National Guard told to stand down while Ferguson burned


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Okay, the protesters proved yet again that they'll try hard to live up to the stereotype that they claim to fight against. Meanwhile, Holder was having a fit that the National Guard had been called in after the governor declared a state of emergency. The governor oddly decided not to use them. Now, the rioting, looting and destruction continue and the protesters prove they are nothing but a bunch of thugs. They can't use words, at least not reasonable language, to try to communicate. They only know theft and violence as a response to anything that upsets them.

Never mind that the evidence in the case showed that Brown was at fault and that the officer was justified. The protesters can't get their head around the truth or maybe are just unwilling to see things for what they are. Facts have yet to get in the way of assault, looting and destroying the city.

In the future, these folks will have to live in an area where no more businesses thrive and the place looks like Detroit. Then they'll complain about that.

From the link:

Dozens of businesses were looted, burned, and destroyed in Ferguson last night. Hundreds of gunshots were fired by so-called "protesters".

But despite mobilizing the National Guard for more than a week in preparation for this expect chaos, Gov. Jay Nixon (D) told them to stand down.

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles told FOX 2 reporters late on Monday night thathe had repeatedly pleaded with the Governor’s office to deploy the the National Guard Monday night… But his requests were "completely ignored":

Was this what Obama meant when he took to the airwaves before the riots to demand "police restraint"?
And DW Ulstermann recalls the pressure outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder had put on Nixon to hold back police response:

Eric Holder was reportedly upset the Missouri Governor announced a State of Emergency days before the Darren Wilson Grand Jury decision was announced, and adamant there would be no National Guard soldiers patrolling the streets of Ferguson. (A decision that in more "normal" time would be left to the governor to decide)

More off the record reports indicate Holder’s office made a number of angry calls to Governor Nixon expressing the administration’s displeasure at what they viewed to be a too strong response to the threat of rioting.

National Guard told to stand down while Ferguson burned

Let the city burn. Let the pathetic Ferguson Police understand just how bad they fucked up.

I hope Wilson gets what's coming to him.

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Let the city burn. Let the pathetic Ferguson Police understand just how bad they fucked up.

I hope Wilson gets what's coming to him.

Sadly, Brown got what was coming to him for attacking a police officer. It's not okay to go around robbing stores by attacking clerks, then attacking a police officer for telling you to get out of the street. Brown might have thought the officer was aware that he had just robbed a store and he got violent. The facts back it up. The officer had no way of knowing whether Brown was going to kill him or if he had a weapon to pull out. If you attack someone, they can defend themselves. Sucks, doesn't it? At least it does if you think it's okay to get violent with people for no reason.

How about teaching people that breaking the law and assaulting people is not okay and has dire consequences? Brown was a thug and if he had simply obeyed the officer and gotten out of the street, he would still be alive, though likely facing charges of robbing the store since it was caught on video.

The idiots in Ferguson are destroying their own city and will probably complain about it later. Most of those businesses probably won't go back and I wouldn't count on the idiots who were looting and burning to be smart enough to help rebuild or start their own businesses. Those doing the destruction are useless and give nothing to society. They steal and make demands because they are angry that Brown didn't successfully steal, then beat a cop. Hell of a reason to be angry. Maybe they should ask why so many minorities have turned to crime and address the root of the problem instead of acting like crime is a right of minorities.
Do you remember what happened the last time they tried to stop the rioting in Ferguson? The public went ape shit on them and so did the press. "How dare they use rubber bullets and tear gas and armored personnel carriers!" Remember that? Stopping the riots isn't worth the backlash.
Ferguson should be allowed to burn. Not just businesses. Maybe tonight they will start on private homes. The businesses are gone. There is nothing that shows the public the extent of insanity among blacks like seeing black people burn down black businesses and the homes of other black people. If there is any industry within 50 miles of Ferguson, this time next year Ferguson will be a hispanic barrio.

Let the city burn. Let the pathetic Ferguson Police understand just how bad they fucked up.

I hope Wilson gets what's coming to him.

You are an incredibly stupid individual. This violence does not hurt the police but rather the innocent civilians & business owners. Not to mention every tax payer in Missouri
Intelligent Blacks who feel the need are speaking-out against the grand jury verdict, and calling for reforms...

Stupid Blacks are burning their own shit...

Perhaps the Governor teaches a lesson to the Stupid?

"Go ahead and burn your own shit. See if we care. But don't go beyond that, or we'll unleash the National Guard on you."

Wouldn't be the first time that a State Governor let the Stupid burn down their own shit, would it?
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NO federal rebuilding money for people who destroy their own homes and businesses.



I am willing to bet business and home owners were not looting and setting fire to their own properties.
Okay, the protesters proved yet again that they'll try hard to live up to the stereotype that they claim to fight against. Meanwhile, Holder was having a fit that the National Guard had been called in after the governor declared a state of emergency. The governor oddly decided not to use them. Now, the rioting, looting and destruction continue and the protesters prove they are nothing but a bunch of thugs. They can't use words, at least not reasonable language, to try to communicate. They only know theft and violence as a response to anything that upsets them.

Never mind that the evidence in the case showed that Brown was at fault and that the officer was justified. The protesters can't get their head around the truth or maybe are just unwilling to see things for what they are. Facts have yet to get in the way of assault, looting and destroying the city.

In the future, these folks will have to live in an area where no more businesses thrive and the place looks like Detroit. Then they'll complain about that.

From the link:

Dozens of businesses were looted, burned, and destroyed in Ferguson last night. Hundreds of gunshots were fired by so-called "protesters".

But despite mobilizing the National Guard for more than a week in preparation for this expect chaos, Gov. Jay Nixon (D) told them to stand down.

Ferguson Mayor James Knowles told FOX 2 reporters late on Monday night thathe had repeatedly pleaded with the Governor’s office to deploy the the National Guard Monday night… But his requests were "completely ignored":

Was this what Obama meant when he took to the airwaves before the riots to demand "police restraint"?
And DW Ulstermann recalls the pressure outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder had put on Nixon to hold back police response:

Eric Holder was reportedly upset the Missouri Governor announced a State of Emergency days before the Darren Wilson Grand Jury decision was announced, and adamant there would be no National Guard soldiers patrolling the streets of Ferguson. (A decision that in more "normal" time would be left to the governor to decide)

More off the record reports indicate Holder’s office made a number of angry calls to Governor Nixon expressing the administration’s displeasure at what they viewed to be a too strong response to the threat of rioting.

National Guard told to stand down while Ferguson burned
Nixon is trying to tread softly around this because instead of doing what's right, he caved into political pressures.
As of right now, he is claiming the NG will again be activated.
Yeah, right.
He NG was nowhere to be found. The police were overwhelmed.
Do you remember what happened the last time they tried to stop the rioting in Ferguson? The public went ape shit on them and so did the press. "How dare they use rubber bullets and tear gas and armored personnel carriers!" Remember that? Stopping the riots isn't worth the backlash.
Precisely why the looting and burning was allowed to continue.
The bullshit from the uninformed public.
Governor Nixon of MO is absolute toast.....Just saw a presser. He claimed the NG had 700 troops "dispersed throughout the city".....None were seen by anyone.

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