NASA: We'll find alien life in 10 to 20 years

Put your money where your mouth is.
I believe I just did.

Not seeing the money. Only an idle boast.
I said I would bet anything. And what would you like me to do? Give my money to a friend of yours to hold on to? Not bloody likely. Besides, if they ever find intelligent life on another planet, it probably Indictates the Bible isn't true. So I'm betting my afterlife in Heaven. What more do you want?
How many virgins you planning on having there, boy? In reality, all you are doing is flapping your silly yap and demonstrating how we have people just as dumb here as the people that are the religious extremists in the middle east.
The Bible says nothing about virgins in the afterlife. Get your facts straight and I might take you seriously.

Mary wasn''t a virgin before some wierdo god raped her?

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