National Democrats charge six congressional Democrats have "Nazi ties"...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
(Politico)- National Democrats have charged that a House candidate endorsed by a controversial anti-immigration group has “Nazi ties” — but six other congressional Democrats also have the group’s endorsement, and at least one has enthusiastically embraced its support.
The group, Americans for Legal Immigration, or ALIPAC, supports candidates and incumbents who oppose creating a path to citizenship for the thousands of undocumented immigrants in the United States. The Anti-Defamation League has criticized ALIPAC for what it says is support from white supremacist and racist groups.
“Another [National Republican Congressional Committee] Young Gun candidate, another Nazi tie — it should come as no surprise,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Andy Stone said in a statement Monday. He said the group was “on the racist fringe” and that it was “backed by anti-Semites and white supremacists.”
The DCCC statement was aimed at Arizona congressional candidate Jesse Kelly, the Republican who is challenging Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the state’s 8th District. Kelly signed a pledge saying he would advocate for ALIPAC’s agenda in Congress.
But six Democrats: Reps. Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Gene Taylor of Mississippi, Pete DeFazio of Oregon, Mike McIntyre of North Carolina and Jim Marshall and John Barrow of Georgia, all have the group’s endorsement. Including Kelly, ALIPAC has endorsed 179 Republicans.
…But at least one, McIntyre, has touted the group’s endorsement. “Congressman McIntyre has received major endorsements from prominent conservative-leaning organizations including the National Rifle Association; the National Federation for Independent Business, the nation’s largest voice for small business; National Right to Life; and ALIPAC, an organization fighting illegal immigration,” his campaign wrote in a Sept. 13 post on his website trumpeting Republican support for his reelection.
"Nazi ties"? WTF? A person would have to over 80 just to have even met an actual Nazi. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Andy Stone needs to learn Godwin's Law.

It's desperation. You always know which candidates are losing by how low they begin to stoop when attacking their opponent.
Wait, let me see if I got this right.

Candidates are being supported by Americans for Legal Immigration. The ADL criticizes the Americans for Legal Immigration not as NAZIS, but for having some NAZIs speaking in favour of their aims. This makes candidates supported by Americans for Legal Immigration NAZIs?

If that the 'reasoning' here? 6 Dems have been said to have Nazi ties.


Only 1 American politician has been PHOTOGRAPHED in Nazi (Waffen SS to be exact) gear.

Oh yeah.......wanna talk about the idiot in AK named Miller who thinks that East Germany had a good way of dealing with borders? Joe Miller is actually speaking favorably about Communist ideals.

Currently, the only communists and Nazis that I've seen thus far have all been from the GOP.
Wait, let me see if I got this right.

Candidates are being supported by Americans for Legal Immigration. The ADL criticizes the Americans for Legal Immigration not as NAZIS, but for having some NAZIs speaking in favour of their aims. This makes candidates supported by Americans for Legal Immigration NAZIs?

If that the 'reasoning' here?

There is no "reason" involved, it's politics... 6 Dems have been said to have Nazi ties.


Only 1 American politician has been PHOTOGRAPHED in Nazi (Waffen SS to be exact) gear.

Oh yeah.......wanna talk about the idiot in AK named Miller who thinks that East Germany had a good way of dealing with borders? Joe Miller is actually speaking favorably about Communist ideals.

Currently, the only communists and Nazis that I've seen thus far have all been from the GOP.
I wouldn't want to get into an argument between Dems calling other Dems Nazis.:lol:

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