National Police Union Refuses to Endorse Romney, First Such Refusal in 98 Years


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
National Police Union Refuses to Endorse Romney, First Such Refusal in 98 Years

For the first time in 98 years, the 330,000-member Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) will not endorse a candidate for president this year. The FOP supported the Republican candidate for President in 2008, 2004, and 2000, and its non-endorsement is seen as a refutation of Mitt Romney.

Why the change? One big reason was Mitt Romney's support of Senate Bill 5 in Ohio, which stripped collective bargaining rights from police officers.
I guess that's what happens when you talk openly of your disdain for unions, and you represent a party that seems to despise public sector workers.
Are they supporting Obama.. They are union I wonder why they are not supporting the UNION guy ..
National Police Union Refuses to Endorse Romney, First Such Refusal in 98 Years

For the first time in 98 years, the 330,000-member Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) will not endorse a candidate for president this year. The FOP supported the Republican candidate for President in 2008, 2004, and 2000, and its non-endorsement is seen as a refutation of Mitt Romney.

Why the change? One big reason was Mitt Romney's support of Senate Bill 5 in Ohio, which stripped collective bargaining rights from police officers.
National Police Union Refuses to Endorse Romney, First Such Refusal in 98 Years

For the first time in 98 years, the 330,000-member Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) will not endorse a candidate for president this year. The FOP supported the Republican candidate for President in 2008, 2004, and 2000, and its non-endorsement is seen as a refutation of Mitt Romney.

Why the change? One big reason was Mitt Romney's support of Senate Bill 5 in Ohio, which stripped collective bargaining rights from police officers.

I guess they were paying attention to what happened in Wisconsin too. :lol:
I guess that's what happens when you talk openly of your disdain for unions, and you represent a party that seems to despise public sector workers.

So now disagreeing with outlandish Taxpayer funded retirement plans, etc. means that you despise people. Unreal. :lol:
Fraternal Order of Police Declines Endorsement in Race for White House 09/07/2012
Nation's largest police labor organization will not support Obama or Romney

Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, today announced that the organization has decided not to support any candidate for the office of President.

"For the first time in our history, and only after careful consideration of the candidates' records and their responses to our questions, we have determined in this instance the Fraternal Order of Police will not make a Presidential endorsement," Canterbury said.

For a candidate to receive the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, he must receive a two-third majority of the National Board, which is made up of one Trustee from each of the organization's State Lodges.

"The important challenges faced by our rank-and-file officers, the real issues in public safety, and the problems that our criminal justice system is facing are not the focus of either campaign," Canterbury explained. "It would be irresponsible for us to support either candidate."

"What we need is a genuine bipartisanship. This national preoccupation with defeating or trumping political opponents has eroded confidence in our leaders and the entire political system. In such an environment comity, compromise and cooperation have become virtually impossible," Canterbury said. "We urge our members to exercise their right to vote in this election."

The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest law enforcement labor organization in the United States, with more than 330,000 members.

News Item
I guess that's what happens when you talk openly of your disdain for unions, and you represent a party that seems to despise public sector workers.

So now disagreeing with outlandish Taxpayer funded retirement plans, etc. means that you despise people. Unreal. :lol:

Which party has started a crusade against unions? Democrats? No.The Green Party? No. Republicans? Yep, that's right.

Who said this?:

"he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin?"

That's right, Romney did.

Get it?
Wow Obama must be shit. Another Union that won't support him.

The police and fire fighter's unions have been supporting the GOP for almost 100 years moron.

The nation’s main firefighters’ union, long a strong supporter of Democratic candidates, announced on Tuesday that it would indefinitely suspend all contributions to federal candidates out of frustration with Congressional Democrats who, union officials say, have not fought harder against budget cuts and antiunion legislation.

care to walk back your statement?
Wow Obama must be shit. Another Union that won't support him.

The police and fire fighter's unions have been supporting the GOP for almost 100 years moron.

The nation’s main firefighters’ union, long a strong supporter of Democratic candidates, announced on Tuesday that it would indefinitely suspend all contributions to federal candidates out of frustration with Congressional Democrats who, union officials say, have not fought harder against budget cuts and antiunion legislation.

care to walk back your statement?

And who do you think they respect more -- the Democrats who have been unable to stop anti-union legislation, or the Republicans responsible for anti-union legislation?
The police and fire fighter's unions have been supporting the GOP for almost 100 years moron.

The nation’s main firefighters’ union, long a strong supporter of Democratic candidates, announced on Tuesday that it would indefinitely suspend all contributions to federal candidates out of frustration with Congressional Democrats who, union officials say, have not fought harder against budget cuts and antiunion legislation.

care to walk back your statement?

And who do you think they respect more -- the Democrats who have been unable to stop anti-union legislation, or the Republicans responsible for anti-union legislation?

What federal anti-Union legislation are you talking about? Oh right, none. Even on the state level it isn't anti-union. Maybe anti-going broke but no one has ended one union.
The nation’s main firefighters’ union, long a strong supporter of Democratic candidates, announced on Tuesday that it would indefinitely suspend all contributions to federal candidates out of frustration with Congressional Democrats who, union officials say, have not fought harder against budget cuts and antiunion legislation.

care to walk back your statement?

And who do you think they respect more -- the Democrats who have been unable to stop anti-union legislation, or the Republicans responsible for anti-union legislation?

What federal anti-Union legislation are you talking about? Oh right, none. Even on the state level it isn't anti-union. Maybe anti-going broke but no one has ended one union.

I didn't specify. Are you seriously claiming that no states have passed anti-union legislation?
I guess that's what happens when you talk openly of your disdain for unions, and you represent a party that seems to despise public sector workers.

So now disagreeing with outlandish Taxpayer funded retirement plans, etc. means that you despise people. Unreal. :lol:

Which party has started a crusade against unions? Democrats? No.The Green Party? No. Republicans? Yep, that's right.

Who said this?:

"he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin?"

That's right, Romney did.

Get it?

Sorry... We don't need a hundred people holed up in a State building soaking up Tax dollars biding their time to cash in on retirement plans that pay more lucratively than the wages they earned the entire time the State employed them. When people argue against Public Union's their adversaries ALWAYS bring up Firemen, and Policemen and toss them into the mix... Let's be truthful... It really isn't the Firemen, and Policemen people are talking about when they discuss their disdain for Golden Parachute retirement plans... It's the nonsensical secretary, street sweeper, building inspector,etc.... All whose jobs were made possible by who they knew taking precedence over what they knew. Quit bullshitting... The Taxpayers are smarter than that... The Wisconsin voters, and Scott Walker proved as much.
The nation’s main firefighters’ union, long a strong supporter of Democratic candidates, announced on Tuesday that it would indefinitely suspend all contributions to federal candidates out of frustration with Congressional Democrats who, union officials say, have not fought harder against budget cuts and antiunion legislation.

care to walk back your statement?

And who do you think they respect more -- the Democrats who have been unable to stop anti-union legislation, or the Republicans responsible for anti-union legislation?

What federal anti-Union legislation are you talking about? Oh right, none. Even on the state level it isn't anti-union. Maybe anti-going broke but no one has ended one union.

Of course there’s anti-union legislation by republicans on the state level:

The Republican Party's rabid attack on collective bargaining rights in 2011, particularly in Ohio and Wisconsin, is taking a political toll in 2012. Turns out that many traditionally Republican voters believe that their fire departments should be able to negotiate for adequate safety equipment or that the police officers who risk their lives on the streets should have a seat at the bargaining table.

Another former Republican who will cross the aisle in 2012 because of Senate Bill 5 is Ohio firefighter Doug Stern, who went from voting for the GOP his whole life to speaking at the Democratic National Convention last week.

The GOP war on public workers isn't only hurting Romney. Senator Sherrod Brown received the endorsement of the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police in July, becoming the first Democrat to receive the group's endorsement since 1988.

Republicans know they can’t ‘get rid’ of unions, no matter how much they may want to. They know such legislation would be un-Constitutional (although they disagree with that as well), but they will do everything possible to undermine unions and render them as weak and ineffective as possible.
Well, what do the cons care? As Paulitician said, they're all Goose Stepping Nazi's anyway. Cops are entirely useless for society, says a huge number of others. Some on this board even. bigrebnc1775 for one. In fact, bigrebnc says he'll kill police officers who come to his door, because they have no business being there and would always be malicious in intent. So he has to PROTECT HIMSELF!
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There used to be a time when conservatives actually respected the police. Many of them still do, but more and more of them are turning away from it just because they see the police as an extension of this president. Everything this president touches turns to shit to them... including everything the things they hold most dear, or at least use regularly as political tools.

There are a great number of things to be concerned with regarding police events, and some overreaching from the state leading to a more scary police state type situation, but it's by far not widespread and it's a problem that can be dealt with without viewing the individual police officers as your enemies.

Excessive police force is one. That happens a lot, and it needs to be punished quite severely so that we have a respectful police force that can command the respect of the people they protect. That results in overall better policing when you have the community on your side.

Potential legal repercussions and confiscation of recording media used to film police officers in public places is also another overreach from the state. The civilian population should be allowed to film and judge the police for its actions, which can result in policy changes.

Overall though, police everywhere keep us safe, do a good job and benefit society. They're not the evil people that more and more conservatives make them out to be the longer this presidency continues.

I guarantee the only reason they despise the police right now is because of Obama being in office. If Mitt should win, they'll go back again to calling liberals unpatriotic by not giving police unwavering support in all matters, and not wanting dangerous encroaching policies that protect the police and harm the public.

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