Nancy Pelosi Sings Her Own Praises


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

VIDEO: Pelosi repeats words, garbles speech, asks 'So you want me to sing my praises?' - The American Mirror
As Nancy Pelosi addressed the media on Thursday about the fourth defeat of a congressional Democrat in as many elections since Donald Trump has become president, she didnā€™t do much to quell concerns that her health status and strange behavior arenā€™t a hindrance for her party.

She could be seen repeating words, garbling her speech, and singing her own praises to defend her leadership position.

Pelosi said, ā€œI always, always, always quote Martin Luther King in so many ways. But in this score, he said, Dr. Marā€” he said, the ballot, the ballot, the ballot, legislation, legislation, legislation, your life, your life, your life.ā€

That quote couldnā€™t be found.

During her remarks, she garbled words, struggling to say ā€œunableā€ and ā€œmassive.ā€

Moments later, she flubbed the list of people allegedly harmed by the Republicansā€™ overhaul of Obamacare.

ā€œTrumpcare inflicts great suffering on veterans, on seniors, on working families, on rural communities, and, as I said, working families,ā€ Pelosi said.

After being asked a question by a reporter, she remarked, ā€œSo you want me to sing my praises? Is that what youā€™re saying?ā€

She obliged.

ā€œIā€™m a master legislator, I am a strategic politically astute leader, I am, uh, my, uh, uh, leadership is recognized by many around the country and that is why I am able to attract the support that I do,ā€ Pelosi said.

To add an odd dramatic effect, the House Minority Leader rapped on the podium with her knuckles to make a point.

ā€œWould it be better if all the press were focusing on,ā€ she said, tapping on the wood several times, ā€œthe Senate heartless, mean-spirited bill,ā€ she added.

Pelosi claimed ā€œmany timesā€ she had not wanted to run for leader again, but her colleagues allegedly persuaded her to do so.

ā€œThis time I did. The election of Donald Trumpā€” this takes the knowledge and experience that I have, said she, immodestly,ā€ she said.

I would say she's losing her mind.....but her mind was lost years ago.....this is just sad.

Trump says he wants her to stay......I guess when he gets tired of winning he'll ask for her to step down.

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