/their own tactics ,so be it


We are signers on the Geneva Conventions. That means we don't mistreat prisoners, nor do we torture or mutilate corpses, all which are banned under the Conventions. And yeah, it DOES make you a bad person to be cheering on these atrocities.

One of the things that separates the US military from a lot of other military is that we have discipline and follow rules. The UCMJ, as well as the Geneva Conventions are drilled into us every year during training standowns. If you had served, you would understand that what this SEAL did is beyond horrific, and would also be as outraged as I am.

And, I served over 20 years in the U.S. Navy.
One of the things that separates the US military from a lot of other military is that we have discipline and follow rules

w/ all due respect Biker
.....that is exactly why we've lost in the M.E.


Committing atrocities and taking pictures of them isn't going to help much in the war effort. Matter of fact, crap like that is what makes it easier for ISIL to recruit people, because it's easier to appeal to emotion when you have pictures and stories like this.

Remember Abu Grahib? That little incident got a whole bunch of recruiting propaganda for them.

Following the rule of not defiling corpses or mistreating prisoners isn't going to put you at a military disadvantage. What wins wars is strategy and ordnance, not cutting heads off for some sick propaganda or memory you want to keep.

Interestingly enough, it was some other SEALs who turned him in, even after he tried to bribe them not to say anything.
The rot starts with the commander in chief.

Actually, to tell you the truth Deanrd, most people in the military, while they will know who the CIC is, the CIC doesn't have that much impact on the day to day operations of the command.

However......................if you have a bad Commanding Officer, you will have a bad command. The CO is the one that has the most impact on an enlisted person's life.

And, if you have a good CO or Officer In Charge (OIC), they can keep a command's morale up and going strong, with every one willing to follow and pitch in, even if we have a crappy president. In the mid 90s when Clinton was president, I didn't have much respect for him, but I was also stationed at a fantastic command (PSD Newport RI), which was an excellent place to work at because of the OIC, LT Roux. He kept a close eye on everyone, but also came up with ways to keep up morale. That was probably the best command I was ever at during my career, followed in a close second by VFA-131.
If you say it places us at a disadantage , then i believe you Biker

Just don't tell me we're above propaganda , covert missions , or gaining intel in what would be less than traditional ways

If you say it places us at a disadantage , then i believe you Biker

Just don't tell me we're above propaganda , covert missions , or gaining intel in what would be less than traditional ways


There are lots of less than traditional ways of doing those things that don't violate the Geneva Conventions. And yeah, crap like that DOES put our troops in more danger, because if we do something like what this SEAL did, they will try to be even more grotesque and cruel to our soldiers the next time they capture some. It's a never ending escalation of cruelty if we were to do as the terrorists do.

As far as propaganda? There are much more useful types than severed bloody heads of teenagers being held up by special forces military. That kind of crap will only incite and incense the terrorists.
I may have to concede Biker, but you know as well as I do there's what we read, and what we don't read as 'joe public' . And i know so many of you that have stories , like my Pop on the outskirts of Dachau,& uncles in Korea.......cuz's who fought the VC

It would have been best had the seal not made it public

The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?
Honestly I don't give a shit. We can never defeat an enemy that is willing to do anything to win when we have rules that ties our troops hands behind their backs.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?
Honestly I don't give a shit. We can never defeat an enemy that is willing to do anything to win when we have rules that ties our troops hands behind their backs.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Killing prisoners and mutilating their bodies does nothing to help the war effort. As a matter of fact, stuff like that can be used for recruiting propaganda, because it appeals to emotional content. If we allowed our troops to do crap like this, it would become a torture arms race. Whatever we did to theirs, they would try to do worse to ours. I guess you forgot all the fallout from Abu Grahib, didn't you?
If we’re not going to send our military into other countries to kill and destroy then we should keep them at home.
If we’re not going to send our military into other countries to kill and destroy then we should keep them at home.

I've got no problem with that. Matter of fact, at one of my Navy Rights and Responsibilities classes, the Master Chief who was conducting it asked if we knew what the military's mission and vision statement was (this was in the 90's when TQL was becoming popular).

Nobody came up with the right answer, and he then told us that the purpose of the US military is to deliver ordinance and ammo, on target, and on time, to destroy things and kill people in the pursuit of our nations goals.

He's right. That is what we are supposed to do. However, there was never any mention about killing prisoners already in custody, and then mutilating their corpses. That is against the Geneva Conventions.

Besides..............every time one of our soldiers commits a horrific act like this, it becomes a propaganda and recruiting tool for the enemy.
The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?

No i do not Biker, so you'll please excuse my exuberance

What i do know is he is fighting fire w/fire

I like the fact that what he did put the 'fear of allah' (per se') into ISIS , where all our standing armies do not

I'm also all for the dollar solution in all these sh*tholistans ,cost effective, makes our point perfectly clear,and we've the 'supermen' willing to do it

If it makes me a bad man cheerleading our guys fighting bad asses w/their own tactics ,so be it



he is proving to muslims that Americans are blood thirsty murderers.

I want him punished.

Americans should NOT behave like savages.
The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?

No i do not Biker, so you'll please excuse my exuberance

What i do know is he is fighting fire w/fire

I like the fact that what he did put the 'fear of allah' (per se') into ISIS , where all our standing armies do not

I'm also all for the dollar solution in all these sh*tholistans ,cost effective, makes our point perfectly clear,and we've the 'supermen' willing to do it

If it makes me a bad man cheerleading our guys fighting bad asses w/their own tactics ,so be it



he is proving to muslims that Americans are blood thirsty murderers.

I want him punished.

Americans should NOT behave like savages.

I want him punished as well. Not only for going against the Conventions by doing what he did, but I want him punished for all the lives he has put in danger by doing it. This could become a valuable recruiting tool for ISIL and other terrorists, prompting them to do even worse to any troops of ours that they might take.

There is also that little thing about good military bearing, and discipline that he also seems to misunderstand.

I find it really appalling that those who have never served in the military are applauding the actions of this SEAL.
"Teen Isis fighter"? Why didn't the U.S government prosecute democrat senator John Kerry for killing an unarmed "teen" V.C. fighter and adding insult to injury by recommending himself for a Silver Star. You almost gotta laugh that left wing hypocrites thought it was hilarious that a H'wood actress held up a facsimile of the President's bloody head in a typical left wing hate fest.
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The Navy outlined its evidence including cell phone photos that show Gallagher holding up the head of the deceased fighter during a reenlistment ceremony.

Promote Gallagher to mad Dog Mattis' former position , and ISIS would be muslim fairytale in no time


You DO realize that what this SEAL did is against the Geneva Conventions, right?

No i do not Biker, so you'll please excuse my exuberance

What i do know is he is fighting fire w/fire

I like the fact that what he did put the 'fear of allah' (per se') into ISIS , where all our standing armies do not

I'm also all for the dollar solution in all these sh*tholistans ,cost effective, makes our point perfectly clear,and we've the 'supermen' willing to do it

If it makes me a bad man cheerleading our guys fighting bad asses w/their own tactics ,so be it


We are signers on the Geneva Conventions. That means we don't mistreat prisoners, nor do we torture or mutilate corpses, all which are banned under the Conventions. And yeah, it DOES make you a bad person to be cheering on these atrocities.

One of the things that separates the US military from a lot of other military is that we have discipline and follow rules. The UCMJ, as well as the Geneva Conventions are drilled into us every year during training standowns. If you had served, you would understand that what this SEAL did is beyond horrific, and would also be as outraged as I am.

And, I served over 20 years in the U.S. Navy.

We did not sign the Geneva Conventions.

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