National polls show Mit's myth

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Presidential Polls Counter Romney Surge Myth


And, check out Investor's Daily

Even Rasmussen shows Obama 3 points up.

FWIW - which, imo, isn't much.

But, there you are.
Well that's odd information about Rasmussen. Not only has Rasmussen now got Romney ahead by a small margin in the electoral votes but Romney is also ahead in the national by 3%.

Here you go right from Rasmussen website.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 47%. Two percent (2%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Romney is now tied in Ohio and in Michigan.

Even RCP has Obama only ahead by 2 points now.
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That's looking pretty good for Romney ... what you posted doesn't really jive with your thread title.
The self soothing by leftists is is only just starting...wait until after Obama gets his walking papers, then it will become epidemic.
I wanted to address the gender gap separately. Obama at one point in the game lead Romney by 16 points like I thought.

Check this out.

The AP-GfK poll, taken Friday through Tuesday, shows Romney pulling even with Obama among women at 47-47 after lagging by 16 points a month earlier.

It's tight. There is no doubt about it. But Obama is not running away with this.
IBD/TIPP oversampled D's +7...

Not gonna happen, dreaming libs...

0bama is toast...

They never check methodology.

And when you have RCP now averaging all the polls and only giving Obama a 2 point lead....


I plan on documenting the 5 Stages of Liberal Grief on election night...

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

Posting examples from here and the interwebs..

Gonna be a fun night...:thup:
IBD/TIPP oversampled D's +7...

Not gonna happen, dreaming libs...

0bama is toast...

They never check methodology.

And when you have RCP now averaging all the polls and only giving Obama a 2 point lead....


Actually, as of today RCP has Romney up by 0.9%...
The larger the sample size the larger the lead for Romney. ......
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The trend is clearly breaking for Romney. This is exactly what happened in 1980, when Reagan was behind Carter until the first debate and then gained strength. The result was one of the clearest repudiations of any sitting president in history. Until this year.
And it wasn't supposed to be this way. Check my sig line.

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