Native american and black entitled


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.
My people were forced from Hungary a little over 100 years ago. Is it time for me to go back there and demand our property back, and free healthcare, and restitution?

The earliest Indians wiped out the woolly mammoth and wild horses in North America. I DEMAND RESTITUTION ON BEHALF OF THE ANIMALS THEY DECIMATED!

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.

Indian Affairs, through its government-to-government relationship with federally recognized tribes, carries out the Federal Government's unique and continuing relationship with and responsibility to tribes and Indian people. Indian Affairs programs support and assist federally recognized tribes in the development of tribal governments, strong economies, and quality programs. The scope of Indian Affairs programs is extensive and includes a range of services comparable to the programs of state and local government, e.g., education, social services, law enforcement, courts, real estate services, agriculture and range management, and resource protection.

Many Federal agencies other than the Indian Affairs have special programs to serve the American Indian population, i.e., the Indian Health Service (IHS), an adjunct of the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The IHS provides health care services through a network of reservation-based hospitals and clinics. Besides standard medical care, the agency has established programs that specialize in maternal and child health, mental health, substance abuse, home health care, nutrition, etc. The Administration for Native Americans, another agency within DHHS, administers programs aimed at strengthening tribal governments and supporting the social and economic development of reservation communities. Other agencies of the Federal Government that serves the special needs of Indian people include the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Commerce and Energy.

All American Indians & Alaska Natives, whether they live on or off reservations, are eligible (like all other citizens who meet eligibility requirements) to receive services provided by the state such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the Food Stamp Program and the Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

U.S. Department of the Interior - Indian Ancestry - What are the Benefits & Services Provided to American Indians & Alaska Natives

I thought you might be interested in reading that, plus lets not forget that assistance is available to African Americans through a varity of Federal State and local programs , so what exactly are you advocating here? Are you saying that because of the color of someone's skin they deserve to enjoy a benefit that other Americans should not? You may have a little problem with the constitution on that one. While out history when it comes to how we as a nation have treated various ethnic groups including African Americans is a checkered one, we have come a long way in fixing the problems of the past. What you propose, would be what ? "seperate but equal" that seems to be wording we have heard someplace before is it not? Does it not run counter to Dr. Kings vision of an America where all men are created equal? See what I mean? While well meaning I'm sure, your proposal would do a lot more harm than good. As for Native Americans the BIA has many benefits available to them and yes, its a shame what was done to those tribes, but I dare say you would be hard pressed to find anyone today guilty of such a crime as was commited 100 plus years ago. So you would punish the son and not the father? It's time we put the past into the past and moved to a place where we can create opportunity and not one that seperates people into classes based on what color they are and where they come from but as Dr. King said so well,,, "the content of the their character"
Just one disclaimer...they have to be ENROLLED. If they aren't enrolled, they're shit out of luck.
my people were forced from hungary a little over 100 years ago. Is it time for me to go back there and demand our property back, and free healthcare, and restitution?

why not?

the earliest indians wiped out the woolly mammoth and wild horses in north america. I demand restitution on behalf of the animals they decimated!

what kind of animal are you?
My people were forced from Hungary a little over 100 years ago. Is it time for me to go back there and demand our property back, and free healthcare, and restitution?

The earliest Indians wiped out the woolly mammoth and wild horses in North America. I DEMAND RESTITUTION ON BEHALF OF THE ANIMALS THEY DECIMATED!

No, the Clovis culture did not wipe out the mammoths in North America. The Mammoths and many, many other large animals were wiped out by an event 12,900 years ago.
Clovis Comet & North American Mass Extinction -

Surprising enough, nobody has brought up the latest theory for the mass extinction of mega-fauna in North America at the end of the last ice age, and the cause for the Younger Dryas. What I am talking about is the latest evidence leading to the theory, which is still theory, that a comet Impactor exploded in the upper atmosphere, causing the end of Clovis culture, and a large portion of fauna on the North American Continent.

In order to stimulate discussion on this interesting topic, I will post what I have recently written at I know that we all have our own idea as to what is vitally important to this planet and humans, but the thought of millions, even billions, of humans dying off immediately as a result of a large comet, or asteroid, leaves me very unsettled. In fact, this dwarfs the 'so called' thread of a warming planet, so much so that to be worried about the later, at the expense of the former, seems to be intellectual laziness 'par excellence'

For many years now, the mystery of the vanishing fauna in post Pleistocene North America, has stumped paleontologists. How did so many species suddenly disappear. And this ranges from the giant bison, ground sloth, dire bear, smilidon, North American horse, mammoth, and many others.

Theories have ranged from viruses to human interaction, to haitat change. Yet none of them have really been carried the day, as all have been a real stretch of imagination. As a graduate student I have always believed that there had to be something other than invading humans responsible, because the diversity of extinctions and their suddenness just did not add up.

Now there is a new theory out, and it does not rely upon any of the above causes. This one is celestial in nature, and is currently under close scrutiny. It's also a new theory, having just been raised in 2007, so it will be disputed for years to come. But it makes sense, just as mass extinctions in the past, have almost all been the result of celestial Impactors as well.

As an anthropologist, I find this spellbinding, because the implications are Huge. The prospect of random Impactors, capable of causing such disruption, adds to the threat of cyclical Inpactors which can cause even more damage and extinction rates. In other words, the longer we continue to keep all of our eggs in one single basket, the greater the odds that we too will be made extinct by some Impactor in the future.

“ New Clovis-Age Comet Impact Theory

Newswise — Two University of Oregon researchers are on a multi-institutional 26-member team proposing a startling new theory: that an extraterrestrial impact, possibly a comet, set off a 1,000-year-long cold spell and wiped out or fragmented the prehistoric Clovis culture and a variety of animal genera across North America almost 13,000 years ago.

Driving the theory is a carbon-rich layer of soil that has been found, but not definitively explained, at some 50 Clovis-age sites in North America that date to the onset of a cooling period known as the Younger Dryas Event. The sites include several on the Channel Islands off California where UO archaeologists Douglas J. Kennett and Jon M. Erlandson have conducted research.

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.

Indian Affairs, through its government-to-government relationship with federally recognized tribes, carries out the Federal Government's unique and continuing relationship with and responsibility to tribes and Indian people. Indian Affairs programs support and assist federally recognized tribes in the development of tribal governments, strong economies, and quality programs. The scope of Indian Affairs programs is extensive and includes a range of services comparable to the programs of state and local government, e.g., education, social services, law enforcement, courts, real estate services, agriculture and range management, and resource protection.

Many Federal agencies other than the Indian Affairs have special programs to serve the American Indian population, i.e., the Indian Health Service (IHS), an adjunct of the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The IHS provides health care services through a network of reservation-based hospitals and clinics. Besides standard medical care, the agency has established programs that specialize in maternal and child health, mental health, substance abuse, home health care, nutrition, etc. The Administration for Native Americans, another agency within DHHS, administers programs aimed at strengthening tribal governments and supporting the social and economic development of reservation communities. Other agencies of the Federal Government that serves the special needs of Indian people include the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Commerce and Energy.

All American Indians & Alaska Natives, whether they live on or off reservations, are eligible (like all other citizens who meet eligibility requirements) to receive services provided by the state such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the Food Stamp Program and the Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

U.S. Department of the Interior - Indian Ancestry - What are the Benefits & Services Provided to American Indians & Alaska Natives

I thought you might be interested in reading that, plus lets not forget that assistance is available to African Americans through a varity of Federal State and local programs , so what exactly are you advocating here? Are you saying that because of the color of someone's skin they deserve to enjoy a benefit that other Americans should not? You may have a little problem with the constitution on that one. While out history when it comes to how we as a nation have treated various ethnic groups including African Americans is a checkered one, we have come a long way in fixing the problems of the past. What you propose, would be what ? "seperate but equal" that seems to be wording we have heard someplace before is it not? Does it not run counter to Dr. Kings vision of an America where all men are created equal? See what I mean? While well meaning I'm sure, your proposal would do a lot more harm than good. As for Native Americans the BIA has many benefits available to them and yes, its a shame what was done to those tribes, but I dare say you would be hard pressed to find anyone today guilty of such a crime as was commited 100 plus years ago. So you would punish the son and not the father? It's time we put the past into the past and moved to a place where we can create opportunity and not one that seperates people into classes based on what color they are and where they come from but as Dr. King said so well,,, "the content of the their character"

Navy, we have still treatys in effect that recognize the many tribes as seperate nations. And because of the theft of most of the land that was ceded to them in the treaties in which they gave up most of the land, we do owe them the recognition that we put them into a position of economic non-viability.

Many of my wifes relitives are off the rez and ask no benefits. They do well on their own. Others, however, do not. Growing up isolated does not prepare them for life outside of their immediate culture.

Also, there is no ethnic group in America that serves in uniform in higher numbers than does the Native American.
Compensation is not so rare. It is done all the time to people who have been unjustly incarcerated, after the Japanese were release from internment camps, and the government did not think is so ridiculous to compensate native americans. Jews were compensated for their lost during the war so why not compensate blacks whose ancestors were slaves for their 200 years of free labor the enriched this country and people are still benefiting from? Money slave owners made for free labor went to building this country and help to make it what it is today

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.

Before I comment, I need some clarification on your rambling and disjointed incoherence...

Is it your position that all Americans with native American ancestry and all African-Americans deserve free healthcare, with the bill being footed by the American taxpayer?
Compensation is not so rare. It is done all the time to people who have been unjustly incarcerated, after the Japanese were release from internment camps, and the government did not think is so ridiculous to compensate native americans. Jews were compensated for their lost during the war so why not compensate blacks whose ancestors were slaves for their 200 years of free labor the enriched this country and people are still benefiting from? Money slave owners made for free labor went to building this country and help to make it what it is today

Do you honestly not see the difference between your examples?

With the japanese and jews, for the most part those who were the actual victims of the injustice were compensated. Not the great-great grandchildren of those people.

As for Native-Americans it is a continuing situation...

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.

Just so we are clear, what exactly is this 'free healthcare' of which you speak? 'Free healthcare' doesn't exist - anywhere on the planet.

And if you are not intelligent to know the difference between 'free' and 'free at the point of delivery' then you are too stupid to debate about anything more complex than the oft dicussed 'coke or pepsi' debate.

Oh, and no one is entitled to 'free' anything that forces someone else to pay for it. I don't give a shit what race, color or creed they are.
The solution to all of this monkey motion is very simple - stop letting so many people from so many countries into the United States of America! They arrive here with their little hands full of ways to defraud this country, makes demands, find reasons to say that the USA 'owes' them, etc. If you want to come here and live here, ASSIMILATE!!! And most of all - STOP THE MADNESS!

To free healthcare but not for illegal aliens. Native Americans are victims of thief and broken treaties by the government and black are victims by their ancestors being brought here against their will and force into slave labor for 200 years and aided and abetted by the government. They are entitled to collect on the labor of their ancestors but they are not required to pay for routine medical care and catastrophic medical care for illegal aliens and their children while they and their own go without.
The illegal alien who entered this country when he was 15 and worked illegally for the same company for 20 years should not expect hospitals to give him free healthcare, but he do. When the center was closed where he was receiving free dialysis, they offered him a free ride back home and he refused saying; “No thank you”? what part of illegal really means illegally I this country? The company that employed him illegally for 20 years should be force to pay for his dialysis and his living expense and then he should be deported. Are illegal aliens entitled to the same benefits as an American citizens just because they have been in their county a “long” time?
Americans need to hold this country accountable.

Indian Affairs, through its government-to-government relationship with federally recognized tribes, carries out the Federal Government's unique and continuing relationship with and responsibility to tribes and Indian people. Indian Affairs programs support and assist federally recognized tribes in the development of tribal governments, strong economies, and quality programs. The scope of Indian Affairs programs is extensive and includes a range of services comparable to the programs of state and local government, e.g., education, social services, law enforcement, courts, real estate services, agriculture and range management, and resource protection.

Many Federal agencies other than the Indian Affairs have special programs to serve the American Indian population, i.e., the Indian Health Service (IHS), an adjunct of the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The IHS provides health care services through a network of reservation-based hospitals and clinics. Besides standard medical care, the agency has established programs that specialize in maternal and child health, mental health, substance abuse, home health care, nutrition, etc. The Administration for Native Americans, another agency within DHHS, administers programs aimed at strengthening tribal governments and supporting the social and economic development of reservation communities. Other agencies of the Federal Government that serves the special needs of Indian people include the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Agriculture, Education, Labor, Commerce and Energy.

All American Indians & Alaska Natives, whether they live on or off reservations, are eligible (like all other citizens who meet eligibility requirements) to receive services provided by the state such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the Food Stamp Program and the Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

U.S. Department of the Interior - Indian Ancestry - What are the Benefits & Services Provided to American Indians & Alaska Natives

I thought you might be interested in reading that, plus lets not forget that assistance is available to African Americans through a varity of Federal State and local programs , so what exactly are you advocating here? Are you saying that because of the color of someone's skin they deserve to enjoy a benefit that other Americans should not? You may have a little problem with the constitution on that one. While out history when it comes to how we as a nation have treated various ethnic groups including African Americans is a checkered one, we have come a long way in fixing the problems of the past. What you propose, would be what ? "seperate but equal" that seems to be wording we have heard someplace before is it not? Does it not run counter to Dr. Kings vision of an America where all men are created equal? See what I mean? While well meaning I'm sure, your proposal would do a lot more harm than good. As for Native Americans the BIA has many benefits available to them and yes, its a shame what was done to those tribes, but I dare say you would be hard pressed to find anyone today guilty of such a crime as was commited 100 plus years ago. So you would punish the son and not the father? It's time we put the past into the past and moved to a place where we can create opportunity and not one that seperates people into classes based on what color they are and where they come from but as Dr. King said so well,,, "the content of the their character"

Navy, we have still treatys in effect that recognize the many tribes as seperate nations. And because of the theft of most of the land that was ceded to them in the treaties in which they gave up most of the land, we do owe them the recognition that we put them into a position of economic non-viability.

Many of my wifes relitives are off the rez and ask no benefits. They do well on their own. Others, however, do not. Growing up isolated does not prepare them for life outside of their immediate culture.

Also, there is no ethnic group in America that serves in uniform in higher numbers than does the Native American.

I'm sorry Rocks, but while tragic as it may be to punish those now for the absolute terrible behavior of the past serves no one other than to isolate a whole new group of Americans to favor another in my opinion. If you really want to help someone, no matter who that may be, then advocate for more available opportunities for them to be able to move into a bright future rather than to pay for the sons of the past which by the way no living American can lay claim too. While I agree we have a tragic history when it comes to the treatment of many races, the treatment of Native Americans and Afircan Americans is not unique in one respect in that groups such as Chinese Immigrants, and Irish and Italian as well as many others can make claims also for the sins of the past. Perhaps it's time we all started provding an atmosphere that looked at human beings beyond what color they are and more so on the charcter of the person themselves. Let me tell you a little something I learned a long time ago Rocks, when I was still an Aviator for the Navy I cared not who , where, or what the persons background was, rather, that they could do the job and that they were qualified and when I heard a voice in my helmet it knew no color or ethnic background it was a dedicated American period. I came to believe that no matter what color a person is, once you begin to seperate them into catagories based on that no matter what the reason, that is when the trouble starts. So this retroactive compensation call , while well meaning I'm sure would serve nothing but to further seperate people and would not advance the cause of all human beings as a whole be they Native Americans, African Americans, or whomever.
my ancestors were Vikings.....some of them came here and impregnated the Indian race.....the other side of the family were slave owners and impregnated the help.....

as i am a descendant of the breeding between those two mongrel bloodlines......

i want my free shit.....
Compensation is not so rare. It is done all the time to people who have been unjustly incarcerated, after the Japanese were release from internment camps, and the government did not think is so ridiculous to compensate native americans. Jews were compensated for their lost during the war so why not compensate blacks whose ancestors were slaves for their 200 years of free labor the enriched this country and people are still benefiting from? Money slave owners made for free labor went to building this country and help to make it what it is today

If compensation was going to be given it should have happened 160 years ago. Giving it to their great-great-great-great grandchildren makes no sense what so ever.

The Japanesse and Jews were compensated directly. Which is completely different than what you are proposing.
i can see native americans but the blacks would fall under the same as illegals when it came to free.
Native Americans are entitled to take their land back. (Good luck with that) And blacks are entitled to a one-way ticket back to their homeland.

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