Natalia Veselnitskaya curious kitty(?)


Gold Member
Oct 3, 2016
Arid Zona
What is really going on with the famous Russian mystery woman? She seems to play both sides as she was at the Trump Tower meeting AND a part of Fusion GPS that concocted the dirty dossier...???

[Ed. – Daily Beast works overtime to tar Trump with this, but the actual tarred party is Fusion GPS, which was working on the same side as Veselnitskaya on the Magnitsky-Browder case in the U.S. It looks like Veselnitskaya tried to dirty up Donald Trump Jr. the same way she dirtied up the investigator in Switzerland — but she failed. Trump Jr. exchanged nothing with her but a handshake, and said goodbye. Fusion, on the other hand, worked with her on the Magnitsky-Browder case in the U.S. Credibility loss goes to Fusion.]

The Moscow operation behind the now-infamous Russian-Trump Tower meeting in June 2016 included a direct attempt to enlist a foreign country’s law-enforcement official as a virtual double-agent, according to a court case in Switzerland.
One of Switzerland’s top investigators has been fired after allegations of bribery, violating secrecy laws, and “unauthorized clandestine behavior” in meeting with the very same Russian actors linked to the Trump Tower encounter............................................................................................................................................:huh1:
Trump, Clinton camps both offered slice of dossier firm's work - sources
Russian lawyer who met Trump Jr. said she's ready to testify in Senate
WITNESS: Trump Tower Meeting was "Boring" - Nothing on Hillary's Emails Discussed, No Russian Rep. Was Present, No Collusion via @gatewaypundit
What the cryptic notes Paul Manafort took on his iPhone during the Trump Tower meeting could mean
from Wikipedia:
Long title Russia and Moldova Jackson–Vanik Repeal and Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012
Nicknames Magnitsky Act
Enacted by the 112th United States Congress
Manafort's notes from TT meeting from his phone:
and from Senate committee questioning Simpson of Fusion GPS:
"Do any of the other entries in here mean anything to you in light of the research you've conducted or what you otherwise know about Mr. Browder?"
Simpson said he could guess:

"So, 'Value in Cyprus as inter,' I don't know what that means," Simpson said. "'Illici,' I don't know what that means 'Active sponsors of RNC,' I don't know what that means. 'Browder hired Joanna Glover' is a mistaken reference to Juleanna Glover, who was Dick Cheney's press secretary during the Iraq war and associated with another foreign policy controversy. 'Russian adoptions by American families' I assume is a reference to the adoption issue."
July 13, 2017
Obama's Justice Department gave Russian lawyer special permission to enter the US without a Visa
The Russian attorney now at the center of suspicions of the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with the Kremlin was allowed into the country by the Justice Department under former President Barack Obama, it was reported on Thursday.Natalia Veselnitskaya was allowed into the United States in late 2015 under 'extraordinary circumstances' even though she did not have a visa, according to The Hill.

The news site is reporting that Veselnitskaya was permitted to enter the country by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who granted her a 'special immigration parole' so that she could adequately defend a client under criminal investigation. At the time, Veselnitskaya was representing a Russian businessman, Denis Katsyv, who was being investigated by the Justice Department for alleged money laundering.
'Act of Economic War' .... Russian PM
Russia Warns U.S. Against Ramping Up Sanctions Russia Warns U.S. Against Ramping Up Sanctions
Why is this SANCTIONS thing so important to the Russians?
Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what Trump/Russia is all about, and why lifting the sanctions on Russia is Trump's number one priority. "His own pocket".

This is how and why Trump is entangled in so many scandals, associated with his election.
rhetorical - Dictionary Definition :
Dictionary : Vocabulary.comrhetorical
If you ask a rhetorical question it means you don’t necessarily expect an answer, but you do want an occasion to talk about something.
Not rhetorical by me. You asked the forum members what the sanctions were about. I gave an answer, from which no discernible/ intelligent rebuttal was delivered. You are presenting us with some semantic gobbly goo, and that's about it. If you don't care to know, don't ask, or just don't respond.

And I don't need to talk about "it" or "something". This was established a year and a half ago, and explains everything from Flynn, to Comey, to Russian lawyers, Don Jr., Trump tower meetings, why Tillerson was picked for sec.of state, Eric Prince's sister Betsy Devos was picked for Education sec., etc. All of it. It's about the 90 billion barrels of oil in the Kara sea. Bigger than the oil reserves in Saudia Arabia.
Erik Prince grows Trump Russia contact list This is what Trump/Russia is all about, and why lifting the sanctions on Russia is Trump's number one priority. "His own pocket".
So what? The president was already elected by then. This man is with Blackwater, he knows people around the world.
Lol! That man with Blackwater was a screw up by killing innocent civilians, who sold the company, and who denied having a planned meeting with some of Putin's goons, and got caught lying about it. Erik Prince may have lied to Congress about his Seychelles meeting

And "so what"? What does Trump being elected got to do with anything?

Are you folks this blind, deaf, and dumb, not to see forest for tree? The secret meeting is all connected to the money business end for Trump.
You're off in a LOT of directions here. The adoption thing is just a "reverse sanction" to retaliate for the Magnitksy Act sanctions. The FOCUS should be N.Veselnitskaya. Her Visa was approved at very high levels at Dept of State to make the trips here. And her relationship with Fusion GPS on dirtying up Browder and dirtying up the Trump was simply a Glenn Simpson (head of Fusion) extra "fusion bonus" by helping TWO clients at one time.

She was definitely there to "dirty up the Trump Campaign". COORDINATED by the same misfit slimers who constructed the Hillary/Russian dossier. It was a TOTAL set-up. And I'll wager her VISAs for the trips were approved by some of the same players in that DNC/Hillary/FBI conspiracy to undermine a legitimate political campaign.

Go look up the special attention her Visas received.
'Act of Economic War' .... Russian PM
Russia Warns U.S. Against Ramping Up Sanctions Russia Warns U.S. Against Ramping Up Sanctions
Why is this SANCTIONS thing so important to the Russians?

Putin and his buddies have stashed billions in stolen cash in the west. But the money is frozen for those oligarchs sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act. They can’t leave Russia or travel freely and the assets are frozen. Unless and until the Magnitsky Act Sanctions are lifted, Putin and his buddies can’t get access to their money.

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