NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Him


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Jun 25, 2010
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NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself

Read more: NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself -

The NASA scientist who once claimed the Bush administration tried to "silence" his global warming claims is now accused of receiving more than $1.2 million from the very environmental organizations whose agenda he advocated.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a group claims NASA is withholding documents that show James Hansen failed to comply with ethics rules and financial disclosures regarding substantial compensation he earned outside his $180,000 taxpayer-paid position as director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.


Federal rules prohibit government employees from receiving certain types of income outside their job. Employees are required to file Form 17-60 in writing before any outside activity. And annually, they're required to submit Form SF 278, after receiving outside compensation.
The American Tradition Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act request for those two documents for Hansen. The lawsuit claims NASA has "repeatedly and unlawfully refused to produced the requested materials."
"Should the taxpayer know what's going on? Should, as FOIA intends, NASA disclose documents to shed light on its operations and its compliance within the law? We say yes. The law says yes. NASA says no," Horner said.
Mark Hess, chief of communications for the Goddard Space Center, sent Fox News NASA's response to Horner's FOIA request. It said in many cases the documents Horner requested did not exist. Horner claims they should, if Hansen was complying with the law.​

A list of the money he's illegally received is in the article.

So, AGW cultists....I suggest you follow the money.
Really? And which court ruled that the money was illegally recieved? The people filing the suit are a group formed specifically to intimidate and harass real scientists.

Roger Coppock View profile
More options Jan 8, 12:39 am

From: Roger Coppock <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2011 21:39:04 -0800 (PST)
Local: Sat, Jan 8 2011 12:39 am
Subject: Re: American Tradition Institute targets UVA server for Michael Mann climate documents
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On Jan 7, 7:31 pm, "James" <[email protected]> wrote:

American Tradition Institute targets UVA server for Michael Mann climate documents - | Google Groups

> American Tradition Institute targets UVA server for Michael Mann climate
> documents
> by Chiara Canzi, January 7th 11:58am
> Yestarday, the American Tradition Institute (ATI), a nonprofit public

Also known as Western Tradition Institute, apparently. Both
organizations seem to have appeared less than a year ago.
Google News has no listing for them except for this article
and a speech Paul Chesser in December last year. Paul
Chesser has links to the Heartland Institute, which recently
has created several front organizations to hide their Tobacco
lobbyist past.

I think it long past time that the scientists start sueing for harassment, and invasion of privacy. In fact, someone should form a legal unit specifically to take these types of organizations, and the people who fund them, to court on for friviolous lawsuits.
Took you long enough to get your talking points, Roxy. :lol:

Really? And which court ruled that the money was illegally recieved?
Federal ethics laws. Not that you give a shit about those.
The people filing the suit are a group formed specifically to intimidate and harass real scientists.
By demanding they obey the law.

I know, you cultists believe the ends justifies the means.
I think...
No, you don't. You parrot. long past time that the scientists start sueing for harassment, and invasion of privacy. In fact, someone should form a legal unit specifically to take these types of organizations, and the people who fund them, to court on for friviolous lawsuits.
A violation of Federal ethics laws is not frivolous, you fucking fascist cultist.

And you never have answered this question:

If the promoters of man-made climate fears truly believed the "debate is over" and the science is "settled", why is there such a strong impulse to shut down debate and threaten those who disagree?
Looks like the Cultists haven't received new marching orders yet.

There really is no rational defense of this. Hansen violated Federal ethics laws. He should be fired.

Not that the Cultists would care. They don't give a shit about the law, as long as the Cult is served.

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