Nation building


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We should take a lesson in nation building in Afghanistan from illegal aliens. It took them only 20 years and they have changed the course of this country forever. They got people to leave neighborhoods, school and states. And I bet they could get the Taliban and Al Qaeda to leave Afghanistan in less time. Send 20 million illegal aliens to Afghanistan and get the job done.
MS 13 would make terrorists look like boy scouts.
An army MS-13 thugs wouldn't last a month in Afghanistan.

The only reason MS-13 lasts here in the USA is because this is a nation of laws.

Some North American thug tried the shit they pull here in Afghanistan, and the locals there would bury them in a heartbeat.

The Afghans are a primative tribal people, a heavily armed tribal people, and they're quite used to killing or being killed over minor disputes with their neighbors.

Hell those people stood off the Soviet army, for God's sakes.
Granny, granny...

tsk, tsk, tsk...

The key to solving America's immigration problems is not "Paco" in Kabul, is you in front of the White House.
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"Granny" needs to understand, first and foremost and last, this -- the illegals are "home". They have come "home". 98% are not moving out of the country. Almost all illegal families will have birthright children within three years. That means little Paco and Ofelia are citizens with the same rights as you, Granny, and they will never let mama and papa be forced out of the country in a massive roundup.

And that's not all, Jake.

If this is the kind of pressure the members of this Board put on the american government you can expect a third, fourth and fifth wave of mexican illegal immigration into the US.

The brave online warriors of the US Message Board and their holy virtual crusade against illegal immigration couldn't force the US administration to deport a mexican stray dog that lost his owner and ended up on the american side of Nogales.
My point exactly. We are a nation of laws but Afghanist is not. We cannot fight illegal immigration much less a war of any kind.
Why do we think we can do what others have failed to do in Afghanistan. We are fighting a war when it is ideals that are againt us. Thousands of years of religion and culture rules and we cannot fight it with bombings.
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If we are such a "nation of laws" why are some laws enforced and others not. If we enforced immigration laws we would not have 20 million illegal aliens in this country with 400 million anchor babies that is the reason why it continues.
Nation of laws are meaningless if they are not enforced.
Laws that Islam have is strictly enforced and that makes it hard for us to change with bombs as we are trying to do.
These people have been living like this for thousands of years. let them continue or fight for change themselves.
They are half way across the world without a military, leave them the hell alone. They are not worth one american live. Lets secure this country here and stop terrorists from attacking us here since fighting them there has not stopped them here. We are busting them but sooner or later one, one is only need will get through and do much damage.
Taliban and Al Qaeda are united. We are too divided to get things done and in the meanwhile this country go to pots.
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'If this is the kind of pressure the members of this Board put on the american government you can expect a third, fourth and fifth wave of mexican illegal immigration into the US.'

It's the pressure that precisely these 'members' put on the government during the Bush reign that stopped a second catastrophic amnesty. Don't undermine the power of the american people. Why do you think that another amnesty will never be? When the american people saw the anti-USA 'marcha of 2006' they jumped into action. And the result? NO AMNESTY! Right, you got it, bud - and NO amnesty is in the future no matter who is the 'king of the hill'!

As for a third, fourth, fifth wave of mexican illegals into the USA, it's just a matter of time before this country locks the border and throws away the key! Doing away with all the perks that they get once here, will dry up also. There is more than one way to skin a cat. They will have no other choice but to hightail it back to their miserable countries and come in the legal, correct way.
Originally posted by Angelhair
It's the pressure that precisely these 'members' put on the government during the Bush reign that stopped a second catastrophic amnesty. Don't undermine the power of the american people. Why do you think that another amnesty will never be? When the american people saw the anti-USA 'marcha of 2006' they jumped into action. And the result? NO AMNESTY! Right, you got it, bud - and NO amnesty is in the future no matter who is the 'king of the hill'!

As for a third, fourth, fifth wave of mexican illegals into the USA, it's just a matter of time before this country locks the border and throws away the key! Doing away with all the perks that they get once here, will dry up also. There is more than one way to skin a cat. They will have no other choice but to hightail it back to their miserable countries and come in the legal, correct way.

You are absolutely right when you say pressure from the american people stopped the second amnesty, angel. But you SERIOUSLY misinterpreting it. The amnesty was merely postponed to be implemented in the future when american politicians hope the american people will be more willing to swallow it. Just a postponement, Angel. Nothing more than that.


The truth is that the american people has taken too many sleeping pills and cannot realise that they are mocked everyday by american politicians regarding illegal immigration.

Just a small example:

During one of the presidential debates between Mccain and Obama, Mccain candidly stated in front of a crowd:

"The US cannot deport 12 million illegal immigrants because we do not have enough handcuffs."


Can you fucking believe it?

An american presidential candidate declared in front of the whole nation that the US, the richest country on Earth, cannot deport illegal immigrants BECAUSE THE COUNTRY DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH HANDCUFFS!!!!

What Mccain REALLY said that day was:

"I wipe my anus everyday with your opposition to illegal immigration, Angelhair!!

I don't give a rat's ass because I know I can address the whole nation, say the most horrendous absurdities like the handcuff stuff and my electorate won't punish me in any way."

If the american people was serious about illegal immigration Mccain would be lynched 2 seconds after saying that insanity!!

Listen Angelhair.

I am absolutely sympathetic to the idea of the american people putting REAL PRESSURE on the american government to make it do what it is paid to do by the american taxpayer. But you need to do better than that.
pfffhh, i think the terrorists are all crazy. and i think ms 13 are all crazy too. besides, when was the last time ms13 blew up a major us building? they stick to their own guns
José;1628838 said:
Originally posted by Angelhair
It's the pressure that precisely these 'members' put on the government during the Bush reign that stopped a second catastrophic amnesty. Don't undermine the power of the american people. Why do you think that another amnesty will never be? When the american people saw the anti-USA 'marcha of 2006' they jumped into action. And the result? NO AMNESTY! Right, you got it, bud - and NO amnesty is in the future no matter who is the 'king of the hill'!

As for a third, fourth, fifth wave of mexican illegals into the USA, it's just a matter of time before this country locks the border and throws away the key! Doing away with all the perks that they get once here, will dry up also. There is more than one way to skin a cat. They will have no other choice but to hightail it back to their miserable countries and come in the legal, correct way.

You are absolutely right when you say pressure from the american people stopped the second amnesty, angel. But you SERIOUSLY misinterpreting it. The amnesty was merely postponed to be implemented in the future when american politicians hope the american people will be more willing to swallow it. Just a postponement, Angel. Nothing more than that.


The truth is that the american people has taken too many sleeping pills and cannot realise that they are mocked everyday by american politicians regarding illegal immigration.

Just a small example:

During one of the presidential debates between Mccain and Obama, Mccain candidly stated in front of a crowd:

"The US cannot deport 12 million illegal immigrants because we do not have enough handcuffs."


Can you fucking believe it?

An american presidential candidate declared in front of the whole nation that the US, the richest country on Earth, cannot deport illegal immigrants BECAUSE THE COUNTRY DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH HANDCUFFS!!!!

What Mccain REALLY said that day was:

"I wipe my anus everyday with your opposition to illegal immigration, Angelhair!!

I don't give a rat's ass because I know I can address the whole nation, say the most horrendous absurdities like the handcuff stuff and my electorate won't punish me in any way."

If the american people was serious about illegal immigration Mccain would be lynched 2 seconds after saying that insanity!!

Listen Angelhair.

I am absolutely sympathetic to the idea of the american people putting REAL PRESSURE on the american government to make it do what it is paid to do by the american taxpayer. But you need to do better than that.

Jose, it is totally unrealistic in these PC times to expect that not 12m but 20m+ illegals would be deported. And really, do we need handcuffs to do it? I think not. Could it be possible that McCain lost the election because of his stance on illegal immigration? He supported Bush in this great fiasco. They have the misconception that the hispanics who bother to vote are PRO illegal AND PRO amnesty. They, any many others, are very mistaken. I am convinced that american hispanics are not in the tank with all of the PRO illegal orgs that seem to think they speak for them. Obama won over McCain simply because the masses were tired of the repubs in office and especially tired of Bush. With Obama, come 2012, he will lose if he continues to push for rewarding those who broke our sovereign law. Remember, there is no more Bush to blame - it will be O's baby. Tell me, what type of 'real pressure' do you suggest???
Originally posted by Angelhair
Tell me, what type of 'real pressure' do you suggest???

The third post of this thread would be a good start, Angel.
'The key to solving America's immigration problems is not "Paco" in Kabul, is you in front of the White House.'

In front of the WH doing what???? Protesting? Yelling? What???? I would say that the problem is with those IN the WH and not with those 'in front' of it.
pfffhh, i think the terrorists are all crazy. and i think ms 13 are all crazy too. besides, when was the last time ms13 blew up a major us building? they stick to their own guns

MS 13 have killed just as many Americans as 9-11 and both the wars. Building can be replaces but lives are lost forever. MS 13 is costing us just as much as the wars.
WE have already lost this war against illegal immigration. WE may as well open the borders and put out a welcome mat. There is a price America will have to pay for illegal immigration and it has not begun yet.

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