"natural Born Killers" 20th-year Anniversary

Is "Natural Born Killers" the dumbest film Oliver Stone's ever made?

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Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
hangin' with my bro e.coli
Dumbest. Film. Ever. Made.

Natural Born Killers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Though I do love some of Oliver Stone's work, I still think he tried just a bit too hard with this crapola film.

It jumped around too much.

It tried to say too much.

Its color and black-and-white sequences didn't make much sense.

It pretty much just sucked in general.

Stone is a douche bag...have never given him a dime.

I would agree with that, except that I love his work in JFK and Platoon.

I can be as much of a sucker as anyone else for a good conspiracy theory. But sometimes, yeah, Stone tries a bit too hard.

I wouldn't watch W. if someone paid me a bill to do it, though.
Dumbest. Film. Ever. Made.

Natural Born Killers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Though I do love some of Oliver Stone's work, I still think he tried just a bit too hard with this crapola film.

It jumped around too much.

It tried to say too much.

Its color and black-and-white sequences didn't make much sense.

It pretty much just sucked in general.


sallow said:

It was a laugh riot.

Loved it.


I get that it was a bit of a parody of America's love affair with guns and the prison-industrial complex and tabloid media, but again, it just seemed to jump around too much to me, with no clear focus.

Tell me this: Did you have to watch it more than once to like it? :D
Dumbest. Film. Ever. Made.

Natural Born Killers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Though I do love some of Oliver Stone's work, I still think he tried just a bit too hard with this crapola film.

It jumped around too much.

It tried to say too much.

Its color and black-and-white sequences didn't make much sense.

It pretty much just sucked in general.


It's probably been 15 yrs at least since I've seen the movie but my first reaction to your post was "Hmmm....I thought it was pretty good, did I miss something?" So to refresh my memory I went back to an Ebert review. Real good reviewers are are like real good lit professors, the best have studied films for years and can understand and explain the art way beyond what the average film goer even usually wants to know. I think Ebert was one of the best. Anyway his review was a thumbs up and in part said this;

"Yet you do not see as much actual violence as you think you do in this movie; it's more the tone, the attitude, and the breakneck pacing that gives you that impression. Stone is not making a geek show, with closeups of blood and guts. Like all good satirists, he knows that too much realism will weaken his effect. He lets you know he's making a comedy. There's an over-the-top exuberance to the intricate crosscut editing, by Hank Corwin and Brian Berdan, and to the hyperactive camera of Robert Richardson. Stylistically, the film is a cinematic bazaar, combining color and black and white, film and video, 35mm and Super 8, sitcom style and animated cartoons, fiction and newsreels. They're throwing stuff at the screen by the gleeful handfuls.

And look how this film blindsided the good citizens of the MPAA classification board. The review panel threatened the film with the dreaded NC-17 rating, and after five appeals and some cutting finally granted the R rating. But read their parental warning: "For extreme violence and graphic carnage, for shocking images, and for strong language and sexuality." They've got the fever! I could point to a dozen more violent recent films that have left the MPAA unstirred, but Stone has touched a nerve here, because his film isn't about violence, it's about how we respond to violence, and that truly is shocking."

I'm not saying his opinion makes yours wrong. A movie is subjectively judged, by "gut reaction" at first viewing like any other work of art. One thing I like about Stone's movies is they usually try to "say something" and are not just well hashed over formulaic entertainment. And Lewis, Harrelson, Jones, and Downey are four of my favorite actors. The movie worked for me, I think I might watch it again real soon.
the shart report said:
Dumbest. Film. Ever. Made.

Natural Born Killers - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Though I do love some of Oliver Stone's work, I still think he tried just a bit too hard with this crapola film.

It jumped around too much.

It tried to say too much.

Its color and black-and-white sequences didn't make much sense.

It pretty much just sucked in general.


smedly butler said:
It's probably been 15 yrs at least since I've seen the movie but my first reaction to your post was "Hmmm....I thought it was pretty good, did I miss something?" So to refresh my memory I went back to an Ebert review. Real good reviewers are are like real good lit professors, the best have studied films for years and can understand and explain the art way beyond what the average film goer even usually wants to know. I think Ebert was one of the best. Anyway his review was a thumbs up and in part said this;

"Yet you do not see as much actual violence as you think you do in this movie; it's more the tone, the attitude, and the breakneck pacing that gives you that impression. Stone is not making a geek show, with closeups of blood and guts. Like all good satirists, he knows that too much realism will weaken his effect. He lets you know he's making a comedy. There's an over-the-top exuberance to the intricate crosscut editing, by Hank Corwin and Brian Berdan, and to the hyperactive camera of Robert Richardson. Stylistically, the film is a cinematic bazaar, combining color and black and white, film and video, 35mm and Super 8, sitcom style and animated cartoons, fiction and newsreels. They're throwing stuff at the screen by the gleeful handfuls.

And look how this film blindsided the good citizens of the MPAA classification board. The review panel threatened the film with the dreaded NC-17 rating, and after five appeals and some cutting finally granted the R rating. But read their parental warning: "For extreme violence and graphic carnage, for shocking images, and for strong language and sexuality." They've got the fever! I could point to a dozen more violent recent films that have left the MPAA unstirred, but Stone has touched a nerve here, because his film isn't about violence, it's about how we respond to violence, and that truly is shocking."

I'm not saying his opinion makes yours wrong. A movie is subjectively judged, by "gut reaction" at first viewing like any other work of art. One thing I like about Stone's movies is they usually try to "say something" and are not just well hashed over formulaic entertainment. And Lewis, Harrelson, Jones, and Downey are four of my favorite actors. The movie worked for me, I think I might watch it again real soon.

All good. :thup:

Why would I take offense to that?

I was really just lookin' for a reason to get pissed off when I penned the OP of this thread, see.

Was tired of thinkin' about 9-11 all over again; needed a totally unrelated story to boil me blood for a change, mate.

A really sharty movie seemed as good of an excuse as any. :badgrin:

That's one of my favorite freakin' movies yo. For real.

Maybe you just got watch it while smoking a really fat blunt, or while you are on Shrooms lol

That's one of my favorite freakin' movies yo. For real.

Maybe you just got watch it while smoking a really fat blunt, or while you are on Shrooms lol

Not surprising that a fucking creep like you would get so exited. did you masturbate while watching?
That's one of my favorite freakin' movies yo. For real.

Maybe you just got watch it while smoking a really fat blunt, or while you are on Shrooms lol

Not surprising that a fucking creep like you would get so exited. did you masturbate while watching?

Actually there have been numerous occasions when that movie happened to be on while I was fucking ^_^

That's one of my favorite freakin' movies yo. For real.

Maybe you just got watch it while smoking a really fat blunt, or while you are on Shrooms lol

Not surprising that a fucking creep like you would get so exited. did you masturbate while watching?

Actually there have been numerous occasions when that movie happened to be on while I was fucking ^_^

Fucking Demons, I presume...
Saw it once, never watched it again.

It was meant to be a dark parody of American media and society, but parodies work best when they aren't so obviously blatant.

NBK reminds my Devil's Rejects, and I enjoy it for all the same reasons ^_^

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