NASA.. The Ultimate Outsourcing


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
If we want to talk about outsourcing. :(
(Yes, I know that private enterprise will soon pick up the slack but it's just wrong that the USA must depend on Russia to get into space )

Next American woman heads for space -- on this Russian rocket

Posted 09:14 AM ET

Now, here's some real Obama outsourcing.

This morning, Kazakhstan time, the next mission to the International Space Station successfully blasted off carrying the usual trio -- a Russian commander, an astronaut from the international community and an American in a seat rented by NASA since the retirement of the last U.S. space shuttle a year ago this month.
oh god, shut up already....Of all the stupid things to whine about.

Are you denying that our space program has been outsourced by Obama?
( and really.. you find the space program less whine worthy than Bain Capitol? )
That is why it is called an international space station and the flights are to be shared by all countries, not just the US. We have ways to send them up, you think the shuttles were the only space craft we have. Wait until the new shuttles are released. Nasa also put about 600 billion into a new telescope that they wanted before new shuttles. And if NASA has problems getting into space they can hitch a ride with the US Airforce.
The Hypocrite in Chief seems to enjoy talking about Bain layoffs, do you think he wants to talk about these?

Space workers struggle a year since layoffs after last shuttle
Posted: July 15, 2012 - 10:09pm

Associated Press
TITUSVILLE — A year after NASA ended the three-decade-long U.S. space shuttle program, thousands of formerly well-paid engineers and other workers around the Kennedy Space Center are still struggling to find jobs to replace the careers that flourished when shuttles blasted off from the Florida “Space Coast.”
Man on the moon: Kennedy speech ignited the dream ( And Obama has killed it )

Forty years ago on this day, President John F. Kennedy presented a bold challenge before a joint session of Congress: Send a man to the moon by the end of the decade.

Some derided the dream as lunacy. Others viewed it as just another strategic move in the Cold War chess match between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Kennedy had just been humiliated in the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba, a communist ally of Moscow. In his speech, he called for many measures to combat communism, requesting billions, for example, to stop red insurgencies in Southeast Asia.
ut in his address, Kennedy chose space as the main Cold War battleground on which to marshal his forces. The Soviet Union opened the final frontier when it sent the Sputnik satellite into orbit in 1957.

Four years later, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. The Soviets were beating the Americans to every milestone off the planet.

Feeling a sense of urgency in finding a way to overtake the Soviets in the space race, Kennedy had huddled with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and his science advisers to come up with a plan.

The president determined that safely landing a man on the moon would be technologically daunting, but it was a goal that the United States could reach before the Soviet Union.

"No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish," Kennedy said.

Man on the moon: Kennedy speech ignited the dream - CNN
Here's some more outsourcing:[ame=]80% Of Green Jobs Stimulus Money Going Overseas - YouTube[/ame]
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.
Man on the moon: Kennedy speech ignited the dream ( And Obama has killed it )

Forty years ago on this day, President John F. Kennedy presented a bold challenge before a joint session of Congress: Send a man to the moon by the end of the decade.

Some derided the dream as lunacy. Others viewed it as just another strategic move in the Cold War chess match between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Kennedy had just been humiliated in the Bay of Pigs fiasco in Cuba, a communist ally of Moscow. In his speech, he called for many measures to combat communism, requesting billions, for example, to stop red insurgencies in Southeast Asia.
ut in his address, Kennedy chose space as the main Cold War battleground on which to marshal his forces. The Soviet Union opened the final frontier when it sent the Sputnik satellite into orbit in 1957.

Four years later, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. The Soviets were beating the Americans to every milestone off the planet.

Feeling a sense of urgency in finding a way to overtake the Soviets in the space race, Kennedy had huddled with Vice President Lyndon Johnson and his science advisers to come up with a plan.

The president determined that safely landing a man on the moon would be technologically daunting, but it was a goal that the United States could reach before the Soviet Union.

"No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish," Kennedy said.

Man on the moon: Kennedy speech ignited the dream - CNN

We won the race, and now it is time to stop wasting money putting people in orbit in the same old shuttle until they blow up. You want real jobs, and now the private industry of the US can make some real astronaut and space travel jobs.

Like i have said if Obama were to cure all; disease and heal with a touch you dimwits would rag on him for putting doctors out of business. You have no idea of which way you are going, and you are all fucked up. If mittens did this you would call him a visionary for private enterprise.

just more proof of republican racism.
If we want to talk about outsourcing. :(
(Yes, I know that private enterprise will soon pick up the slack but it's just wrong that the USA must depend on Russia to get into space )

Next American woman heads for space -- on this Russian rocket

Posted 09:14 AM ET

Now, here's some real Obama outsourcing.

This morning, Kazakhstan time, the next mission to the International Space Station successfully blasted off carrying the usual trio -- a Russian commander, an astronaut from the international community and an American in a seat rented by NASA since the retirement of the last U.S. space shuttle a year ago this month.

guess you never heard of the deep space rocket they are devolping now, it's called Orion.
The Space Shuttle
After 30 years and more than 100 missions launching observatories and building the space station, the shuttle's mission is complete.
ignorance from the uneducated. NASA is heading in a new direction. they want to land on planets and moons for exploration to make bases for xploration.
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

My my.. have we hit a sensitive area? What's the matter? The left seems to have no trouble shedding great big crocodile tears for those laid off by Bain Capitol, but no tears for those laid off by Barack Obama? Careful, your hypocrisy is showing.
I'd be all for cutting a few hundred billion from the military and transferring it to a expanded space program. What has all this war and nation building got us in the middle east? Next to nothing, shit. Part of the focus of this new space program could be to find valuable metals and other necessities to make the program even more worth it as it would be a good idea to get something outside of science from it. It would be only good.

1. We could develop a full Asteroid detection program with defenses. This is a must within my mind...This could even be under defense.

2. Next we develop a space vehicle that can transfer people from the space station to the moon and back. A space ferry. Who needs to develop a Saturn 5 again? We could simply do this for less. Developing the international moon station that would give out contracts to private corporations to go after the resources of the moon.

3. Hopefully, google goes forward with asteroid mining. I'd hope the government would be willing to help develop the insane amount of wealth that this may hold. We will see...

4. We could develop a man mission to mars by scaling up 2-3 times that of the space ferry design. Who says we have to launch it on the earth?

This is just some idea's of developing space.
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ignorance from the uneducated. NASA is heading in a new direction. they want to land on planets and moons for exploration to make bases for xploration.

Tell that to the thousands that lost their jobs and can't find new ones because Obama policies are keeping the economy in the toilet.
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

So you honestly think private enterprise should be allowed to go into Space and exploit resources, and control Space travel? Do you really believe that if Space travel were controlled by private entities anybody BUT the so-called 1% could possibly afford it? And you are worried about Romney's involvement in Bain Capital.:lol: My God some of you are absolutely delusional.
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

My my.. have we hit a sensitive area? What's the matter? The left seems to have no trouble shedding great big crocodile tears for those laid off by Bain Capitol, but no tears for those laid off by Barack Obama? Careful, your hypocrisy is showing.

Make up your mind, one day it's the govt. does not make jobs, to Obama is now laying off engineers and scienctists and is a bad man.
the only nerve you hit was showing us you are uneducated ideas about the space program, and do not relize that the objectives have changed. The shuttle did it's job of building the international space station and using it to launch missions to explore deep space now.
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

My my.. have we hit a sensitive area? What's the matter? The left seems to have no trouble shedding great big crocodile tears for those laid off by Bain Capitol, but no tears for those laid off by Barack Obama? Careful, your hypocrisy is showing.

Actually, given that private industry has more profitable interest in space this should increase the number of research, manufacturing, and operational positions at competing private space firms. having NASA as the only place to work really has sold the industry short.

What is the matter is the vapid space between your ears incapable of understanding your own rhetoric? Even you don't believe the republican line that government owned industries is bad. See, you are now a socialist, and mitt and the republican pundits have fooled your gullible ass into being a socialist.

Maybe if you travel far enough into empty space you will meet your hero Karl marx. Say hi for me when you get there commie.
It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

So you honestly think private enterprise should be allowed to go into Space and exploit resources, and control Space travel? Do you really believe that if Space travel were controlled by private entities anybody BUT the so-called 1% could possibly afford it? And you are worried about Romney's involvement in Bain Capital.:lol: My God some of you are absolutely delusional.

yes and the 1%ers would benefit monetarily fom it, but remember they did not do it alone if they do set up business for profit in space. We the tax payers paved the way for business to operate in space.
Just like we the taxpayers pay to help infastructure for business to operate on here on terra firma and the aequoris,or aqua..
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It makes much more sense to have private industry going into space for resources. the US woul;dn't even take millions to bring along people into space. NASA is and was an elitist organization where only their chosen few were allowed into space despite desire by people to go.

Really, you twits whine about obama taking over private companies and when he goes and gives the green light for private companies to make money off space travel you bitch like he sold out. get your fucking stories straight you fucking repubtards. I know you were planning on going to moonbase gingrich, but you can still rent out space in his huge empty skull and have your spanking space in a real moonbase gingrich. Maybe newt can put together enough money and stop bouncing checks so he can pay for a moionbase of his own instead of expecting the US taxpayer to pay for his crazy fantasy.

So you honestly think private enterprise should be allowed to go into Space and exploit resources, and control Space travel? Do you really believe that if Space travel were controlled by private entities anybody BUT the so-called 1% could possibly afford it? And you are worried about Romney's involvement in Bain Capital.:lol: My God some of you are absolutely delusional.

Commie! you want government controlled space exploration to go along with your want for government owned industry and business. you are afraid of private enterprise which could easily bring back needed resources and make some nice jobs out of space exploration. it is sad to see socialists like yourself run in fear of private enterprise.

Wow, this is fucking sweet.

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